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Town of Salem #8


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6 minutes ago, Z16 said:

eagles is telling the truth!


You couldn't find any evidence of wrongdoing! Your target seems innocent.


Whose next? Devise?



Thank you ? 


Although just because you found me innocent doesn’t completely put me in the clear. I still could be a godfather 

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TP - Doc - Eagles

TP - Osens

TS - Trans - Mike


TI - Spy - Flex

TI - Invest - Doom

TK - Vet - RJ

RT - Jailor - Spartan

RT - LO - Hatty

RT - LO - Barzal

1 GF + 3 MAF - TBD

1 TT - TBD

NE - Witch - ricer

RN - SK - hatter

Any - OMG - surv


Extras: Z16(Sheriff)

no claims: Berocka, Nyko, OrbitingDeath*, Devise, a_ferk*


Notes: We have too many town claims. OD and Ferk were also visited by mafia, according to the Spy claim. That makes things even more muddled up. We need EVERYONE to claim. For now, we push Nyko. But keep in mind, either me, Barzal, Doom, Flex, or Z16 is lying or a TT.

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37 minutes ago, Spartan said:

I'm fine with the hesitation to move for now, but if nyko doesn't claim and we don't have a vet cc, I expect your vote and Devises to go with mine before the end of the day 


I'll go with you I just think it's a mistake. RJ throwing mafia accusations at me only makes it more suspicious to me. The fact that we'll have no clarity over RJ after this one way or the other is bad imo.


Remember last night when you joked you could be traitor when you had me in jail? Just saying a lot of flip flopping for Jailor when we outright caught someone in a potential big lie. 


Whatever though I'll go with the majority.


Unvote RJ


Vote Nyko

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1 minute ago, Devise said:


I'll go with you I just think it's a mistake. RJ throwing mafia accusations at me only makes it more suspicious to me. The fact that we'll have no clarity over RJ after this one way or the other is bad imo.


Remember last night when you joked you could be traitor when you had me in jail? Just saying a lot of flip flopping for Jailor when we outright caught someone in a potential big lie. 


Whatever though I'll go with the majority.


Unvote RJ


Vote Nyko

To be fair, I have information about you that he doesn't. There also hasn't been a CC, and it's only like 1:30 PM. I also wouldn't be trying to remain objective if I was actually TT lol. I could easily jail and exe someone important and spare the witch tonight if I was truly TT. Best you can do is wait and find out.

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1 hour ago, eaglesfan036 said:

In the meantime I would like to hear from @Doomsday and @Z16 on their investigator and sheriff results


I already reported them, but omgitshim is either a Survivor, Vampire Hunter, or Amnesiac.

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Just now, Doomsday said:


I already reported them, but omgitshim is either a Survivor, Vampire Hunter, or Amnesiac.

Can you remind me of your N1 results please, I've forgotten and don't quite feel like going back through 17 pages lol

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9 minutes ago, jhatty8 said:

hey @Devise glad you're here.


Role and actions please.


Catch up. The jailor jailed me last night and knows my role. He's free to reveal it as he sees fit. I've also been here talking the whole time but okay.


That's all true @Spartan except we won't know anything about RJ yet. I'm not full on saying there is no chance he's vet. It's more that we wind up with this question mark hanging for more days. More info may help with that, but not knowing one way or the other catching someone claiming a role despite not doing the night action listed is pretty open to lots of manipulation.



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Just now, Spartan said:

Can you remind me of your N1 results please, I've forgotten and don't quite feel like going back through 17 pages lol


I tried to Investigate Nyko, but Mike transported Nyko with himself. The results were Escort, Transporter, or Consort.

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Just now, Devise said:

Catch up. The jailor jailed me last night and knows my role. He's free to reveal it as he sees fit. I've also been here talking the whole time but okay.


That's all true @Spartan except we won't know anything about RJ yet. I'm not full on saying there is no chance he's vet. It's more that we wind up with this question mark hanging for more days. More info may help with that, but not knowing one way or the other catching someone claiming a role despite not doing the night action listed is pretty open to lots of manipulation.

Luckily, the question mark is easily resolved. If there is no other vet claim, RJ is our guy and Gustav made a mistake. He doesn't have much wiggle room at all here since he's claimed a unique role that is also the typical claim of a mafioso.


Regarding your role, I'd prefer not to reveal it, but if there's enough suspicion from a TI, I'd be glad to make your claim known.

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5 minutes ago, jhatty8 said:


I'm aware. And if you're not, we have -1 town spots left and your role is still in the dark.


So pressure the jailor to reveal it. He said he wanted it in the dark for a few more days, if he'd like to reveal he's free to I won't complain.

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Just now, eaglesfan036 said:

@Doomsday has posted the results of 2 people that had already claimed a role beforehand


Doesn't mean he isn't investigator but also doesn't really confirm he either. We shall see if this pattern continues


Tbf he was asked to clarify my role since it's a bad claim usually.

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Just now, Devise said:

So pressure the jailor to reveal it. He said he wanted it in the dark for a few more days, if he'd like to reveal he's free to I won't complain.

The way today has gone, I'm leaning towards Devise fitting in the role listing better than some other folks who have claimed already. I could be very wrong, but I don't have much of a reason to doubt his claim yet. If you want his role, I'll reveal it, but we have a bit of an advantage with some ~town~ folks whose roles aren't known to maf.

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