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Considering Shireen is on the Wall I'm sure they misinterpreted it.

Also how many fucking sons of the harpy were there? Was it the whole city? WHY ARE THEY STILL WEARING MASKS?! Who are they hiding from? You're leading an all-out massacre in a fucking stadium, guys, stop being pussies.




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Considering Shireen is on the Wall I'm sure they misinterpreted it.

Also how many fucking sons of the harpy were there? Was it the whole city? WHY ARE THEY STILL WEARING MASKS?! Who are they hiding from? You're leading an all-out massacre in a fucking stadium, guys, stop being pussies.




Eh I disagree. Something that big can't really be misinterpretation, they've deliberately changed a lot of shit. I really think it's just GRRM encouraging the change of plot points, or at the very least not misinterpretation and simply a deliberate change by them because they seem to be the kind of people who go "Ok so this bad thing is gonna happen, but how can we make it worse? I know! Change the person killing Shireen from the blatantly obvious Melisandre and Selyse to Stannis!" Now granted they've been kind of setting up the Stannis bit for a while but I dunno. Apparently wasn't obvious to other people and I can't fault them, I've just always disliked him enough that I expected it.


And yeah I don't even fucking know, there were more Sons of the Harpy than there were spectators apparently.


Someone pointed out that for Tyrion to join Dany now, Barristan had to die because he would never have allowed Dany to let Tyrion onto her council.


Hizdahr is dead cuz who the fuck knows on that one. Either he's not the Harpy or they've grown beyond his control.

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I mean granted Hizdahr is rendered irrelevant by Barristan in the book but the show makes him less a schemer and more a desperate and hopeless bitch-slapper little shit who is forgotten in t minus 10 seconds.

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Considering Shireen is on the Wall I'm sure they misinterpreted it.

Also how many fucking sons of the harpy were there? Was it the whole city? WHY ARE THEY STILL WEARING MASKS?! Who are they hiding from? You're leading an all-out massacre in a fucking stadium, guys, stop being pussies.




What Callie said. In the showverse, it doesn't make sense for Tyrion and Barristan to be there at the same time. And we may find out why Lennitz zo Kravitz died later. Although I admit that was really confusing. I was thinking, "Why are they killing the tokar-wearing former masters? What is even their goal here?" But I'm just enjoying the ride.

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I think I'm pretty sure what the episode will end with then,



book reader will know, which I'm not.


What, then? You can figure out what it ends with from a song where they're humming the theme?


What do you guys think that means the finale will end on? I don't care about spoilers. I've probably read more spoilers on Reddit from the books than I've actually read the books.

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Don't know what you all are raging on. The CG didn't look that awful to me in that final scene. Was it amazing? No. You could tell there was some CG, but I've felt that way about most of the dragon scenes. It wasn't as silly looking as the stupid skeletons and CGI fireballs that ended last season with Bran and the tree.


I still thought it was a strong episode. The episodes solidifies to me that the show and the book are no longer the same thing. Period. They are SO different now. The decision to have Stannis go through with that for me was genius. Stannis was a strong character but he always had this aura of believing himself to be the "chosen one." The question was, would he either die before achieving his goal, or sacrifice so much in his quest to get there that it would destroy who the man actually was before that? I really felt the moment he teamed up with Lord of Light lady (who has a long name that I hate trying to spell) that story wise he'd either kill her or kill himself mentally by doing things he wouldn't otherwise. By going away from the books, and doing what they did this episode you could see Stannis begin to question himself, what has he done? How much has he sacrificed?


It's going to be interesting now to see what they have done with that. Stannis self obsession with his own right to the throne is driving him insane, and you can't say that isn't an interesting plot point.


If Jon Snow dies in Episode 10 though hot damn is it going to be tough to find another hero character. Honestly, in this entire world are the people associated with or being the Stark family the only morally high ground characters that exist? Sansa has been basically turned, but she has never steered away from the "victim" storyline the entire show. But Ned, Rob, Jon, Bran, Arya. All of them are the only ones who seem to see cruelty or the bigger picture and rally behind it. Everyone else is just in it for themselves when push comes to shove. Considering the majority of the Starks have died, I hope at least one of those characters can get some redemption.

Edited by JardyB10
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first of all.


Yeah, I feel like that could happen. Not sure how that can be taken from an ending song though. Hell, I'd say that song could be played after a Lady Stoneheart appearance.

I can only hope. The episode name is the only thing I am clinging on for.
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Argh... go... away... with... spoilers!


Damn these last two episodes have been great, I agree that the CGI at the very end didn't look too convincing but I think that until that point the whole sequence was executed pretty well, even though these huge numbers of enemies suddenly appearing out of nowhere seemed kinda bizarre as well. For whatever reason my opinion when it comes to Dany seems to be the complete opposite of the one the majority of the fans seem to hold btw. I was never really a fan of her character but think that this season had some pretty nice developments regarding here storyline, whereas most other people seem to like Dany but not how she was handled this season...


And damn that final Shireen scene, so intense... It didn't really come unexpected and still was so gut-wrenching, wow. I really liked how the show handled Stannis character here btw (haven't read the books though), it had confused me for a while that over the course of the season more and more people had began to see Stannis as a hero and one of the main good guys on the show while he never was that for me. Kinda glad that I was right there and imho it's the logicial continuation of his storyline, him suddenly bringing everything to a halt to save his daughter wouldn't have felt right, it's just not something that character would have done. People were way too eager to forget his past transgressions and how he became the man he is today, although the show did a very good job tricking many into believing that over the last 1-2 seasons. In this regard his storyline kinda reminds me of Littlefinger's by the way, who also was a pretty bad guy for most of the show's running until this season when the creators built their episodes in a way that more highlighted his positive attributes. Gonna be very interesting to see now if this also was just an attempt to trick the audience as it was with Stannis or if he will indeed end up doing some good things.

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Don't know what you all are raging on. The CG didn't look that awful to me in that final scene. Was it amazing? No. You could tell there was some CG, but I've felt that way about most of the dragon scenes. It wasn't as silly looking as the stupid skeletons and CGI fireballs that ended last season with Bran and the tree.


The skeltons/fireballs take at least some skills to do and blend. Danny on her dragon was just plain bad. 

Edited by boubabi
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Was first thing I thought of Boubabi. Have Austin as my witness.

I couldn't quite place my finger on it (wiping Star Wars prequels from memory helps with that) but yes, I had the nagging feeling that I saw something similar before.
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