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I played that beta that was available a couple weeks before launch, which would've been pretty much identical to the retail version.


Yeah I can't judge that since i didn't play the beta but I saw a let's play of two guys playing the beta who seemed to struggle with the handling of their car quite a bit while I haven't experienced any of that. Maybe they just sucked, but I'd say it's at least possible that the developers managed to get some improvements in last minute.

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Ness is my go-to, I'm shit with everybody else, except maybe Toon Link.  I used to be pretty good with Captain Falcon on Melee too, but he was nerfed on Brawl so I pretty much used Ness exclusively, and now I basically can't play with anyone else.


In other news, I stole the Telltale Game of Thrones game today.  It was solid, very GoT-ish.  There's only the one episode out right now though, so it's short as fuck.  And even replaying it, the decisions you make are mostly pointless for right now.  There's a couple scenarios I haven't tried yet, but something tells me it won't matter.  I'll probably give it one more play through where I just try to be as big of an asshole/retard as possible.


But yeah, overall an awesome game if you're a GoT fan, but leaves you wishing they would just release all the episodes at once...

Telltale Game of Thrones was excellent. Definitely going to be getting all the other episodes when they come.


I was planning on doing an asshole playthrough as well just to see what happens. Although, I also wanted to do that with The Walking Dead and never got around to it.

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Got Shadow of Mordor for Christmas and have been playing it almost non-stop; such a great game. Got it completely done this afternoon (100% and the platinum trophy) with just under 30 hours played. Trying to decide now if the DLC is worth it.

This amazes me.  I still have Skyrim sitting unfinished after owning it for a year now.  I slowly pick my way through it.  Completing a wole 30 hours worth of gaming in a week is unheard of in my life.

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This amazes me. I still have Skyrim sitting unfinished after owning it for a year now. I slowly pick my way through it. Completing a wole 30 hours worth of gaming in a week is unheard of in my life.

2 weeks off work + PSN Down + Single Player game + Nothing else to do = 30 hour completion.

Honestly, it was such a fun game that I did a 10 hour session the first night without even noticing. Had the PSN been up though I probably would have been doing some other stuff. It came back after the first 20 hours but at that point the story missions were done and the completionist in my head was telling me to finish haha

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This amazes me.  I still have Skyrim sitting unfinished after owning it for a year now.  I slowly pick my way through it.  Completing a wole 30 hours worth of gaming in a week is unheard of in my life.


Damn, Skyrim is certainly not a ideal game for someone with a lot of time constraints ;)...

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I rattled off the ~35 hours for the Shadow of Mordor plat over the course of about four days. And that was with work on one of those days. I really don't get out a ton lol

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Damn, Skyrim is certainly not a ideal game for someone with a lot of time constraints ;)...


No kidding. Honestly, I finally just turned on a few of the cheats so that I could enjoy the storyline and not have to grind my way through a bunch of levelling up skills and crap.  Back in the day I would have loved that stuff, but just don't have time for it any longer.  Still really enjoying though, particularly since I picked it up for $5 on Steam.


My next purchase is likely to be something like The Long Dark, though my fre computer is on its last legs so I'll need to upgrade that first.

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Dragon Age Inquisition is a good game, would recommend!


 I wish they would make more games with co-op story online like Skyrim or DA... I love dis shit and playing two players couch co-op back in the day was the most fun and still is. 

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Telltale Game of Thrones was excellent. Definitely going to be getting all the other episodes when they come.


I was planning on doing an asshole playthrough as well just to see what happens. Although, I also wanted to do that with The Walking Dead and never got around to it.


It's on my wishlist. Really excited about GoT Telltale.


I've played the Walking Dead series... I fucking LOVE them. So much better than the show itself. It Bludgeons it in the brain, in fact. Even wrote a steam review for Season 2. That's how much I loved it. 


Just started playing South Park: The Stick of Truth. Only 2 hours of game time in. It's fucking hilarious.


Skyrim? One character, 175 gaming hours :(


I also got Borderlands: Presequel over the holidays and have already logged over 40 hours on it. Exactly what you would expect based on the first two... except some of the side missions are made me lol irl (I think they say burst of laughing in the real world). 

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This amazes me.  I still have Skyrim sitting unfinished after owning it for a year now.  I slowly pick my way through it.  Completing a wole 30 hours worth of gaming in a week is unheard of in my life.



Dragon Age Inquisition is a good game, would recommend!


 I wish they would make more games with co-op story online like Skyrim or DA... I love dis shit and playing two players couch co-op back in the day was the most fun and still is. 



When I got Dragon Age: Inquisition I played it 30 hours in the first 4 or something days. It was ridiculous how much I was into that game initially. I still love it, but I took a break from playing so damn much because I needed to go out again. I was staying in a lot for that week because of that game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like Romanes I am also enjoying The Crew. The driving feels just fine, and the gigantic open world nature of it really appeals to me. The car customization stuff is also interesting and deep enough that I feel like I can put my own personal touch on it. I don't love all the mission designs, and the story is generic hot garbage thus far but I really do enjoy being able to just drive around in that open world. I think I've used fast travel maybe once, to quickly check out a tuner in another major city, normally I just drive to whatever objectives/stuff I'm doing. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like Romanes I am also enjoying The Crew. The driving feels just fine, and the gigantic open world nature of it really appeals to me. The car customization stuff is also interesting and deep enough that I feel like I can put my own personal touch on it. I don't love all the mission designs, and the story is generic hot garbage thus far but I really do enjoy being able to just drive around in that open world. I think I've used fast travel maybe once, to quickly check out a tuner in another major city, normally I just drive to whatever objectives/stuff I'm doing. 

I just checked out the trailer for this now. It looks like a bigger Midnight Club setting? How big is the map(s)? Compare it to another sandbox game.

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Tough to say Sterling. Romanes said he sped across the entire land map and it took him about an hour. But I feel it's pretty big. I just like the variety/freedom of it, and the ability to kind of go and do what I want when I want. Mechanically I think it's pretty good, and as a typical Ubisoft game there is tons to do, even if some of it is kind of filler. 


But I'd say the map feels/seems about as big if not bigger than typical sandbox games. I'd put on par with something like Skyrim. 

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Tough to say Sterling. Romanes said he sped across the entire land map and it took him about an hour. But I feel it's pretty big. I just like the variety/freedom of it, and the ability to kind of go and do what I want when I want. Mechanically I think it's pretty good, and as a typical Ubisoft game there is tons to do, even if some of it is kind of filler. 


But I'd say the map feels/seems about as big if not bigger than typical sandbox games. I'd put on par with something like Skyrim. 


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