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    I want to be respectful as possible here because it is such a minor thing to be complaining about. I would like to request that the VSN Crew gets its purple color back for the role on Discord.


    When the moderation team made their most recent hires they made the executive decision to just take away the role color that VSN had for so long and are now using it as their own. This hasn’t sat right with VSN members since the change happened.


      VSN members spend a large portion of their time producing content for this league. If you haven’t read many of the articles or seen any of the art work I implore you to go read through and have a look at some of the work that members in our very own league are producing. Now I am not suggesting at all that the moderation team isn’t working just as hard dealing with matters throughout the league. This however shouldn’t give them the right to take something so simple from another faction of the league that works equally as hard. 

    So I ask, Please! Can the members of the VSN have their purple role color back? They deserve that tiny little bit of recognition for the hard work that they do.


Thank you,



  • Moderator
5 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

    I want to be respectful as possible here because it is such a minor thing to be complaining about. I would like to request that the VSN Crew gets its purple color back for the role on Discord.


    When the moderation team made their most recent hires they made the executive decision to just take away the role color that VSN had for so long and are now using it as their own. This hasn’t sat right with VSN members since the change happened.


      VSN members spend a large portion of their time producing content for this league. If you haven’t read many of the articles or seen any of the art work I implore you to go read through and have a look at some of the work that members in our very own league are producing. Now I am not suggesting at all that the moderation team isn’t working just as hard dealing with matters throughout the league. This however shouldn’t give them the right to take something so simple from another faction of the league that works equally as hard. 

    So I ask, Please! Can the members of the VSN have their purple role color back? They deserve that tiny little bit of recognition for the hard work that they do.


Thank you,




I support this #bringbackred

  • Commissioner

VSN does not need a role colour. The mods didn't make the decision to modify the colours unilaterally either, it was a joint decision. 


With the addition of a whole new category of commissioners and GMs we don't have many distinct colour choices left and the simplest thing is to only have colours for those in management positions. 

As someone who if I do nothing bad I get to a chance to be a mod in 5 years (thanks dil for the opportunity) I don’t like your opinion ricer.

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