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1 minute ago, NSG88 said:

I feel like this is some sort of flattery but thank you!


Well, ever indecisive, while I was out doing yard work, I decided that I’d give you a night to get your revenge. @Ptyrell better not kill me, or he loses my default.

Thank you for the opportunity to light Osens up 

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1 minute ago, Ricer13 said:

Much better game than the mafia played. So yes. If he hasn’t ignited I did so I get just as much responsibility and the second ignite was all me sooooo.... keep talking out your ass Osens ;) 

that sob story about you being emotional only when you are town was good one :)

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1 hour ago, Ricer13 said:

Regardless, still played a better game than the mafia. However @NSG88has made up his mind so GG. 

The hours of scheming that Eagles and I came up with on discord would argue otherwise haha


My proudest I think was pushing a vote for you (who we knew was the arsonist) so that town instead would push Doom, giving you a chance to ignite at night.

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3 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

The hours of scheming that Eagles and I came up with on discord would argue otherwise haha


My proudest I think was pushing a vote for you (who we knew was the arsonist) so that town instead would push Doom, giving you a chance to ignite at night.

That’s pretty sneaky! Although I shouldn’t be surprised when you are tagging up with eagles! Glad he got doused and ignited when he did haha this could have been a much different game haha 

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  • Gustav locked this topic

We convene, and we decide not to yeet anyone again.


Next day phase opening slightly after 11 tomorrow.



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Gustav rolls out of bed, and as expected kills @osens, Salem's favorite Latvian and a GUARDIAN ANGEL, with an ARSONIST.


I should be around to end this phase on time.



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  • Gustav unlocked this topic

Oh wise and benevolent NSG,


After mourning the loss of saint Osens in the night, I humbly seek your blessings this day. Help rid this land from the scourge that plagues us all--an interminable firelust that threatens the very fabric of society.


Today, I will laud your name through poetry and prose, in order to humbly seek your favor.

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10 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

I Don’t want to sit here and beg all day.

I am above no such thing.


N is for noble, a most admirable of traits

S is for school, which he dominates

G is for the graveyard, which he governs with grace

88 is for the number of times I want to vote out ricer's face

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17 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

I am above no such thing.


N is for noble, a most admirable of traits

S is for school, which he dominates

G is for the graveyard, which he governs with grace

88 is for the number of times I want to vote out ricer's face

Don’t forget to vote for me lol

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