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Claimed:Staying In Green

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COLOGNE, Germany


Young goalie star for the Cologne Express, Blaine Olynick, looks to have made up his mind on where he would like to provide his goaltending expertise. As of last night, General Manager Alexander Schneider announced Olynick signed a five year contract extension with Cologne. Before this news broke, there was a period of uncertainty in Cologne where they might've been without a starting goaltender. This cloudiness cleared away after GM Schneider told the press there was a done deal between the two parties.


The contract extends to the last eligible season of Olynick's career in the VHL. Thus, giving them a starting goaltender for the next five years. Fans felt insulted by Olynick's lack of faith in his team. Citing the slow rebuild process of the team, he expected winning seasons to come much quicker than they are currently. However, the Cologne Express see themselves sitting with the last playoff spot in the European Conference with fourteen wins, tied with the Riga Reign in that column. It seems as if Olynick's loss of faith came a little bit premature after taking a look at these stats.


"I was trying to only do what I thought was best for my career as a professional, and in no way was I trying to insult the way the team is run. I love this team, and I love the city of Cologne. This is the place I want to stay for the rest of my career, and I see myself staying here for good," said Olynick in an interview with TSN.




After a dismal rookie season, Blaine was looking to improve his play in the off season. He worked with NHL goaltending coaches in order to better his skills and to heal from his first ever grueling seventy-two game VHL schedule. With the added pressure of a losing team and dwindling fan presence at home games, playing games became more of a chore than a treat for him. With the new blood coming into the line up, and the acquisition of Logan Laich provides a leader that can step into Collier's shoes upon his eventual departure from the team. These changes from last season could've influenced his decision to stay in Cologne.


"Obviously, the guys that are currently in the team with me have been a huge help in my decision to stay. They're such a collection of characters that I can't see myself playing with anyone else, in a different sweater, in a different town," said Olynick. Since the start of the season, the attendance has been already higher than last season, the mood of the locker room is very positive, and the future looks even brighter for these warriors in green and the city of Cologne. Have no fear, Cologne! Olynick is still here!


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Victor, on 04 Aug 2014 - 2:52 PM, said:snapback.png

How does Green feel about that?


At first it felt a bit weird, but I figured if my wife can carry a child, I can carry Olynick as well. So it's all good.





Funny you picked him, as it was one of the two player choices I listed as my future player (even though I was already sure I was going with O'Malley

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  • Senior Admin

Well thats lame. Prob wont recreate then too much work to make one guy let alone forced to retire after 8 seasons of hard work.


I think by the time you reach the end of that 8 seasons, you'll have a different view. Higgins recently retired (he was a goalie) and he literally had nowhere else to put the TPE he was earning. He had all attributes at 99 so he had to bank whatever he got, getting no benefit from it. So if we let everyone keep 99 overall players forever, they would eventually stop doing point tasks, etc. and we would run out of content! 


There are other benefits too but thats just one off the top of my head.

Edited by Draper
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I think by the time you reach the end of that 8 seasons, you'll have a different view. Higgins recently retired (he was a goalie) and he literally had nowhere else to put the TPE he was earning. He had all attributes at 99 so he had to bank whatever he got, getting no benefit from it. So if we let everyone keep 99 overall players forever, they would eventually stop doing point tasks, etc. and we would run out of content!

There are other benefits too but thats just one off the top of my head.

Regress them like older players do. I dunno im gunna put hundreds of hours into building a guy just to watch him retire without a choice. An i want to build a HOFer i doubt my guy will have the same offensive punch in majors for awhille an will probably only get going later in his career. Which means he will get overlooked because hes not 100point player Edited by Gooningitup
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  • Senior Admin

Content: 3/3

It think you made the right decision here. Rookie goaltender on a rebuilding team has got to be tough. I can understand your frustration, but I think you made the right call to wait it out. 


Grammar: 2/2



Appearance: 1/1

Looks good.


Overal: 6/6

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