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Honestly, the title is a little click-bait but the idea that I had was I wanted to give a little shout out to some great people from S66 who pushed me or helped me or just influenced me in some way.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley/ @Beaviss- You knew you were going to get mentioned. From the time I started in the league, you were at the top of the draft, and you never have left that top spot go. Honestly some times I wish you would just chill and let me be the top guy from S66 but I think that will never happen. It actually has been great having you there pushing me to do everything I can to get more TPE and try and edge you out. It's funny thinking back when I first started and I used you in so many media spots or vhl.com articles as inspiration for Freeman to just try and be better. Honestly It's great that we are teammates now and are able to do some great things on the ice. Also, Beaviss your just an awesome person who I am great to know and have had the pleasure to have dinner with. 


Jet Jaguar/ @gorlab - Honestly since our days in Halifax it has always been great keeping up with your career and what you do on and off the ice. It's honestly great to have someone neck and neck with me in TPE and I feel like it has pushed me to keep going more times than not when I see you get higher than me or close to me and I just have to push back. Honestly, you are one of the best graphics guys I know and I am so happy to have been given a sig from you. It makes me smile every time I look at it and It just makes me hope that one day we can be teammates again either with these players or some future players. It was a shame we didn't win together but I still love seeing you do so well. I think what you for graphics is wonderful and that you keep pushing the envelope of what we are capable of.


 Shane Mars/ @Spade18 - Like Beaviss you were top of our class when I created and didn't slow down until you left. It was crazy for me to think of you two as rivals but it pushed me to where I am today. We didn't talk much but I know how it is with life sometimes even when you don't know some people all that well they can still push you in ways that you were not expecting. I wish you a great time and hopefully a great player with your new one. Hope everything is good for you in the future. wether you know or not you were a huge inspiration for me when I was starting in the league. It was a shame when I head you were leaving and it made it really hard for a while to find a closer competition than HHH, just glad Gorlab started catching up to me. 


Shawnomir Jagr/ @TheLastOlympian07 - Great teammate/linemate whom I did not know that well before we were both selected to the wolves. So glad to have an all S66 line with you and HHH. With you though we both knew the struggle that it was in our first couple seasons here. Life was hard as rookies but we stepped up and got shit done. I'm glad to see your numbers get where they should be based on your skill. Hopefully, we continue to have good seasons together and maybe get more cups in the future. I know its tough sometimes being on the same line as me and HHH where you often get the short end of the stick, but I am glad to have you as a linemate and hope that we can continue to thrive and do great things on the ice.


Apollo Hackett/ @Renomitsu - I remember when we first starting talking around the time of the draft. You were worried about dropping to the 3rd or 4th round due to school but Riga took a shot you with in the 2nd. They were silly to have waited that long. Every team was silly to pass on you. Also I always think of and am happy for your kind words with my mock drafts when I did them. Also was always happy when you wanted to do your own with some of the work I did. Hopefully we can still team up sometime in the future. I just want to thank you so much for encouraging me with those early pieces you were always there to give some positive encouragement and it really means a lot to me.


Dimitri Volosenkov/ @SirRupertBarnes - You are not active anymore but I still miss you. You were my captain in Halifax and my first competition in the depth chart. I will never forget the kind words of encouragement you had for me that honestly keeps me going some days. If you ever do come back I hope that I can help you the way you helped me soo many moons ago.


John Frostbeard/ @FrostBeard - Another person who I have always respect for the hard work they do on and off the ice. I always loved what you did when you were your own media spot but now that you are running the VSN with Bana it has been great watching you and your team do such great work. I hope that I can continue to work with you and build better stuff for you and your team to continue to do more wonderful things for the VHL as a whole. I see your leadership there and it makes me smile to see other people care so much about the VSN from our class and It just warms my heart to see you helping new people get excited about things. Hopefully this next year I can take another step up and get back to writing like I used to more.


Words: 1000+

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You've been a wonderful influence on this site, and I'm glad I could play a minor role in keeping you interested. I'm proud of the S66 class, and suspect we'll have a hand in some big changes in the league.

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