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Seasonal TPE Cap for PTs

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A quick look at Lord Karnage tells me there are about 8 PT weeks in a season. So that's what I'll base most of this off of. This idea is for a seasonal cap for TPE earned from PTs, which can be earned at any time in the season.


The idea is simple. Instead of having 8 weeks in a season where you have to do 1 PT, open it up to whenever you want to do it. Instead, the seasonal PT cap would be 48 (8x6) and you could earn those points whenever you'd like. The point of this idea is to help out members that might have a ton of time over a week or two but could be incredibly busy the rest of the season, or to benefit a member who goes inactive for half a season but wants to come back strong without feeling like they missed out. It also allows the more active members to strategically plan when to earn their points. Want a big rush after depreciation? You can have it! So, if I decide to write 8 media spots in the first week of the season, I can get my 48 points and then not have to worry about doing PTs all year and can worry about posting around the site, interacting with my teammates, etc. Or, if I'm super busy with GM stuff or school or whatever might take your time away from the VHL, but I come back and there are 2 weeks left in the season, I can catch up my player without missing out on 35+ TPE from that year. I have more of an incentive to keep my player instead of feeling like I should start over to maximize my TPE. Let's look at some things this does:


1. Users Have More Control


Someone like @tfong has said that he does welfare mostly, but sometimes he will have enough free time to crank out a PT. Well, what if he could use that one moment of free time to do more than 1 and post them all right then? He could forego some welfare claims and spark some activity into the league, without having to hold off on posting or worry about something being outdated or irrelevant. Because sure, we can write stuff now and post it later - but its never topical anymore and then doesn't generate much interest. I can also choose when I want to earn it. Maybe I want to earn it all at once to fight depreciation. Maybe I want to test out my build for a season, so I earn it all at the end of the year. Sure, I can bank TPE, but this lets me decide when I have the most time to devote to doing PTs.


2. Users Are More Likely to do PTs Over Welfare


I've claimed welfare a time or two recently from being really busy in real life and focusing on GM things when I come onto the site. So, if this were an option, I wouldn't have claimed welfare at all - and I would've just done some extra PTs in the next week or later in the season. This would've brought more activity (or graphics) to the league for users to enjoy, rather than a boring welfare post. 


3. You Can Make Up for Lost Time


So you created your player and were really hyped up, but you forgot about the VHL for a month. Well now you can come back and pick up right where you left off, and make up for that lost time without sacrificing your player's TPE earning and career. I know that when I miss out on TPE it makes me want to retire. With this in place, I'd be a lot less likely to do that. Why would I need to, when I could make up the TPE that I had missed out on immediately. I think this is crucial for prospects and draftees who want to maximize their draft stock and show their commitment to the league. We all get busy sometimes or forget to login and do a PT - let's implement a way that we can recover from that without feeling like we're losing out on points for our player. 




Those are some benefits, although I'd say there are probably way more, but here are some issues with it and how I'd say you'd fix/deal with them.


A. What About Welfare?


Simple, welfare would still be a weekly thing. You'd have to claim welfare on a weekly basis if you wanted to use it. Everytime you use welfare, your seasonal PT drops by 2, 3 or 4, depending on your welfare/pension plan. So if you normally get 4 TPE from welfare, if you claim welfare in a week, your seasonal TPE from PT cap drops by 2 points from 48 to 46 (because you claimed a 4 TPE welfare in place of one 6 TPE PT). Making welfare remain a weekly process gives PTs a little bit more power, but also makes them more enticing - hopefully encouraging people to take advantage of them more often than welfare.


B. What About Double Weekes and Free Weeks?


Simple again, anytime you have a doubles week, either through donations or giveaways, you simply get 6 TPE if you've done a PT that season, or in a given week, if it's a specific event. So, say @Phil says you get a doubles week if you do a world cup themed PT - you get 12 TPE for it if you do a PT during that week and haven't reached your seasonal cap (6 TPE of it doesn't count towards your cap from the doubles week), or, if you've already reached your cap for the season but still want that extra TPE, you simply do a PT about the World Cup and you'd get 6 TPE that doesn't count against your cap. If it isn't for a given week, say in the case of donations or just general doubles weeks, you would simply take an extra 6 TPE (not against the seasonal cap) as long as you have done, or do, a PT in that season. If you get a free week, you simply get 6 TPE towards your seasonal cap.


C. What About Recreates at the Deadline?


Again, I think these all seem like simple solutions. Either give people who create at the deadline a separate cap (so, 24 or whatever it would be based on how many weeks are after the trade deadline), or just split the season in half for everyone. So you'd have until the trade deadline with a 30 cap and then an 18 cap after the trade deadline. This gives you less time to make up ground though. I prefer that new draftees just have a smaller cap, say 18 or 24, for the remainder of the season. 




This is another one of those ideas that I might have brought up in the past, but now seems like a fun time to bring it up again. We've moved away from the strictness of the old system already, why not try something different than what other PT leagues are doing? What am I missing?

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Better reward consistency instead of grinding. When I was the head of the vhlm mag, I didn't had a lot of time but I've proceed effectively, which helped a lot.


Members have a full week to do pts, at this point, its mainly excuses for laziness.

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5 minutes ago, Da Trifecta said:

So you get people who do them all in a week then they are completely bored the rest of the season. Brilliant idea lmao


Doing PTs is absolutely not what keeps me from being bored here. 


Could just be me, but I don't do sim leagues because I love doing PTs. 

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Just now, Molholt said:


Doing PTs is absolutely not what keeps me from being bored here. 


Could just be me, but I don't do sim leagues because I love doing PTs. 


Most people come on because they have to do PT's

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For those that contribute PTs on a regular basis, I'd be slightly concerned that their production would be centered around the a chunk of time where they crank out like all their PTs for a single week, then I would not have anything to read for the remaining 6-7 weeks lol. I mean i do read the media spots and the timing of those media spots would be affected with this PT stacking idea.

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I actually suggested something similar in the BOG when we were discussing how to make PTs more attractive than pension.


Just monthly not seasonal.


On 5/5/2016 at 10:31 PM, Victor said:

Welfare per week doesn't make as much sense in this proposal since why would you risk losing one of your 4 PTs if you might just knock em out on the last day of the month?


I'd say a monthly welfare would be good and the person states how many PTs they're claiming for. Could even have a scale which would address the issue some people have with constant welfare claimers. E.g.


1 welfare per month = 5 TPE

2 welfares = 9 TPE

3 welfares = 12 TPE

4 welfares = 15 TPE


And I would just run them by calendar month, not 4 weeks. Would really change the league dynamic.


Could also allow 5 or 6 VHL.com articles per month.


Some things would stay weekly, such as trivia, fantasy zones, and in fact there's an opening there for more weekly things. Like keeping All Star week or whatnot 

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I'm just wondering, what if someone makes an All-Star PT like a week after the All-Star game takes place? Do they still get double PT? And if they do, doesn't that basically defeat the purpose of these special doubles weeks?

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Just now, ADwyer87 said:

I'm just wondering, what if someone makes an All-Star PT like a week after the All-Star game takes place? Do they still get double PT? And if they do, doesn't that basically defeat the purpose of these special doubles weeks?


Nope. Special PTs still abide by a weekly structure, to ensure you have PTs throughout the year. I address that in the OP I'm pretty sure.

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I'm not a fan of the idea:


- I've always been a fan of the weekly setup as it rewards those who consistently contribute to the site. 

- Like Fong says, there's more likely to be a stacking of PTs, meaning that their could be periods where there's WAY too many PTs submitted at one time to actually read em all, which would actually reduce discussion. 

- There's nothing in the current system that stops people writing multiple PTs at the same time and then submitting them (which if already written is a two minute job) at a later date. 

- Scenario: Two players start the season with the same TPE, one submits all his PTs at once at the start of the season while the other has the time to only submit once a week. Over the entirety of the regular season, the player who can only submit once a week is going to have worse attributes, so in truth, this can serve as a detriment to people who can only submit weekly, we really shouldn't be punishing those people. 

Edited by YEAH!stlemania
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Also don't like at all, for many of the reasons stated here. For someone who writes quickly like me, I would 100% crank out a 5,000 word "Big Brother" season, post it all at one time in like 600 word segments, and profit. There's nothing stopping me from doing that now, sure, but it at least promotes consistent activity throughout the season.

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9 minutes ago, CowboyinAmerica said:

Also don't like at all, for many of the reasons stated here. For someone who writes quickly like me, I would 100% crank out a 5,000 word "Big Brother" season, post it all at one time in like 600 word segments, and profit. There's nothing stopping me from doing that now, sure, but it at least promotes consistent activity throughout the season.


Speaking of which, I should do that again ;) 


with more active people...

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6 hours ago, Molholt said:


Doing PTs is absolutely not what keeps me from being bored here. 


Could just be me, but I don't do sim leagues because I love doing PTs. 

If I could rattle out 8 sigs in one weekend I'd rather do that then have to panic on a Sunday to get a PT done, like I do almost every week lol.


PTs suck and are more work then enjoyment, I'm glad this idea is being brought up again. I feel like it would be a good option for those who would rather do them in bunches over having to make sure they can find time during the week. It gets hard for me since I work Sunday-Thursday and pick up my niece and hang out with her on Friday. Having Saturday as my only day to do what I want makes it less motivating for me to do 3 PTs in one day every week.

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12 minutes ago, Jala said:

If I could rattle out 8 sigs in one weekend I'd rather do that then have to panic on a Sunday to get a PT done

Uhh you can do that. Unless the panic comes from having to post an already made image

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43 minutes ago, Jala said:

If I could rattle out 8 sigs in one weekend I'd rather do that then have to panic on a Sunday to get a PT done, like I do almost every week lol.


PTs suck and are more work then enjoyment, I'm glad this idea is being brought up again. I feel like it would be a good option for those who would rather do them in bunches over having to make sure they can find time during the week. It gets hard for me since I work Sunday-Thursday and pick up my niece and hang out with her on Friday. Having Saturday as my only day to do what I want makes it less motivating for me to do 3 PTs in one day every week.


Do them all and post them week by week? Especially for graphics I don't see why this would be a problem.

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7 hours ago, Molholt said:

or to benefit a member who goes inactive for half a season but wants to come back strong without feeling like they missed out. It also allows the more active members to strategically plan when to earn their points. Want a big rush after depreciation? You can have it! So, if I decide to write 8 media spots in the first week of the season, I can get my 48 points and then not have to worry about doing PTs all year and can worry about posting around the site, interacting with my teammates, etc.

I think we actually at some point in time put in a system for doing point tasks for the previous week if you miss, but I don't recall for sure. Not that I necessarily think it's something that we need. But if you're inactive for half a season, I don't see why we should be allowing someone to come back and do four point tasks to make up for it. We want people to be here, and as such we will reward that consistency.


Want a big rush after depreciation? Bank your TPE. Problem solved.


If you decide to write 8 media spots in the first week of the season, fine. But you get your TPE at a rate of 6/week. I guess I don't know the VHL's stance on it, but I don't see much of an issue with posting point tasks early to be claimed in future weeks.

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