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10 seasons later


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it was 10 seasons ago when the VHLM was separated from within the vhl sim engine. it was a move that i spearheaded myself to create a better VHLM experience for our veteran and new members. i knew it would be a lot of work to set up the new sim engine and create all the players for the new engine, but it needed to be done and i was happy to do it. we needed to contract the VHLM and without this move the VHLM would still be at 10 farm teams. maybe some of the teams would have just been filled with bots, but the VHLM would have 10 teams, not the 7 that there is now. what i maybe didn't realize was how big of a commitment i was making by separating the two leagues into their own files.


every single day for the past (almost) two years I have opened up my laptop at some point to sim. sure i have missed a day here or there, but overall i like to think i have done a consistent job as possible. i really can only recall one time i needed someone to sim for me. of course i knew the ins and outs of the sths sim engine before i undertook this VHLM separation project. i had been the backup simmer to jardy since, well i don't know exactly, but i believe it was actually before i took over as commissioner so it was sometime at the end of the season 20's. it's been a grind for 10 seasons and has seriously drained my league drive.


i almost feel like i am becoming what jardy is, if that makes any sense. i don't want to pat myself on the back too much in one post, but i think if i didn't separate the VHLM sim that jardy would have at some time in the past 5 seasons stepped down as simmer, or gone inactive. why do i say this? well with the separation, it removed half of the lines and rosters in the vhl sim engine. there is much more roster turnover season to season in the VHLM, meaning more work in the off-season. during the season the players that join are all created in the VHLM sim engine, which allows jardy to ignore the majority of created players, only ever creating the few that make it to a vhl team. it sounds like i am complaining about being the vhlm simmer, not really it is the reality. i have been paid handsomely in tpe for my work as simmer.


what really drains the energy to sim though? when i see people just trash the VHLM without providing constructive criticism. i used to defend the VHLM, but it's not really worth my time anymore. that is all.

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8 minutes ago, Higgins said:

what really drains the energy to sim though? when i see people just trash the VHLM without providing constructive criticism. i used to defend the VHLM, but it's not really worth my time anymore. that is all.


S52 VHLM finals is already more entertaining than VHL's one.

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Really appreciate the work you, @JardyB10 and the odd time @Will do for the simulation part of the league. I have never done it, but I know a lot of work goes into it with updating and the whole nine yards. Don't tire yourself out! The VHL has lost a lot of good members lately while on having a few newer members come on board. We need quality members like you to stick around while still enjoying the league.



Thank you so much @Higgins for all that you do! :cheers: 

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9 minutes ago, hedgehog337 said:


S52 VHLM finals is already more entertaining than VHL's one.


But nobody is tarnishing on the quality of the GM's, players, or the excellent work @Higgins has done as simmer. 


We don't have the member base or interest levels to continually sustain the VHLM in a way that makes sense. Especially considering how it divides the member base in terms of interest, recieves less play than the VHL, and is the first experience for new members.


New people should jump right into the league as a whole imo. 

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40 minutes ago, Mr. Power said:


But nobody is tarnishing on the quality of the GM's, players, or the excellent work @Higgins has done as simmer. 


We don't have the member base or interest levels to continually sustain the VHLM in a way that makes sense. Especially considering how it divides the member base in terms of interest, recieves less play than the VHL, and is the first experience for new members.


New people should jump right into the league as a whole imo. 


I saw that topic. @The Bread Man probably wasn't happy if he saw that too.


I've heard BOG wants to cut VHL to 8 teams (dunno if it's right), but then cutting VHLM is not the best decision.


If VHL stays with 10 [12] teams, well maybe then. But if everybody from VHLM wants to be a GM immediately?

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1 minute ago, hedgehog337 said:


I saw that topic. @The Bread Man probably wasn't happy if he saw that too.


I've heard BOG wants to cut VHL to 8 teams (dunno if it's right), but then cutting VHLM is not the best decision.


If VHL stays with 10 [12] teams, well maybe then. But if everybody from VHLM wants to be a GM immediately?

Nothing I can do. VHLM is destined for demise no matter what I do.


and you don't have to worry about me wanting a VHL GM job haha. I dont even care enough to check the game threads as a player, I don't give enough shits to take a VHL job

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VHLM simming is way shittier than VHL simming, and I knew that right from when we separated. Adding every single shit player, teams picking up 100 players during the season, only for 99 of them to get distributed to every other team in the off-season. Easily the worst part of simming, and I dreaded the off-seasons for it, even after @Velevra took over updating the sim. If I was backed into a corner to do them both back then I'm sure I would have, and I don't think I would have stepped down or left forever. But I don't think I would have stuck around the board at all. I'd probably sim games, post the VHL games, then leave. During the season it's not so bad, adding a few things here and there, loading lines. But off-seasons man. Fuck the VHLM off-season.

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