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Toronto Legion Weekly Presser

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1. If you could pick a movie quote to describe your player, what would it be?


"Great men are not born great, they grow great" - movie is Godfather 



2. We're just a little over halfway through the season now. Are you happy with your player's season so far?


I am fairly pleased. Exceeding my expectations so far. I was hoping for 25G and/or 50 points jumping into the VHLE and he's already at 22g and 52 Points halfway through!



3. If you could bring back one defunct franchise from the NHL, which would it be?


Being from Quebec, a lot of people would assume QC Nordiques but I would much rather some place like Hartford or Atlanta



4. We're 10 points back of first in the VHL, but we've got 8 of our next 13 games against teams in the bottom 4 in the league. How vital is it that we take as many points as possible from those kinds of games?


 Honestly those matchups are usually the toughest. Teams at the bottom usually play hard against good teams because 1. They have nothing to lose and 2. They like to brag about beating better teams.  It's vital to keep working hard and not let off the gas pedal just because they are bottom teams. 


5. We've been struggling to string together long win streaks like some of the other teams have in the league. Is that a product of the schedule benefiting those teams, or do we need to do better in that aspect ourselves?


I would say it's probably a combination of both.


6. Who should be the next James Bond actor?


Rowan Atkinson 😂



Edited by Oddpurplefly
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On 8/26/2024 at 10:26 PM, dstevensonjr said:

:tor: Toronto Legion Press Conference :tor:

(2 TPE for answering all six questions)


1. If you could pick a movie quote to describe your player, what would it be?

"I'm your huckleberry" - Doc Holliday in Tombstone

2. We're just a little over halfway through the season now. Are you happy with your player's season so far?

Seeing as I've just recreated, I'll be happy to start playing!

3. If you could bring back one defunct franchise from the NHL, which would it be?

Probably the Quebec Nordiques. They were Canadian and had a great rivalry with Montreal. And those jerseys...

4. We're 10 points back of first in the VHL, but we've got 8 of our next 13 games against teams in the bottom 4 in the league. How vital is it that we take as many points as possible from those kinds of games?

The Legion have been doing well against the bottom-feeders and need to keep doing so because the top of the EU is going to do the same.

5. We've been struggling to string together long win streaks like some of the other teams have in the league. Is that a product of the schedule benefiting those teams, or do we need to do better in that aspect ourselves?

Looks like the Legion schedule has been pretty even with 2-3 tough games and then 2-3 easier games. Might just need to play a bit better against the top teams.

6. Who should be the next James Bond actor?

Henry Cavill has played just about everything else so why not? He has the panache and cred to pull it off. I think Jason Statham would make an interesting Bond, too. 


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1 hour ago, animal74 said:

6. Who should be the next James Bond actor?

Henry Cavill has played just about everything else so why not? He has the panache and cred to pull it off. I think Jason Statham would make an interesting Bond, too. 

Cavill in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. was all I needed to see to know that he'd be fun as Bond.

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1. If you could pick a movie quote to describe your player, what would it be?


"You are so disappointing, on so many levels" - Batman, Lego Movie.


2. We're just a little over halfway through the season now. Are you happy with your player's season so far?


Not really. I always have high expectations but I'm growing bored of my current player's mediocrity.


3. If you could bring back one defunct franchise from the NHL, which would it be?


I only know one off the top of my head....Atlanta Thrashers.


4. We're 10 points back of first in the VHL, but we've got 8 of our next 13 games against teams in the bottom 4 in the league. How vital is it that we take as many points as possible from those kinds of games?


Obviously very important. Every point counts from this point on.


5. We've been struggling to string together long win streaks like some of the other teams have in the league. Is that a product of the schedule benefiting those teams, or do we need to do better in that aspect ourselves?


I don't really feel qualified to comment or criticize the Legion performances recently.


6. Who should be the next James Bond actor?


I don't know, but somehow Idris Elba always ends up being mentioned. Would the studio be that brave?

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On 8/27/2024 at 12:26 AM, dstevensonjr said:

:tor: Toronto Legion Press Conference :tor:

(2 TPE for answering all six questions)


1. If you could pick a movie quote to describe your player, what would it be?


2. We're just a little over halfway through the season now. Are you happy with your player's season so far?


3. If you could bring back one defunct franchise from the NHL, which would it be?


4. We're 10 points back of first in the VHL, but we've got 8 of our next 13 games against teams in the bottom 4 in the league. How vital is it that we take as many points as possible from those kinds of games?


5. We've been struggling to string together long win streaks like some of the other teams have in the league. Is that a product of the schedule benefiting those teams, or do we need to do better in that aspect ourselves?


6. Who should be the next James Bond actor?

1. I don't know a lot of movie quotes, but I like this one, "You're weird, I like you!" - Up

2. I am not doing as good as last season, but I am not doing bad. so I guess that I am kind of happy.

3. I am from Québec, so obvioulsy the Québec Nordiques lol.

4. If we want to make a big run in the playoffs this season, we have to win every possible games, so these games should be easy win.

5. I don't think we should be focusing too much on that, we just have to play one game at a time and try to win it every time.

6. Obvioulsy me, but I would prefer to play Batman if I could choose. But seriously, I don't know, maybe Henry Cavill could be a good James Bond.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:tor: Toronto Legion Press Conference :tor:

(2 TPE for answering all six questions)


1. The playoffs are here, and we open ours with a series against the Seattle Bears! The Bears played us well in the regular season, why did we struggle against them, and how do we rectify those issues in the playoffs?


2. What is your go to snack when watching sports? (Either at the venue or at home, dealer's choice.)


3. How do you feel that your regular season went? Is there anything specific that you're pleased with or disappointed by?


4. What band are you vibing right now?


5. Which team do you think comes out of the ultra-competitive European Conference to make the Continental Cup Finals?


6. Do you believe in the 5 second rule, or is food done when it touches the ground? (This question was inspired by me dropping a piece of chocolate on the ground while writing this list.)

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1. Have you ever fought a bear? Those things are strong! Haha but in all seriousness,  They have a good team and they put in the work just like the Legion does. It's going to be a true battle. The Legion just has to keep their heads up and keep pushing the pace and outplay the Bears.


2. Pizza or Poutine.. or both. But definitely could do a sushi platter


3. I started slow and was about 18 points behind the leader. At the end of the season I managed to get the number one spot but unfortunately in the last sims, I fell to 3rd in the league with 99 points. Overall it's a great achievement for me. Managed to be 3rd in points, 3rd in Goals, 4th in Assists, 2nd in shots and getting 2 Hat tricks. Pretty sastified


4. Honestly been vibing on a bit of MJ. Truly is the king


5. I'm thinking Moscow. They did finish first in the conference with an impressive +100 differential 


6. If it's dry food yes, wet food no. I think you're safe with chocolate 😅

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