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10 hours ago, rory said:

Action 4: I beat up on poor old Bruno


EXP share on Ponyta after Onix dies


Ivysaur razor leafs until dead

Gengar thunders 👻



"Another victim here to witness my raw power?! Prepare yourself...


You challenge Bruno!


Ivysaur one-shots Onix and 2 shots Poliwrath

Machamp Punches and Skull Bashes Gengar, but it has no effect!


You have defeated Bruno! You hear crying as you walk away.


Ivysaur gains 3 levels

Ponyta gains 10 levels

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7 hours ago, Doomsday said:


Alakazam: 27 -> 30

Exeggutor: 23 -> 25


Action 4: Sabrina opens the door to Bruno's room with her mind, and ignores his cantankerous tirade.


Exeggutor holds the Sitrus Berry

Alakazam holds the Oran Berry


Exeggutor vs Onix: Solar Beam

Exeggutor vs Poliwrath: Solar Beam

Exeggutor vs Machamp: Psychic

Alakazam vs Machamp: Psychic

If needed, Poliwag will bravely be murdered after an attack. 

You walk in to find Bruno weeping. "Oh no.. Not another one... Please I can't..."


Without a word, Exeggutor uses Solar Beam on Onix. 336 Damage and a one hit KO!

Poliwrath uses Hydro Pump. Exeggutor munches the Sitrus Berry to fully heal, then unleashes another devastating Solar Beam!


Machamp comes out punching dynamically. It's not very effective. Exeggutor gets a Psychic attack off before fainting.

Next Alakazam uses psychic. 167 Damage finishes Machamp off!


You walk away having defeated Bruno. He appears to be unconscious on the floor.


Exeggutor gains 10 levels

Alakazam gains 5 levels


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41 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You find...


Geodude lv 18

Onix lv 14

Geodude lv 14

Catch geodude lvl 18, poke ball then great balls.


Xp share unequip

Exeggcute mega drains onix and geodude

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Trade time!


@JardyB10receives kadabra

@OrbitingDeathreceives weepinbell


And trade back after evolution, as jardy and weepinbell are inseperatable.

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Action 4 explore mount moon


Exeggcute attacks all with mega drain

If he faints gyarados hydro pumps

Edited by OrbitingDeath
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Buy 3 great balls

Action 5: fishing


Catch the highest dratini first , then squirtle if they appear

Otherwise pikachu attacks the rest, with thunderbolt or if bellsprout appears, then gyarados with hurricane

Edited by OrbitingDeath
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18 minutes ago, OrbitingDeath said:

Trade time!


@JardyB10receives kadabra

@OrbitingDeathreceives weepinbell


And trade back after evolution, as jardy and weepinbell are inseperatable.

Confirm. And with a mouth like that, who could ever give up Weepinbell?

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6 hours ago, Berocka said:

Action 3&4 


Explore the island


Rhyhorn attacks first - rock slide 

Then charmeleon of rhyhorn faints - flamethrower 

Then golem if they both faint - earthquake 

You encounter a Geodude, Machop, Growlithe, and then 2 Ponytas and another Growlithe. 


Rhyhorn beats all 3, and then all 3 again!


Rhyhorn gains 6 levels. You gain $344 and $361

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5 hours ago, Enorama said:

Action 4: Explore Saffron City

Use all pokeballs required to catch a Gastly if one is encountered.

EXP share on Eevee, use Gyrados to kill everything else.

You encounter a lv 12 Gastly! You catch on the 3rd throw.


Gyrados wrecks the meowth and eevee. It gains 2 levels. You gain $197

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18 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You encounter a lv 12 Gastly! You catch on the 3rd throw.


Gyrados wrecks the meowth and eevee. It gains 2 levels. You gain $197


Shouldn't those levels be on the Eevee because of the EXP share I just put on it?

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1 hour ago, OrbitingDeath said:

Catch geodude lvl 18, poke ball then great balls.


Xp share unequip

Exeggcute mega drains onix and geodude

Geodude lv 18

Onix lv 14

Geodude lv 14


Takes 1 pokeball and 1 greatball to catch geodude


Exeggcute executes them both. Gains 6 levels.

You gain $251

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2 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

What's this?



You Pikachu hatches!


In the Safari Zone you find...

Dratini lv 22 

Dratini lv 16

Pikachu lv 19


Quite the find!

Gyarados dragon rush on lv 16 drat + pikachu

throw all my great balls at the lv 22 drat, if no catch, dragon rush

exp share on gastly

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1 hour ago, OrbitingDeath said:

Action 4 explore mount moon


Exeggcute attacks all with mega drain

If he faints gyarados hydro pumps

On Mt Moon, you find a handful of low level Geodudes and Onix. 


Exeggcute defeats them all and gains 3 levels. You gain $345

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1 hour ago, OrbitingDeath said:

Buy 3 great balls

Action 5: fishing


Catch the highest dratini first , then squirtle if they appear

Otherwise pikachu attacks the rest, with thunderbolt or if bellsprout appears, then gyarados with hurricane

Fishing You find

Squirtle lv 18

Magikarp lv 17

Magikarp lv 18


You catch squirtle on the 3rd greatball

Pikachu shocks the magikarp and gains 4 levels

You gain $161

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18 minutes ago, dlamb said:

Gyarados dragon rush on lv 16 drat + pikachu

throw all my great balls at the lv 22 drat, if no catch, dragon rush

exp share on gastly

Dratini lv 22  - you catch on the first throw!

Dratini lv 16

Pikachu lv 19


Pikachu does a fair amount of damage with thubdershock, but Gyarados beats em both. 2 levels to Gastly. $463 earned.

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52 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You find..


Ponyta lv 15

Gastly lv 15

Growlithe lv 21

Great balls then Pokeballs against Growlithe. If balls run out, Geodude throws rocks at it. Geodude will also throw rocks at the Ponyta to death.


The Gastly I want to see some Gastly on Gastly Lick action 👅 👅 👅 🥵


And that’ll be my day, thank you for your service!

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10 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

Great balls then Pokeballs against Growlithe. If balls run out, Geodude throws rocks at it. Geodude will also throw rocks at the Ponyta to death.


The Gastly I want to see some Gastly on Gastly Lick action 👅👅👅🥵


And that’ll be my day, thank you for your service!

You catch Growlithe on the 3rd throw!


Geodude and Gastly have an exceptionally good time with their partners and gain 1 level each.

You gain $271

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52 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

Dratini lv 22  - you catch on the first throw!

Dratini lv 16

Pikachu lv 19


Pikachu does a fair amount of damage with thubdershock, but Gyarados beats em both. 2 levels to Gastly. $463 earned.

coooool, i'll just buy 5 more great balls and work out the day.

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Day 3 concludes!


And no rule changes or special announcements for once!


Day 3 highlights:

- Bruno is defeated! 3 times!

- Lorelei also is defeated!

- The first TM was purchased

- 8 trainers defeated Dragonair


Team Rocket is on the prowl tonight!

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3 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

Day 3 concludes!


And no rule changes or special announcements for once!


Day 3 highlights:

- Bruno is defeated! 3 times!

- Lorelei also is defeated!

- The first TM was purchased

- 8 trainers defeated Dragonair


Team Rocket is on the prowl tonight!

Professor Oak stuffs a Rare Candy in Gyarados mouth before setting up a yurt on the island.

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