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2 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You can only buy starter pokemon with the eggs, which does not include Abra currently (or other Psychic pokemon). Would you like to do something else?


I will scream in anguish while the realization of how screwed I am sets in. 

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Ok @Ptyrell, Plan B.


Action 1: Work



Safari Pass: $400

Ultra Ball x2: $480


(Note: If I earn enough from working, I will purchase a third Ultra Ball if possible.)


Action 2: Explore Safari Zone

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4 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You have $40 remaining


You encounter...


Poliwag lv 11

Magikarp lv 18

Squirtle lv 20


Great ball on the Magikarp

Great ball, then pokeballs on the Poliwag

Bulbasaur Vine Whips the Squirtle


Action 2: Work
Buy Exp Share

If there's enough left over, buy a Great Ball


Action 3: Explore Mt. Moon

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3 minutes ago, Doomsday said:

Ok @Ptyrell, Plan B.


Action 1: Work



Safari Pass: $400

Ultra Ball x2: $480


(Note: If I earn enough from working, I will purchase a third Ultra Ball if possible.)


Action 2: Explore Safari Zone

You earn almost the minimum $506 for working (lol wtf).

You have $26 after your purchases.


In the Safari Zone you discover...


Dratini lv 12

Dratini lv 12

Exeggcute lv 15

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1 minute ago, Ptyrell said:

You earn almost the minimum $506 for working (lol wtf).

You have $26 after your purchases.


In the Safari Zone you discover...


Dratini lv 12

Dratini lv 12

Exeggcute lv 15


Ultra Ball on the Exeggcute


If I catch it, am I able to switch it to use in battle?

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26 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You make $532 working! You buy a fishing Rod for $100. You have $932 remaining.


You fish and encounter....


Dratini lv 19 

Poliwag lv 15

Magikarp lv 15

Pokeballs for magikarp

If any left, throw em at dratini 

Bulbasaur Vine whips poliwag

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18 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


Great ball on the Magikarp

Great ball, then pokeballs on the Poliwag

Bulbasaur Vine Whips the Squirtle


Action 2: Work
Buy Exp Share

If there's enough left over, buy a Great Ball


Action 3: Explore Mt. Moon


18 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


Great ball on the Magikarp

Great ball, then pokeballs on the Poliwag

Bulbasaur Vine Whips the Squirtle


Action 2: Work
Buy Exp Share

If there's enough left over, buy a Great Ball


Action 3: Explore Mt. Moon

You catch magikarp and poliwag on the first try for both


Bulbasaur Vine Whips Squirtle silly while Squirtle tries a combination of watering the plant and tackling it.


Bulbasaur gains 5 levels and Evolves to Ivysaur!

You gain $112!


You earn $587 working


You buy exp share and a great ball


You encounter....


Onix lv 19

Geodude lv 14

Onix lv 19

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15 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:


You catch magikarp and poliwag on the first try for both


Bulbasaur Vine Whips Squirtle silly while Squirtle tries a combination of watering the plant and tackling it.


Bulbasaur gains 5 levels and Evolves to Ivysaur!

You gain $112!


You earn $587 working


You buy exp share and a great ball


You encounter....


Onix lv 19

Geodude lv 14

Onix lv 19


Put Exp Share on Magikarp


Poliwag uses Water Gun on the Geodude

Ivysaur uses Razor Leaf on both Onix

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1 hour ago, Ptyrell said:

You earn $524 working! After buying 3 pokeballs you have $724


On route 1 you encounter...


Bulbasaur lv 11

Ekans lv 20

Bellsprout lv 15

Catch Bulbasour with pokeballs 

Catch Ekans with pokeballs 

Fight Bellsprout with Charmander using Ember. 

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49 minutes ago, Enorama said:

Action 1: Work

Purchase Fishing Rod

Purchase 5x Poke Balls

Action 2: Go fishing

You work hard and earn $620! You have $520 after your purchases.


You fish and catch...


Dratini lv 12

Magikarp lv 12

Magikarp lv 15


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19 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You've got $237 remaining


While fishing You catch....


Poliwag lv 18

Magikarp lv 20

Poliwag lv 14

Catch Magikarp with pokeballs

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7 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You catch Exeggcute on the first try!


Yes it is immediately available for battles


Exeggcute will immediately get to work using Confusion on both Dratinis

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37 minutes ago, dlamb said:


Pokeballs for magikarp

If any left, throw em at dratini 

Bulbasaur Vine whips poliwag

You catch magikarp on the 2nd try

You use 3 balls on dratini but are unsuccessful. You can still battle him if you want.


Bulbasaur Whips poliwag silly and has 35.85 hp left. Would you like to try your shot at fighting dratini?

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37 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

Action 1: Work

Buy: Fishing Rod

Action 2: Go Fishing

You slave all day at your minimum wage job and earn $502. You have $902 after buying a Fishing Rod.


To relax after earning crap tips at McDonalds, you fish and catch...


Poliwag lv 12

Magikarp lv 18

Poliwag lv 16

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3 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You slave all day at your minimum wage job and earn $502. You have $902 after buying a Fishing Rod.


To relax after earning crap tips at McDonalds, you fish and catch...


Poliwag lv 12

Magikarp lv 18

Poliwag lv 16

-Catch magikarp with poke balls.

-attack poliwag lv 12 with Meowth.

-Let Poliwag lv 16 flee 

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37 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


Put Exp Share on Magikarp


Poliwag uses Water Gun on the Geodude

Ivysaur uses Razor Leaf on both Onix

Poliwag defeats geodude. 4 levels go to Magikarp


Ivysaur 1 shots both onix. 4 more levels to Magikarp.


Magikarp Evolves into Gyarados!


You earn $378.

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