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Is it time to fire Helsinki GM's?


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4 hours ago, jhatty8 said:

@jRuutu why do you feel the need to write and defend a lengthy hitpiece when a DM could solve most of these issues?

And deprive the league of forum content? Nonsense! We’re nearly at two pages here.


EDIT: Boom, nailed it.

Edited by JardyB10
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7 hours ago, nurx said:

Over pressers??? You understand that we have real lives. Plus Hatter does a lot for VSN. If your number one concern is that management needs to do pressers to convenience you, I fear for how you react in life. I understand that it is part of the job under current expectations, but a lot of us have other things we do in this community that might be a bit more important than pressers. 

While I do appreciate the support, me working for VSN probably shouldn't be a part of this conversation in the sense that if it's interfering with my ability to complete AGM duties then I should resign from one or the other; the league doesn't need people doing two jobs half-assed, when there are more than enough people interested in learning management. 


That being said, whether or not the level at which I was performing my duties constitutes being half-assed could be up for debate haha. 

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On 5/2/2022 at 2:47 AM, jRuutu said:

When I look at the Helsinki Titans roster and then look at other teams in the European division, it's painfully obvious that the Titans are not playing as well as they could. You perhaps can't trust the TPE/TPA number as much nowadays, but seeing Titans with 20 points and a team like London with 38 shows that something is going on. The general managers in Helsinki have done a solid job in putting themselves into a position where they have great players on the roster. No matter how you twist it and turn it around - Titans is a team with the potential to at very least make the playoffs and give a tough match to any team in this league. However, at the moment, Helsinki is not even making the playoffs.  For some mysterious reason, the management has decided to just call it a day. Very little is done. There is no urgency.  Almost as if the management does not even look at the roster or portal after each sim to see if this was a good or bad result.  Did the team play as well as it could? Almost as if the management put the lines together at the start of the season and decided to just roll with it, no need to make that many changes: ''perhaps it's the new builds, perhaps other teams are just better?'' That type of calm and calculated approach is maybe fine in a team that does not have that many players, but in a team like Helsinki? 


There appears to be no real plan in place. Or if there is, the plan is a mysterious one. It takes 25 games into the season for the suits to come down, and state that changes are going to happen. Backup games with the bot are thrown in almost randomly. The bot is in the net when we play the division rivals. Six players have their contracts running out after this season. The press conference questions are not done until someone says something about it. Then when they do get posted, the questions are shit. Captaincy thread is not done.  I have maybe asked this before, but I'm going to ask it again: how do you get fired as a GM?


If the talk about upcoming cap trouble for many teams is true - what is going to happen if six players from Helsinki show up to the free agency market?


For some reason, I'm under the impression that there is a lot of competition for GM jobs in VHL, is that still true? I have to think it can't be true. There is no way the level of GMing I see in Helsinki is fine for a VHL team if there is real competition.  


But who am I to say anything? I'm just a player. Perhaps there is a plan in place that is being followed. Perhaps the management knows the roster and users well enough to say that press conferences are not needed, or that questions can be whatever, the players will find other ways to earn TPE. Perhaps captaincy threads are things of the past and not needed. Perhaps lines are good enough as they are at the beginning of the season, the team is just not good enough, and others are better. Perhaps it does not matter when you throw the backup in. There is plenty of time for contract talks after the season.


Hey listen im the controversy man so i have to say yes. Fire that awful GM

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