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GM Connected was garbage, but the removal of EASHL is bullshit. I suspect it had something to do with getting the new physics engine to work with every player on the ice, it's not in the PS3/360 versions which is why they still have EASHL. Either way, I'll be skipping an NHL game for the first time since NHL 99.

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packs will be getting a 35% price increase to cover costs of "eashl committee"


hard to justify spending $70 when they take half the game out  :lol:

Edited by Draper
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They made damn sure to get HUT ready for next gen.


HUT doesn't need to have the physics working on every single player who are all on different connections without lagging and all sorts of other bullshit.


Also it doesn't make as much money as HUT.

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I'm in the very early stages of making a youtube channel for Heroes of the Storm a new MOBA (LoL, Dota, Hon, Smite, etc) by Blizzard Entertainment.  Its currently in the Alpha stages with a possible beta announcement at Blizzcon in November (december? something like that).  If anyone is into Mobas or would like to check out some footage from the new game here is a link to the channel.




Thumbs up the videos, leave a comment, or better yet subscribe to the channel for me.  If you have some gamer friends that you think might be interested share as well please via the twitters or the facebooks.

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I really hope 2K sports gets involved and makes a new hockey game. They'll never outsell EA, but god damn I would love to see what they can do on the new gen. 2K8 and 2K10 were both solid gams of hockey. 


Same with football, 2K5 is still my favorite nfl game ever. 

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Just pre-ordered standard version of Madden 15 on PS4.  Anyone else getting it other than the possible fake yes by Munk?

I'm actually thinking about getting it, since I won't be getting NHL. Last one I got was 10 and I liked it a lot. 

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I've owned every NHL since 06 and I'm seriously thinking I might not buy 15.


I play NHL the most out of all my games and played 100 in HUT and over 1000 in OTP/EASHL in 14. Bought a bunch of boosts day 1 and spent a bunch on HUT (i know, stupid). But, I dunno, I really hope I can tough it out and give EA the finger for what they did.


Have Forza, Far Cry and  Assassins pre-ordered so I've got that going which is nice.

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I get that it sucks they cut features out, but man I"m still going to get NHL this year once I get a PS4. The new presentation and commentary team with some of the other minor tweaks is enough for me. I dabbled with HuT a few times in the NHL series but never really got into it. I hate online play in those games. I prefer playing a more "realistic" hockey experience and any of the online play modes I find don't provide that at all. 


The base game certainly can have it's flaws with AI logic, but they have gotten better at feeling like a real hockey game with real hockey strategies as they have went on. As much as I love the Be A Pro mode seasons just take way to fucking long. And you get penalized for simming. I've probably spent the majority of my time in Be A GM. I can play some games and have some fun that way, and then sim through. I generally always fantasy draft and build a team from scratch as well. 

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To each his own but I find the AI terrible in NHL. Playing with a good team of 4-6 people is much more realistic and fun in EASHL imo.

They can't win me own with stupid cosmetic changes like new announcers, green screen and jerseys that move, while removing multiple key modes.

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So I'm going to get my PS4 this thursday. And I'm probably going to pay like.. 100-150$ for it ^^ I found a site where they gave the trade-ins values of differents stores. I looked through all my games/consoles and according to this site, I have 500$ worth of consoles and games, of course if I go trade all of this, I'm pretty sure that I'll get like 300$.


My question is what games to buy. I'm going to have TLoU : Remastered with the system, but I'm probably going to have enough money to buy 1 or 2 other games. Don't know if I want to pre-order or buy one now.

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