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Scores have been compiled for last season's VHFL. I won't release the results until after the finance cut-off in the offseason, but I can give you the best players per position in the meantime.

F1 Scott Greene 201.4 points
F2 Hunter Hearst Helmsley 192.2 points
F3 Boris the Forest 178.6 points
F4 Jet Jaguar 170.4 points
F5 Mat Tocco 164 points
F6 Ambrose Stark 159.6 points
F7 Julius Freeman 154.6 points
F8 Henrik Zoiderberg 151 points
F9 John Frostbeard 149.8 points
F10 Tyler Barabash Jr 149 points
F11 Phil Marleau 144.6 points
F12 Owen Nolan 144 points
F13 Erik Draven 141.4 points
F14 Mikko Aaltonen 140.2 points
F15 Keven Foreskin 139 points
F16 Chad Magnum 138.4 points
F17 Sigard Gunnar 135 points
F18 Benny Graves 131.2 points
F19 Dan Baillie 129 points
F20 Dalton Wilcox 127.8 points
F21 Erik Killinger 127.4 points
F22 Guy LeGrande 127.4 points
F23 Roll Fizzlebeef 127.2 points
F24 Nethila Dissanayake 126.8 points
F25 Brian Strong 125 points
F26 RJ Jubis 123 points
F27 George Washington 121.8 points
F28 Gritty 121.8 points
F29 Thomas Landry II 121 points
F30 Kronos Bailey 119.4 points
D1 Lincoln Tate 236.4 points
D2 Roque Davis 224.2 points
D3 Erik Summers 221.8 points
D4 Lance Flowers 218.6 points
D5 Rusty Shackleford 210.6 points
D6 Condor Adrienne 208 points
D7 Cinnamon Block 206.2 points
D8 Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen 206 points
D9 Aron Nielsen 202.4 points
D10 Vladimir Pavlov 201.4 points
D11 Micheal Gary Scott 197 points
D12 Brady Stropko Jr 195.4 points
D13 Hulk Hogan 193.2 points
D14 Seabass Perrin 192.8 points
D15 Apollo Hackett 192.6 points
D16 Jerry Garcia 192.4 points
D17 Guillaume Fontenette 191.8 points
D18 Luciano Valentino 189.6 points
D19 Boone Jenton 188.6 points
D20 Charlie Paddywagon 185.8 points
G1 Michael Johnson 201.71 points
G2 Rayz Funk 189.53 points
G3 Brick Wahl 187.07 points
G4 Jaxx Hextall 184.5 points
G5 A Red Guy 182.38 points
G6 Virgil Ligriv 180.7 points
G7 Finn Davison 178.24 points
G8 Jacques Lafontaine 176.31 points
G9 Greg Eagles 173.17 points
G10 Raymond Bernard 172.67 points
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9 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

F6, f8, f10

D6, D11

G10 ??‍♂️ 

good goalies on good team don't score that much because they don't save as much pucks. Goalies that steal games despite being shot at 40+ times a game are a gold mine.

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Just now, McWolf said:

good goalies on good team don't score that much because they don't save as much pucks. Goalies that steal games despite being shot at 40+ times a game are a gold mine.

Yah I didn’t take that into consideration this time around. Oh well! Lesson learned ?

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2 hours ago, McWolf said:

good goalies on good team don't score that much because they don't save as much pucks. Goalies that steal games despite being shot at 40+ times a game are a gold mine.

hey dats me

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