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My proposition for the next VFHL


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Lets be honest, the VFHL is pretty boring for 95% of people. Feels like it needs to be a little bit more...interactive during the season tbh. So here's my idea


First Line Center     Top Line Winger   First Pair D   Dish Master  
Franchise Cornerstone (HSK)     Dianna Maxwell (DAV)   Fabio Jokinen (QC)   Bobby Digital (RIG)  
Lukas Muller (QC)     Theo Axelsson (HSK)   Lee King Snatch (DAV)   Roman Sokolov (TOR)  
Essian Ravenwing (RIG)     Pierre Gaudette (QC)   Felix Savard (CGY)   Alexander Thrower (RIG)  
2 Way Center     Power Forwards   Sophomore Slump ?   Puck Rag  
Xander Finn (TOR)     Phil Shankly (RIG)   Gabriel McAllister (SEA)   John Locke (QC)  
Fook Yu (QC)     Motherfucker Sharpe (DAV)   Slava Aleksei (RIG)   Takashi Fujimoto (DAV)  
Fredinamijs Krigars (RIG)     Asher Donovan (SEA)   Mattias Forsberg (SEA)   Pietro Maximoff (QC)  



So here's an exemple of what kind of draft you would be doing. There would be groups of 3 players to choose from with different categories. You would choose 1 of those 3 players to build your team. The best would be to great multiple groups so nearly everyone is covered. 


I was thinking to make a 1:1 ratio for points, considering how badly the D is dominating in the last system. If we put a system where hits matters, I would also like to add negative points for PIMS. Anyway, to make this thing more interactive, we would have certain periods to make 1 or 2 changes in our draft. Could be at certain games mark (like 30 / 60 ) etc. I feel like this would be a more creative way to create fantasy teams and maybe add rewards to that like if you choose a player during a certain type of games, the number of points he makes is doubled or something. Would be kinda hard to calculate, but everything is possible.


ANyway, that's my pitch. Kinda early but I guess better early than late, right ?

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I don't mind this, looks kind of similar to the draft champions mode in some of the new EA games. Essentially, just to assume I'm getting you right here, when it's your turn to draft you have to select one of every overall type of player correct? But each type has a pool of players your eligible to select from, that is determined by their types? 

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  • Commissioner

This definitely seems to make things more interesting so I’m all for it.


I still think as I did before that there needs to be some balance in regards to defensemen rather than just making it only points get fantasy points. Having hits offer some fantasy points is a nice way of doing that. I still think shots blocked is better (though needs to be weighted FAR LESS than it is now) though because forwards still pile on hits while they don’t tend to block many shots. It adds some balance that makes D actually important.

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1 minute ago, Beketov said:

I still think as I did before that there needs to be some balance in regards to defensemen rather than just making it only points get fantasy points.

Even if it's a 1:1 ratio, this is pretty balanced because the players are competing against the same type of player with the same kind of production (kinda)


and it's just more logical to have cornerstone and muller have more fantasy points than fedorov, we can't argue that really

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1 minute ago, boubabi said:

Even if it's a 1:1 ratio, this is pretty balanced because the players are competing against the same type of player with the same kind of production (kinda)

Maybe I don’t understand the system then. Are you not still building a full line from these categories of players? If so then without anything to balance them forwards will be completely dominant over defensemen because only offensive defensemen will be able to gain any fantasy points. I’m not sure how that’s any better than having defense dominate with shots blocked being weighted too heavily.


Again though, I may be completely off the mark in understanding how this this being proposed.

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  • Commissioner
3 minutes ago, boubabi said:

and it's just more logical to have cornerstone and muller have more fantasy points than fedorov, we can't argue that really

I can argue that they should have MORE actually. In a balanced system all players will be important. Just because someone is a defenseman doesn’t mean they should be less important because they aren’t scoring. Same with a goalie. The balance is way off right now, I completely agree with that. Shots Blocked dominate everything which is why the SB leader always ends up being the fantasy leader. All I’m saying is balance the points out so that different playstyles than just sniper and playmaker can have an impact. Otherwise you’ll end up with the exact same problem as now except that the top scorer will always be the top fantasy player.

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yes but sokolov isn't competing with cornerstone


sokolov is competing with the 2 other guy in his group


yes, if you look at the big picture, cornerstone will have more fantasy points then Sokolov, but that's not what we are competing here. We are competing here over what fantasy team makes more pts, overall


SO we aren't asking people to choose over cornerstone and sokolov, which you would be disadvantaged of course, we ask people to chose over Sokolov thrower and digital, which are comparable D

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  • Commissioner
4 minutes ago, boubabi said:

yes but sokolov isn't competing with cornerstone


sokolov is competing with the 2 other guy in his group


yes, if you look at the big picture, cornerstone will have more fantasy points then Sokolov, but that's not what we are competing here. We are competing here over what fantasy team makes more pts, overall


SO we aren't asking people to choose over cornerstone and sokolov, which you would be disadvantaged of course, we ask people to chose over Sokolov thrower and digital, which are comparable D

At the end of the day though you are still trying to build the best line. Doesn’t matter what players are in what pools, you are trying to create the best line. It just feels odd to have that entirely weighted towards forwards while defense and goalies earn basically nothing. They make up half the line but would only contribute maybe a quarter of the fantasy points if nothing but points is considered; does that seem reasonable?


Chances are I won’t be playing anyway, I don’t tend to. I just don’t see a reason to make the scoring completely bias towards forwards when, IMO, there should be a way to balance it out and have the entire line selection be important. I guess hits are probably the fairest way to do this though since it’s likely something all skaters will get whereas Shots Blocked are pretty much only defensemen.

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3 minutes ago, Beketov said:

At the end of the day though you are still trying to build the best line. Doesn’t matter what players are in what pools, you are trying to create the best line. It just feels odd to have that entirely weighted towards forwards while defense and goalies earn basically nothing. They make up half the line but would only contribute maybe a quarter of the fantasy points if nothing but points is considered; does that seem reasonable?


Chances are I won’t be playing anyway, I don’t tend to. I just don’t see a reason to make the scoring completely bias towards forwards when, IMO, there should be a way to balance it out and have the entire line selection be important. I guess hits are probably the fairest way to do this though since it’s likely something all skaters will get whereas Shots Blocked are pretty much only defensemen.

I don't think you catch the concept

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  • Commissioner
1 minute ago, boubabi said:

I don't think you catch the concept

I’m guessing I don’t. Let’s see if I can re-figure this out.


Instead of building a straight up best line in the league like we have been doing, you instead choose 1 player per category and try to get the most amount of points possible from your choices? Positions are irrelevant, you just try to get the maximum amount of points. So, for example, Cornerstone may be the highest fantasy point producer but it doesn’t matter because you aren’t creating a “line” you just have players with different strengths?


Does that sound more accurate?

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What will make the difference in the end, isn't a guy who chose more D than forwards. If the guy has his own technics, good for him. The top leaders has a to not defensemen, so I don't see why you think they doesn't produce



What will make a winner in the end, is the guy who chose the best option in every category possible. 


If sokolov makes 50 fantasy points and cornerstone 100, it doesn't matter, you aren't comparing both


it's apple with apple and oranges with oranges


Sokolov making 50 points wil lbe good if digital makes 40 pts, see where I'm going with this ? The 10 points difference you gain there is as much important as a 10 points difference between Cornerstone and Muller

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  • Commissioner
6 minutes ago, boubabi said:

What will make the difference in the end, isn't a guy who chose more D than forwards. If the guy has his own technics, good for him. The top leaders has a to not defensemen, so I don't see why you think they doesn't produce



What will make a winner in the end, is the guy who chose the best option in every category possible. 


If sokolov makes 50 fantasy points and cornerstone 100, it doesn't matter, you aren't comparing both


it's apple with apple and oranges with oranges


Sokolov making 50 points wil lbe good if digital makes 40 pts, see where I'm going with this ? The 10 points difference you gain there is as much important as a 10 points difference between Cornerstone and Muller

Yeah, that's somewhat becoming clear. I guess I'm just not understanding the main root of what's being built from these groups. Is it just best overall team regardless of position or is it still trying to build 1 line but your choices are limited to particular groups?

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I don't think the team concept is like the lines and such. Yo ucould have 10 forwards and 2 D really 

In the end, you won't end up with something like this


Locke - Cornerstone - Maxwell
Pietro - Yu - De Rossi


It's more like a roster








etc etc

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Here's an exemple of what would it looks like if I was sent the ballot




I would choose my team how I want it, but your team could look completely different




SO maybe, in the end, yo uwould have an edge on maxwell (over gaudette) but I could catch you if my pick (snatch over Jokinen) is better than you


See ?

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  • Commissioner
5 minutes ago, boubabi said:

Here's an exemple of what would it looks like if I was sent the ballot




I would choose my team how I want it, but your team could look completely different




SO maybe, in the end, yo uwould have an edge on maxwell (over gaudette) but I could catch you if my pick (snatch over Jokinen) is better than you


See ?

Yes, that makes more sense. Like I said, the distinction between choosing a roster (regardless of position) vs. Choosing s line as we've been doing is important. I think this could work fine so long as the groups are balanced. I still like having hits and PIM factored in to keep it more interesting but aside from that I think the concept is cool.

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