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A tale of two Brothers // The saga continues

Daniel Janser

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Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats)


As the season is in full swing, please find the summaries of the latest games with Janser participation.




The Vasteras met their brethren (though @Shindigs might dispute that part) from Stockholm in an all-Swedish clash of (Vikinghelmet)-Horns. The Iron Eagles sealed the deal in the second period by two goals from Bridgers and Gonçalves, which remained the only goals scored. Both teams put a lot of effort in the defensive side of hockey, demonstrated by the football score in hockey game. The three stars went to Gaming (25 saves), Bridgers (1g/1a) and Gonçalves (1g/1a). Gaming obviously had the upperhand with a shutout against an almost equally good Parise (.947). Vasteras powerplay was a flop (0/5) but their penalty kill made somewhat up for it (1/1).

Marcel was recorded with 0g, 0a, +1, 5 PIM (Fighting, no powerplay) and 1sb




The second game was against Istanbul and ended in a 5-3 win for the Swedish outfit. The first period ended 1-1, with Vladovechsenkchushkin being successful for Vasteras two minutes before the intermission. The second period was also a standoff, this time 2-2. Vasteras' goals were scored by Chang and Snakehole, both in power play. In the third the Eagles delivered the dagger in shape of Young with an other power play goal and Bridgers one minute before the horn. Sakamoto (1g/1a), Chang (1g/1a) and Young (1g/1a). Both netminders had a rather mediocre performance with Gaming (.875) losing against Young (.886). Vasteras' powerplay was good (3/11) and their box play perfect (5/5).

Marcel had 0g, 0a, -1, 7 PIM (Fighting, Holding, no effect on the score) and 1sb




The only game for Calgary in this session was against the perpetual cup favourite Seattle Bears. Calgary's young studs were able to keep the Seattle veterans in check for more than half the game and it took a power play situation for the Bears to get on the score sheet. They followed up in the third with two more goals (again one in power play), before Calgary spoiled Flex' potential shutout by a goal from Kotkakoivu. The three stars went to Chara (1g/2a), Flex (27 saves) and Torq (1g/0a). Both goalkeepers showed allstar-worthy performance with Flex (.964) having the edge over Blazevicius (.921).  The Wranglers' special teams were atrocious with the power play once more being inefficient (0/6) and the box play allowing too much to the playoff-tempered Bears (3/5).

Daniel had 0g, 0a, +0, 3 hits and 44.83 FO%


The Brothers' stats so far:

Marcel 10gp, 2g, 3a, 5pts, +5, 24 PIM, 14 hits, 9sb, 1gwg, 2ppg

Daniel 10gp, 3g, 1a, 4pts, +1, 4 PIM, 12 hits, 5sb, 1ppg and 57.87 FO%


We will revert with updates in due course, in the interim, please find previous/related articles listed below.









GM 35: Vasteras Iron Eagles vs. Stockholm Vikings (vhlportal.com)

GM 37: Istanbul Red Wolves vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com)

GM 74: Seattle Bears vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com)


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10 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

The Vasteras met their brethren (though @Shindigs might dispute that part) from Stockholm

I mean Västerås desperately wishes they were Stockholm, so close enough.

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