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The Professional Era Has Begun


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Your nonsense is unrelated. Please take yourself somewhere else and learn how to be more professional.


A professional would address situations as a professional, whereas you on the other hand just shoo people away that question you and don't buy into the bull shit, the people who have questions... You aren't interested in those people, you just want the sheep to bob their heads and follow you like little soldiers, no questions asked. -_-


It's safe to say I have fully exposed this organization of "professional" "business" "men".

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I'm pretty sure we were all already professionals in some shape or form, PIM stands for Professionally Injuring Motherfuckers right?


I don't think I've ever seen a player get injured in the VHL, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. Someone's got to be the first one to do it.

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I don't think I've ever seen a player get injured in the VHL, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. Someone's got to be the first one to do it.

Really! No-one's been injured in the VHL? Hold my beer, my 70 fighting would like to have a word with some individuals!

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Really! No-one's been injured in the VHL? Hold my beer, my 70 fighting would like to have a word with some individuals!


Nobody's tried to fight me yet, it makes me sad.

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I'm so confused, is this just a group of people agreeing to change sigs and stuff?


It doesn't take a group to hold yourself in a decent manner around here. Part of being professional is being able to be a causal talker during the less tense parts of negotiations, being a generally likable person. Lots of people do that here without the sig and whatnot (though those sigs do look nice). Can we just agree that you all want folks to be generally efficient while having fun? Because that's cool, but I don't want to drink this Kool-Aid, worse looking than the Texas A&M punch bowl tbh...

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