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S51 Prediction Points Payout

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S51 Prediction Points Payout

Please PM me if you suspect there is an error. Remember to submit S52 Predictions here.


*base prediction points can be claimed on both players, player store modifiers only on the player that purchased.


ADwyer87 - 5

gregreg - 7

Streetlight - 6

Hickey - 5

tfong - 6

Molholt - 5

Paramorise - 5

TheLastOlympian07 - 6

evrydayimbyfuglien - 5

hedgehog337 - 7

Banackock - 7

STZ - 5

Cuffy - 4

CowboyinAmerica - 8

Velevra - 8

Gunner - 7

Frank - 5

eaglesfan036 - 8

solas - 7

Lunaro - 5

jRuutu - 3

Beketov - 4

linsangeles - 6

Advantage - 6

Mr. Power - 6

flyersfan1493 - 8

YEAH!estlemania - 9

Phil - 8

Toast - 8

President Donald Trump - 7

Gooningitup - 5

Smarch - 9

boom - 7

der meister - 6

Kylrad - 8

gorlab - 8

KingRobbie - 5

Evans - 5

Higgins - 8

JardyB10 - 8

DollarAndADream - 5

Draper - 8

brovy - 5

Kendrick - 5

Green - 6

svb - 5


Prediction point multipliers only claimed on the ONE player that purchased.


Members who purchased double predictions multiplier:

Green (Pietro Maximoff)

Draper (Aleksi Koponen)

DollarAndADream (Zach Parechkin)

hedgehog337 (Guntis Petenis)


Members who purchased triple predictions multiplier:

Molholt (Max Molholt)

Lunaro (Vincent Virtanen)

Kendrick (Tyson Kohler)

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9 minutes ago, Toast said:

All the poor fellas who got triple multiplier had some of the lowest predictions. :P 

Any of the other poor fellas spent their money on things that doesn't matter in the end though. At least this guy us 15 TPE

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