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2014-2015 NHL Discussion


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Yes because their good lmao.

That's not what we are saying. We are saying that their level of play in the playoffs is consistent. Whereas some teams are good for one year and seem to come back down to earth. Its a consistent pattern in both parties.

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5.5 is a tad much for him. Not sure he is worth the money Dan Girardi, Oliver Edman-Larsson, Duncan Keith are.

Well all three of those guys are lifers and are taking huge pay cuts, Keith could easily be making just as much as Weber but chooses not too.

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5.5 is a tad much for him. Not sure he is worth the money Dan Girardi, Oliver Edman-Larsson, Duncan Keith are.

it's the new nhl, those contracts were signed before that.


And Dan Girardi isn't that good. 

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it's the new nhl, those contracts were signed before that.


And Dan Girardi isn't that good. 

It must be because Keith Yandle is his teammate...haha oh god. Dan Girardi is better than you think. However I find Habs fans don't really have a concept of value from time to time. Perry despite going into the new NHL is not worth 5.5, sorry.

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The blindness is fantastic. You guys overvalue every player to come through so much that it's funny when you get angry/sad that your team fails in the postseason. 


You say Girardi sucks but I don't know if you've ever seen Petry's numbers, they look like an AHL call-ups. You said Yandle sucks, but somehow the guy has been a 1st pairing defensemen his entire career, put up solid numbers and is worth 5.5. Just because they pull on a Habs uniform does not make them god, it makes them a Hab. I'd hate to see you as a GM if you think Jeff Petry's 81 points in 314 games and -68 career numbers are 5.5 Million dollars worth, come on guys.

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I didn't said he sucks, I said he wasn't THAT good (since you've put his name with Keith and OEL)


Kendrick changing my words, whats new. 

You just changed my words though. I put Yandle as a #1 pairing, I never listed names. Practice what you preach sunshine.

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You just changed my words though. I put Yandle as a #1 pairing, I never listed names. Practice what you preach sunshine.

I'm speaking of Girardi

I stil lthink that having Yandle on a 1st line pairing is a flaw. 

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I'm speaking of Girardi

I stil lthink that having Yandle on a 1st line pairing is a flaw. 

And I'm saying Girardi is good and you don't see value in what he gives. Petry hardly gives you 5.5 worth of value at all, therefore it's an overpayment, regardless of "todays NHL" or not.


Yandle is a first pairing guy and showed it even when getting traded to NYR. He was very valuable in NYR all playoff run, especially with a knicked up McDonaugh and Boyle.

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so tell me Kendrick, why Marc Bergevin gave to Jeff Petry 5,5M ? How much should he really have ?

Boychuk signend for 6M, Leddy for 5,5M Methot 5M Scandella 4M Braun 4M

Edited by boubabi
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Tanev and Brodie are both less and they both are better than Petry. 



Though Petry is extremely underrated, his stats suck but the team he also played on sucked. For MTL he was arguably their best defender in the playoffs. He also would've gotten that number in FA. 

Edited by Munk
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Tanev and Brodie are both less and they both are better than Petry. 



Though Petry is extremely underrated, his stats suck but the team he also played on sucked. For MTL he was arguably their best defender in the playoffs. He also would've gotten that number in FA. 

Tanev better than Petry ?




Have you seen him in Montreal ?

edit : nvm

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I would've given him 4.5 tops. Tanev is better than Petry, he has shown a more consistent game. Petry has poor numbers for a guy getting 5.5 now. I can't think for Marc Bergevin, hell I wouldn't want to be in his position and I like the guy. However Petry isn't worth 5.5. I'm not saying he wouldn't get 5.5 in FA, I'm saying he isn't a defenseman who is worth 5.5. Much like how I don't think Ryan Clowe is worth anything over 3 Million.


I get the whole "Petry has been on bad teams, so his numbers suck" so you/we give him a pass. However then I can argue that you aren't really given Yandle a pass because he was on shit defensive teams.

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Kendrick is starting to understand how a unrestricted free agent works. If you would have paid a bit more attention, my first post was "5,5M ew" which means that I wasn't pleased with that price but the market being what it is, I'm glad we could grab him at that price, which is fair for both side.

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Kendrick is starting to understand how a unrestricted free agent works. If you would have paid a bit more attention, my first post was "5,5M ew" which means that I wasn't pleased with that price but the market being what it is, I'm glad we could grab him at that price, which is fair for both side.

What an arrogant statement. I know how a RFA and UFA work. However I said Petry isn't worth 5.5 million, I never said he wouldn't get that in the open market. Essentially all I did was agree with your post. In the end all you did was start an argument over me agreeing with you that 5.5 is Ew.

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