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Why My VHL Experience Has Been Amazing


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I am loving my time here in the VHL! I am in a ton of sim leagues(WSH, VHL, SBA, WFL, EFCL despite not knowing a thing about soccer, GOMHL, and SHL, in case you were wondering) and this has to be at least top three. So I just wanted to say a few things in a fan 590 article even though I don't need the TPE because I just want to share my experience and give some thanks. This article is probably too long to be a fan 590, but like I said I'm not claiming it for TPE, so if you have a problem with this you can suck it!


First of all, I was recruited by @Ahma. He is a great guy and I am glad to see him go. I still talk to him sometimes but he seems pretty busy usually. So thanks to him even though he's not here.


Second of all, I love Saskatoon. Despite winning a cup with Bratislava I would have to say that the Wild are my favorite team. They were my first team and now I GM them, it's just been a wonderful experience. With that, I have an announcement to make. I have been working on something the past few weeks. It is nowhere near completion yet but in the summer when I'm off school I should be able to knock it out quickly since all I have to do is work my part-time job and see my girl. If anyone is familiar with BeanSobie from the SBA, he is the manager of UNC. He keeps track of all player stats from his team and even has a UNC “Hall of Fame”. It is very well received by the community and frankly I think it's cool. Therefore, I've been compiling all of the Saskatoon Wild’s stats and records from S18 on(which since we don't have records from before then and also that's the year CoachRielly took over, i'm just going to say that that's the beginning of the Wild franchise). So far I'm at the S25 playoffs. I hope to have a team Hall of Fame as well. I think it will be great and I just decided to announce it today. P.S. I will try to do this for Kansas in the SBA also


Third, being a grader is a hidden blessing, I would recommend being one to every member looking for a job. Sometimes it feels like a chore, but you really get to read and pay attention to so many good articles. I still remember an article written by @YEAH!stlemania (sorry if I got that wrong, I think he changed his name) about VHL-based video games that had me laughing. If I wasn't a grader I would've never seen that, so that's why I really appreciate the job


Fourth, I am so glad to be writing for the VHL Magazine. Besides a little frustration of late because an old dispute renewed has deflected attention towards one specific section(and probably will again this issue :() , I love writing about the VHLM. The minor league gets such a negative wrap and I am really trying to make it interesting because I believe if we make the minors exciting, we will get more members. Not to mention it's just so exciting, unpredictable, and somewhat easy! Look at the huge difference between the best and worst player in the VHL, but the difference in the VHLM is a max of 140 TPE! Anyway, I am really happy to be writing about the minors, and thanks to all the people I've interviewed( @KingRobbie, @Higgins, @StevenStamkos91, and @Bojo) for the great content!


Fifth, I plan on being here for a long, long, LONG time. In case you want to know how obsessed I am with sports sims, I have 32 teams that I GM in WSH, I am a grader, mag writer, GM, and player in the VHL, I'm a grader, AD, and player in the SBA, and I'm a part of 4 other sim leagues that you saw above. I actually have the names of my next 9 players in the VHL selected. So yeah, I plan on staying. Whether you like that or not, yay!


Sixth, thanks to @Draper and Higgins for being two awesome and chill commissioners.


Seventh, thank you to @evrydayimbyfuglien. You are welcome in the Sasky locker room anytime! In every league I've seen you in you've been a quality member, and if I remember right you were the first person to greet me in the SBA.


Eighth, thank you to @Banackock for putting together the soon-to-be back to back VHLM champions!


Ninth, thank you to anyone who I forgot. This article would never end if I mentioned you all, it so many people have helped me in my VHL journey, like @Da Trifecta, and I just have a feeling for some reason that if I don't mention @JardyB10 that he will be mad, so here you go! Thanks guys(though if you could stop all that winning you do with Ottawa that would be great, thanks)


Tenth, I saved the best for last @eaglesfan036. You may try to hide it behind all the bans you give me, but I know that you only do that because you love me. And you know what, I love u too, babe.


Anyway, in the words of Forrest Gump, that's all I have to say about that.

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26 minutes ago, eaglesfan036 said:

Glad you like it here so much beb


I ban ban ban ban ban ban ban love you to


ps I think you posted this in the wrong section ;)

Lol after a while I realized what you did and just thought 'that bastard'


39 minutes ago, evrydayimbyfuglien said:

I wanna say I got you over to the WFL, too.

Also very true!

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7 minutes ago, Victor said:

You're pretty much what I wish every first-gen was like. Where do we find more of you?!

There is only one me :D


i would tell you where to find more of me, but then you would steal my recruits! Rest assured that I have talked to a few people on there and am trying to get more members here!

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3 minutes ago, ADwyer87 said:

There is only one me :D


i would tell you where to find more of me, but then you would steal my recruits! Rest assured that I have talked to a few people on there and am trying to get more members here!

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4 hours ago, Victor said:

You're pretty much what I wish every first-gen was like. Where do we find more of you?!

I remember when you said that to me :( I THOUGHT I WAS SPECIAL

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While I appreciate the mention I wouldn't have been mad if you FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY me.


But very nice article. Definitely brings back the feels and memories of being a first-gen. Just make sure you quit all your other leagues so you don't get burnt out and stay here forever like the rest of us. :P


Also, Saskatoon was the Buffalo Jr. Bears before they relocated, if that helps. It is also the city I live in, in case you didn't know that.

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