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Christmas fucking sucks


can't wait to spend Christmas Eve alone/working since I'm feuding with my aunt right now


cant wait to go into even worse debt from buying all my siblings and family presents


can't wait to relive my shitty Christmas memories all break long


cant wait to feel terrible after people give me presents that are inevitably more valuable than what I got them


cant wait to have everyone ask me how's college going and me say "it's going good" instead of telling them the truth and saying "well I'm about to have to drop out but you know I'm feeling just fucking fine and dandy"




at least New Years is coming up

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2 hours ago, ADwyer87 said:

Well it's a shit show right now haha, in case you were actually wondering. Got a test tomorrow but it should be easy, I think

It's always a shit show. Pretty sure I've blocked out 85% of my university memories for self preservation.


You're in some kind of engineering or something at least right? Better job prospects after.


But yeah, I've been there in the Christmas side before. Used to work at a drug store that legally can't close any day of the year so guess who drew the "work until midnight the 24th" straw. You know what's fun? Customers coming in at 11pm the 24th complaining that you're the only store open (duh) and don't have the right cranberry sauce. Yup, good times.

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5 hours ago, Beketov said:

It's always a shit show. Pretty sure I've blocked out 85% of my university memories for self preservation.


You're in some kind of engineering or something at least right? Better job prospects after.


But yeah, I've been there in the Christmas side before. Used to work at a drug store that legally can't close any day of the year so guess who drew the "work until midnight the 24th" straw. You know what's fun? Customers coming in at 11pm the 24th complaining that you're the only store open (duh) and don't have the right cranberry sauce. Yup, good times.

Applied mathematics, but close enough haha.


yeah our store is always open, we have some lovely people come in haha. I love when guys complain about stuff like that, it's like you know Christmas comes the same time every year right? Not like it snuck up on ya lol. 

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5 hours ago, Beketov said:

It's always a shit show. Pretty sure I've blocked out 85% of my university memories for self preservation.


You're in some kind of engineering or something at least right? Better job prospects after.


But yeah, I've been there in the Christmas side before. Used to work at a drug store that legally can't close any day of the year so guess who drew the "work until midnight the 24th" straw. You know what's fun? Customers coming in at 11pm the 24th complaining that you're the only store open (duh) and don't have the right cranberry sauce. Yup, good times.


I remember that, being open on Xmas day and some old cunt bitching that the boxing day sale on wrapping paper hasn't started yet....Maybe that's why it's called BOXING DAY.

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I'm working Christmas eve and Christmas morning so fuck y'all complaining bitches.


But chin up @ADwyer87. Shit show is synonymous with college/university. Hang in there and it'll be worth it in the end. 



And besides the people who give... and expect something back are a) missing the point of xmas and b) selfish fake cunts. 

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9 minutes ago, Phil said:

I'm working Christmas eve and Christmas morning so fuck y'all complaining bitches.


But chin up @ADwyer87. Shit show is synonymous with college/university. Hang in there and it'll be worth it in the end. 



And besides the people who give... and expect something back are a) missing the point of xmas and b) selfish fake cunts. 

Awwww that sucks! I was supposed to work 4 hours on both days but I convinced my boss to just give me 8 on Christmas Eve.


yeah, I'm just worried I might not make it to the end. If my scholarship gets lost I'm fucked....


ik, the people giving me stuff don't expect anything back, it's just I want to get the more something back too

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