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You're pretty organised for a drunk.

My educational institution organized the last half.  The first half wasn't me either.  But drinking is the one thing I take serious enough to organize!


i.e.  I'm actually somewhat allergic to alcohol or some shit because if I consume it while I'm even a little bit dehydrated, my prominent sweat pores will burn immensely and I'll light up like a strangulation victim.  I generally avoid this by pounding several litres of water the day leading up to drinking, and then still mixing all my drinks with some water to boot.


However, if I try drinking two days in a row, nothing I do on the second day can seem to prevent me from turning red.  Perhaps too much alcohol remaining in my system fucks with my H2O balance or some shit.


So the way I see it, this weekend I can maximize drunken efficiency if I take it easy on Friday, smuggle alcohol into the Saddledome on Saturday and get loaded, use Sunday as a natural recovery day, and admit myself into full blown alcoholism when I pressure a group of engineers into partying on a Monday.  Then an unhappy body riding home on Tuesday.


Or, more realistically, get pressured into going hard all four days and succumbing to my inevitable fate.

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