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Everything posted by Victor

  1. you need to stop that before I use facts and stats against you again.
  2. Yeah very intriguing. It's a bit risky as well, like I don't see how they can have any more events in the park but we've never been in the real world before. Quite the step. Although of course host William is a thing in the future so maybe it will all stay in the park somehow. Either way, hope it's not a 2 year wait. And yeah, I think I'll keep bingeing seasons cuz it's hard enough to keep track when I'm watching them back to back.
  3. Ah so there is a thread about Westworld. I binged season 2 a couple weeks ago. Not as good as Season 1, but S1 was also incredible so it wasn't bad by any means. I've been more invested in Westworld than the last 3 season of GoT. I also love how at the end of both seasons I have no idea where it'll go next. Like not the slightest indication. And both seasons could have been equally satisfying as a series finale tbh and I wouldn't have been mad (well I would have been but only because I want more). Hopefully Ford's stuck around in the code somewhere. Maybe Maeve's. Need Hopkins in my life.
  4. We have been blessed with the best forward that doesn't care about Ballon d'Ors.
  5. Such a good game they posted it twice.
  6. It was very much a spur of the moment list, required minimal thought. I am sure I could double it with a bit more effort. Street was an obvious omission though. Probably the most relatable for me as I could see the exact same methods being used.
  7. I accept.
  8. 1. I always secretly hope to have great seasons as it's one of my main motivations in the VHL but with Cast I had played down expectations so much that I bought my own lack of expectations. So it's been a surprise. I don't think it is massively weird because of the team makeup in Riga, but it was still the best case scenario and I was behind you and others in TPE so I'd say this is basically a 10/10 season. Maybe 9 but only because my only threat was my teammate. Let's have a better battle going forward. 2. Absolutely yay, I waxed lyrical about it in a podcast and now that it's in my VHL routine I have no complaints. A few small fixes here and there and but I and others have been bringing them to Will's attention. 3. I'd move Quebec to Europe to balance out the original Cologne contraction. Not necessarily to Cologne but I want a 4/4 split. None of the other NA teams could realistically move at this point. 4. We just need more engagement somehow, something to make the weeks go by faster. It's hard to say because I'm really not as active as I was before which is kind of the problem. I'd be making enough posts to engage with new members back in the day, now I don't. I don't even check the VHLM. I suspect it's the same with other older members. So some artificial engagement is needed, like PTs split into 2/3 parts a week. 5. Best: the growth of the portal for sure. And of course removing the Fong and Marta Trophies. Worst: Dunno? I don't think there's been many changes specifically since I came back, certainly none which stick out as bad moves.
  9. This post was originally made on April 14 in the moderator forum. Note to Kendrick: I don't care if you read this. No one online or offline has ever made me so strongly hate them as you have done. So well done I guess? Please don't come back. I genuinely don't know what happened with boubabi, I can only assume that he didn't like the blue team after I left. I'm not trying to paint myself as some pacifying hero btw just an observation and I have seen quotes from him basically, for some reason, comparing the current commishes to me. Which is flattering but wholly unnecessary - the current commishes have been great at navigating a much more difficult period in the league's history than in my time x.  Anyway, sorry, classic tangent about me. My point is, at the time of me leaving, I thought Kendrick was very much the greatest detriment to the league and boubabi was just a slightly egotistical guy who liked to bend some rules a bit - not the first or last member who's a bit too driven to success in a way which rubs some people the wrong way.  There's no going back to that, boubabi has burned his bridges. BUT, Kendrick is a grade A cunt. Below is a brief sample of Kendrick's on-and-off grudges over the course of the league's history:   Me The Gows The Pajodcast crew (Adv, devise, jericho)  boubabi Bushito Zimmers Greg Banack NickBarr nibbz Damien Tyler scotty I'm pretty sure I feel like I should pin that list somewhere and keep updating it as I remember more names. At various points I've felt that Kendrick was the single cause of our retention issues, completely nullifying his often useful recruitment efforts. And look at that list. It is unbelievably diverse. Yeah, lots of people there that were/are confrontational, but also lots that really aren't that much. It's not like it's the same type of person which rattles him, it's literally anyone who disagrees/calls him out more than once. Or just like wins a cup and is happy about it.  And there is a such a variety of ways in which he goes after people. The public arguments, the snipes, the indirect call-outs (we all know the classic "I hope X team wins this series because Y team just don't go about winning in a respectful way"), the biased voting, the locker room conspiracies, the refusal to show any respect and recognition to his hated members and their player (glaring omissions from media spot articles or podcasts or other lists which clearly SHOULD include the people he's ignoring. Except he's obviously not ignoring them).  I could literally write a thesis on sociology and human psychology purely based on 9 years of witnessing this dickhead. Unfortunately he'll never do anything to warrant a permanent ban, and any brief suspensions will be construed as persecution. There's no winning with this guy.
  10. Couldn't have written it better myself.
  11. 1. Most probably. It's also what you deserve for your weird robot time travelling Encarnacion shit. Also never watched Black Mirror so hopefully that isn't a major twist. 2. Depends on the difference in quality between the forward which is BPA and the next best D/G. Which I know nothing about despite my best efforts to try and follow the S62 draft starting a few weeks ago. I do think BPA is the way atm, as we kind of need everything. 3. Could put a snarky response about the "word cup" here but nah. It was great fun, fitting end to a very exciting tournament as a whole. I wanted Croatia to win, but knew France was always the likeliest winner. Bit disappointed with France's 1st half but can't say it was undeserved after the 2nd. I think Croatia's approach was the best I've seen in a World Cup final ever (having watched since 2006). So props to them, I'm sure they'll be remembered fondly.
  12. Scenes.
  13. so close
  14. Anything which is a threat to the legacy of Greg Clegane must be destroyed.
  15. In a classic case of lowering own expectations, I would have been happy with any 1st season for Podrick Cast, and would have been delighted with a point per game pace with lots of time to make up and put up some HOF stats in the future. Instead, with nearly 50 goals and 100 points, I appear to have somehow pulled out another Stolzschweiger Trophy out of the bag. Thank you sim gods. It's not the greatest rookie season of all time, but it is the best since S57 (Casey Jones) and up there with the abomination which was Cologne's clearly PED-infused performances in S52 and S53 by van Hohenzollern and Thrower respectively. RIP Cologne and both those members. In my previous rookie season, Greg Clegane pipped the equally impressive Max Molholt to the Stolzy and won a cup, so this isn't quite that good but it was nonetheless a strong rookie class with the likes of Matt Thompson, Bryce Zhields, Samuel Gate, and Roger Sterling all in with a shout in pre-season and indeed early in the season. Shoutout as well to my teammate @Tagger with whom Cast has formed a formidable partnership. It took my previous center, Chershenko, a season to find a decent teammate in Rybak, but their careers turned out alright. In a weird twist, Tagger's last "serious" rookie season, Edwin Reencarnacion's in S44, was also a Stolzy winner, the season before Clegane. And of course thank you to my GM @hedgehog337 for setting up a team that maximises scoring in an otherwise shit season and for signing Pablo, the true S61 MVP.
  16. 285 Bears @ Legion 286 Americans @ Reign 287 Bears @ HC Dynamo 288 Meute @ Wranglers
  17. 281 HC Dynamo @ Bears 282 Wranglers @ Americans 283 Reign @ Titans 284 Titans @ Meute
  18. 2-0 Legion
  19. RIPs
  20. I appreciate it, you didn't want to make the Stolzy vote difficult.
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