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Everything posted by Victor

  1. Yukon 2 gud Graves 2 gud
  2. CAL FUCK YEAH actually.
  3. That's myself and Higgins.
  4. VHL player?
  5. You also get to come out of retirement for this: http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/topic/12446-game-2-s40-hof-tournament/
  6. I should say, making the top 10 was fucking hard work. I definitely need about 5 more slots but they're in other peoples' list so whatever.
  7. Eh, if not top 10 he's like top 15. Can't agree with longevity and you didn't include Pensfan or Jason. I wouldn't include Greg myself though I respect Seattle and especially the Seattle Six days.
  8. Draper really wants Jardy's job.
  9. Good drafting record and stockpiled picks very well. One trade which struck me always in particular was a three-way with McNeil, Jon Church, and Gegeny. Seattle got Church I think and somehow the only other piece involved: a 1st. I think they used it on Funk or something. Also I'd give him credit for the Scotty deal as well as adding McNeil after. the S4-S5 team was basically tremblay's work. S22 cup over THAT powerhouse Toronto team. He picked up a team without its S18 1st (Kanou) and added pieces along the way to make them one of the better teams of the generation. Fowler trade was very good too. S1 Seattle wasn't great but also very short. Cologne.... expansion teams had it tough and Quebec's sole reason for winning is FA coup (could have gone to Cologne) and the Valiq clique. Lots of effort by Kendrick though, bringing back Smarch, Kachur, Gow, and likely others.
  10. Shit Chris, sorry, totally slipped my mind. You've gotten into other peoples' lists and I don't want to kick out anyone out of mine. Probably better than Brandon though, he was just my first GM and all.
  11. Time to dig up some ancient names... Scott Boulet Danny Tremblay Dustin Funk Scotty Campbell | | Joey Kendrick Sam Helberg Brandon Best (and a bit of Sterling Labatte) | David Knight | Sandro Desaulniers Mitch Higgins
  12. Obviously a multi joke but I will find where you cheated also.
  13. them hits and shot blocks (and PIMS!!!) turn every girl on.
  14. You're a fucking All-Star btw.
  15. I paid top dollar for his inactive ass in S35.
  16. Davos takes the Riga rivalry very seriously indeed.
  17. so happy to be alive
  18. Should I expect a sig now? Yes.
  19. S33? You seem to get into good drafts.
  20. fixed, you should be able to rep more now
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owxvIZG0prI
  22. All free agents not eligible for the VHLM: (S33) RW - Jarkko Olsen, TPE: 687 (S37) D - Slaeter Fjorsstrom, TPE: 580 (S34) RW - Matteo Gallo, TPE: 325 (S35) C - Leon Leitner, TPE: 260 (S33) LW - Riley Stevens, TPE: 201 (S36) D - David Januzaj, TPE: 172 (S37) D - Penis Anthony Hudson, TPE: 156 (S35) RW - Queen Latifa, TPE: 153 (S37) LW - Kai Randal, TPE: 138 (S37) D - Jack Ryan, TPE: 135 (S35) C - Frédérik Ernst, TPE: 135 (S34) LW - Boone Cassidy, TPE: 135 (S34) D - Gabrial Johnson, TPE: 129 Full list of free agents: http://vhlsim.invisionzone.com/index.php?/forum/85-free-agents/
  23. yes holy Media Spot Batman Re-sign in Davos and get traded to Quebec for a 4th. It is only fitting.
  24. Imma take TPE off Draper cuz fuck that guy.
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