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What a fun tournament the S80 World Cup of Hockey was this season. I was fortunate enough to be asked by the WCOH commissioning team ( @bigAL & @Ricer13) to take on Team Canada and while I thought my odds could be good to win, after looking at the other rosters I wasn't too sure. After my hiring, I quickly hired my assistant GM  ( @Alex_J32) and we got to work discussing the rosters and who would be selected.


After the first sim, we were 2-2-0. Sims were okay but not at all what I expected. I expected at least 3-1, so this meant shit was real. @MexicanCow123 was nice enough to hold off on sims so I could finish work to get in lines - thanks, buddy - and boy was I ever happy we did. I studied the games, other teams rosters and made up what I thought could maybe beat the other teams while also getting our amazing back up @Trunkxolotl some games in. We ended up finishing the tournament 6-3-1, which was good enough for 1st place.  Not only did @Domg5 score the game winner in OT against Nordic to win the GOLD MEDAL BABY... but he was also lights out in the leading the team with goals through the round robin with 9 g in 10 GP... Groovy Good lead with 17 points! Our entire forward system absolutely slayed it and our defensive core absolutely killed it as their points ranged from 9 points to 14 and 16 led by @Frank and @fishy #FF.


It was an awesome surprise to be part of this tournament again. I can't even put a number to how many times I've been part of the WJC or WCOH and I definitely have quite a few different colours of medals around my neck now. Thanks to everyone involved. The shit talking as super light hearted and down to earth, everyone was a good sport and @MexicanCow123 did a greta job simulating for the first time. GOOD JOB GUYS! Thanks for letting me be part of it :cheers:



jonathan toews canada GIF

Edited by Banackock
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