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Why come back to the VHL Kendrick?


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I was recently asked why I came back to the VHL. It didn't sound like a question laced with negative tones but more so a question that legit was wondering what got me back. Well first off, because I will always be a Hockey fan so it's the sport that primarily got me back. Second off, I've been in this league since day one and though life can throw curveballs at you and you have to take those pitches head on, some things for enjoyment never really leave. For example writing stories and news articles about a fictitious hockey player isn't really that boring, nor is it nerdy. It's no different than authors writing stories about vampires and teen conspiracy theories about werewolves. I simply gave a lot to this league and the fact it's still around is an ode too many members for keeping it going through some of the dark years and battles. Plus making a Be-A-Pro in NHL 2022 can sometimes respire that energy you need to pour into making a VHL player. I genuinely enjoy this place and the people who are in it. But also looking back and seeing number retirements and HOF members who have come back brings me hope that its something passed on for generations. At this stage someone here has to have a kid that's 15 years old on the site? Do we have a second generation member yet?

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On 1/29/2022 at 12:33 PM, Kendrick said:

Do we have a second generation member yet?


I believe there is at least one father-son combo (or maybe uncle-cousin?) but I couldn't tell you what their usernames are. I don't think there are any "second generation" members like you mean though.


Nice to have you back!

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6 hours ago, Kendrick said:

Boys the crew is still here! Weeee here

More day 1 members than we’ve had in years. Though we took the finances from @sterling so he’s probably gone

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Oldest son is 7 at the moment, so no second generation member there yet. He has no idea what this is and I rather keep it like that for a while :)  They're already hijacking the ps4 and tv so lets keep the pc mine for a while. 

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On 2/1/2022 at 4:30 PM, JardyB10 said:

Slobo's kid has to be old enough to join by now. Maybe Bushito's as well.

Slobo's kid is old enough but probably not interested. I will say this, Slobo and I communicate almost every week and his kid is a fucking all-star, no joke.

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