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I don't think there's anything worse in the VHL than the time period between the end of the regular season and the beginning of the off-season if your team misses the playoffs. Without any playoff games, you're looking at a solid 2-4 weeks (depending on length of off-season and if there's a Wolrd Cup) of no games of any meaning with your player involved. For a league focused on being a player and not a GM, that can be brutal. I haven't gone through it in close to 6 or 7 seasons, and hopefully this is the last time it happens for me for another 7 seasons. Even if you make the 1st round and get swept, you at least gets 4 games to look forward to and some chirping between teams.


One thing I thought of that might be fun is to somehow be able to officially bandwagon for another team like you can on reddit if your team is eliminated. Would be a small little thing, but could make the wait somewhat more bearable.

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I do agree - that there may need to be something to fill the void. While there are some, like me, who can handle and don’t mind the weight - others can’t and imo, we need to give them a bit of a hand. 


1. Golf Simulator/VPGA (lol). Yes. You guessed it. What goes with hockey in playoff season? Well, for my Oilers anyway, GOLF! 


2. Championship Week -  SHL. 


3. Be on a playoff team. 

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I was told that molson was a bit poop. Not the worst Canadian beer, but still pretty cheap. I like it. At least it's not American. Just clarifying, not All American beers suck. 

Edited by BOOM™
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11 hours ago, BOOM™ said:



I've looked for Yeungling but no one sells it down here. I'll look for it later this year when I head back over. 


Godspeed my friend.

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16 hours ago, BOOM™ said:



I've looked for Yeungling but no one sells it down here. I'll look for it later this year when I head back over. 

Those are quite good

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