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Movies You haven't watched...

Guest Svoboda_3

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Guest Svoboda_3

What is a top movie you are embarrassed having not watched yet?


For me, it's Indiana Jones or any Star Wars movies.

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Like Awful, not embarrassed, just can't be bothered.

Godfather and Forrest Gump, yeah. Most of the Terminators. In light of the convo in the other thread, most Marvel films. And Batman Begins because fuck logic.

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Most of the movies my wife talks about (also really classic ones) surprise her when I say 'Haven't seen it yet'.  So this could be a long list.


But I guess I will go with 'The Godfather'

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Never seen Star Wars. Have only seen the first Terminator (which I did not like). Also have never seen Scarface, Citizen Kane, or The Green Mile.


EDIT: Though, to many people I know, the worst that I have yet to see are ones like Get Him to the Greek, though I have no shame about that one.

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Can't really contribute to this in the traditional way. I go out of my way to try to see pretty much tons. Even sometimes bad movies, just for the laughs. Provided the premise is interesting. But I've gone back and watched old Hitchock black and white films and enjoyed them. Or something from the 60's that is pretty much fantastic like Lawrence of Arabia. 


Anyway there are a few on my list that I do need to get around to watching.



The Sound of Music (not a musical guy)

West Side Story (similar reason)


American Graffitti


Any Indiana Jones Movie

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damn seen all the movies mentioned in this thread love watching movies hard to think of any off the top of my head but for the sake of naming one


Slum Dog Millionaire remember hearing lots of people say good things and it being in the Oscars just never got around to it.

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All are on my list of movies to watch...but anyways:


The Godfather

The Godfather: Part II

Fight Club

Pulp Fiction

The Matrix

Add all of these but Pulp Fiction to my list.

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damn seen all the movies mentioned in this thread love watching movies hard to think of any off the top of my head but for the sake of naming one


Slum Dog Millionaire remember hearing lots of people say good things and it being in the Oscars just never got around to it.


I just began watching a lot of movies last year. Aside from the ones I mentioned and the ones Devise mentioned (-Chinatown, which I have seen), I can't really think of anything that would be a huge gap. Obviously, there's plenty of gaps in what I have seen, but nothing absolutely egregious like those mentioned here.

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I just began watching a lot of movies last year. Aside from the ones I mentioned and the ones Devise mentioned (-Chinatown, which I have seen), I can't really think of anything that would be a huge gap. Obviously, there's plenty of gaps in what I have seen, but nothing absolutely egregious like those mentioned here.


Yeah as douchey as it may sound it really did feel enlightening when I just took a journey back through some of the more old school movies you hear the real old film buffs talk about. Things like Casablanca, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, To Kill A Mocking Bird, Psycho, Sunset BLVD, 2001 A Space Odyessy, etc. I wouldn't say my trip was so fruitful that every movie still holds up as something I actually enjoyed. But I was trying to view it from the perspective of what people would of thought of it at that time. Some of the classics to actually still hold up, but others? I watched like 3 old silent films and that was a weird trip to just learn what a script can do for a film, and also what stories are being told even in the movies we watch now by the smallest little details. 

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Yeah as douchey as it may sound it really did feel enlightening when I just took a journey back through some of the more old school movies you hear the real old film buffs talk about. Things like Casablanca, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, To Kill A Mocking Bird, Psycho, Sunset BLVD, 2001 A Space Odyessy, etc. I wouldn't say my trip was so fruitful that every movie still holds up as something I actually enjoyed. But I was trying to view it from the perspective of what people would of thought of it at that time. Some of the classics to actually still hold up, but others? I watched like 3 old silent films and that was a weird trip to just learn what a script can do for a film, and also what stories are being told even in the movies we watch now by the smallest little details. 


For sure. I've seen a few of those (Cuckoo's Nest, Psycho, and 2001) and all of them certainly feel old, but in particular, Psycho really holds up. When it comes to 2001, I actually liked it, but the coolest part for me has been watching sci-fi films since then and being like "(that was in 2001, that was in 2001, that was in 2001."


I still want to watch some of old silent films, like Charlie Chaplin stuff and Metropolis, but just have to convince myself that I truly want to. I think they'd be interesting from a film history aspect, but I need to be in the right mood for that.

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As a film guy this thread makes me cringe. But, at the same time, I can add to it.


I actually get this, although I'm not a "film guy" at all. I'm a "book guy" which in our society, is even worse for making me cringe at what people haven't read. However, as I have watched probably less than 20% of the movies in this thread (nor do I have any shame in saying so) I can see from other people's perspectives how it's reasonable for books as a medium not to interest them, just as movies as a medium don't interest me.

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