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Prague makes history on draft day


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When the Prague Phantoms won the draft lottery, It was generally thought that Superstar Center Benny Graves would be their pick, as many GM’s Follow the old rule, Pick the best player available. Prague Gm Jason Glasser (@diamond_ace) and Assistant Alexsi Sytsevich (@HenrikZoiderberg) Discussed Trading the pick for some additional pieces but nothing  enticed Glasser Enough to move the pick.


As Draft day arrived almost every mock draft had Prague Selecting Graves. But Glasser had his eye on another promising top prospect, Defenceman Cinnamon Block. Glasser Believed His Center core was one of the major strengths of his team, with three blossoming young players in Zeno Miniti ( @Zeno), Alex Pearson and Scotty BigShotty ( @FerdaJets) And so, as  Glasser walked up to the podium, He announced Cinnamon as the First overall Selection, and first ever Female Picked With the first overall pick.


While there have been some good Female players in the past (Katie Warren comes to mind) There have been none on the level of Block. Her aggressive but smart Defensive play blew the minds of scouts and clearly intrigued Glasser. 


Cinnamon Block Joins the Phantoms, a couple of whom she’s already played with, Including Alex Pearson and Scotty BigShotty on Philadelphia when they went on the cup run with Katherine Blade’s final season with the Philadelphia Reapers. Unfortunately they were Bounced in the second round and all 3 players moved on.


Block is expected to be a huge part of the promising Prague Defence core, Joining Star WSJ ( @Cornholio), Seabass Perrin ( @Sebster03) Gert B Forbe ( @NumberJ5) And Promising Youngster Jacob Perry ( @Liberty_Cabbage). Veteran ( @AdamEss) Will serve as a great mentor for the Young Czech Team.


Phantoms Also picked their future Starter in Solomon Crawford, who Will Likely Duel Owen May for Starting Duties if he makes the team over Bruce Grimaldi.



Prague hopes to improve in their sophomore season this year, And while they may not look like a playoff team, Hockey is a parity Sport, and anything can happen.


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