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Everything posted by Victor

  1. Well I guess the world will never hear your thoughts. Today we have lost potential greatness.
  2. wtf who let this happen
  3. Guys this isn't a grammar issue, this is a reading comprehension issue. His wife passed away, not his son.
  4. If you go on your profile there should also be a box to type in which says "What's on your mind?"
  5. I think we should sim two games with the lines Riga wanted/tried to send in.
  6. Shut him down and you don't win then.
  7. Kloseing in, Kloseing in.... #KlosedInOnAGreatCareer
  8. @Mr. Grumpy Bear if everyone calls him, he might come back!
  9. Jardy, duh
  10. jesus christ guys, we're on v1, there's barely any sliders which are operational
  11. I know lots of people got STHS before specifically for that purpose. Still don't care though, I've made lines to beat simmers' teams. They can't test against your changes.
  12. What is this inactive Calgary banter? S44 this may not be, but they're sure as hell more active than most of Europe. Maybe even Helsinki if you take out the S45s. :/
  13. No amount of test sims can protect anyone against STHS bullshit.
  14. It hasn't really helped him.
  15. Woo it's a milestone! Calgary will be playing New York in the playoffs for the 1500th time!
  16. That predictions troll this season was too good and too cruel.
  17. yeah fucking prick! right?
  18. and they still don't!
  19. So proud of Stockholm. #DoItFor3Moons
  20. Lol it was probably edited for a spelling mistake or something. Edited pretty much instantly.
  21. Well Riga has two cups in 31...
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