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Everything posted by Laflamme

  1. Proud of how Yukon is preforming! Keep it up guys!!
  2. My Favourite memory was definitely when I created Pablo Escabar. He had the best Career any of my players ever have and probably ever will. Unfortunately I killed his amazing career very early with person life problems. I still think back to how great the Bears were and how great the group of guys were. Pretty excited for Laflamme to now be apart of the Bears Franchise.
  3. Laflamme and Forsberg have been fighting neck and neck all season for the #1 player in the VHLM. With both not slowing down it is hard to tell who will really be on top. Forsberg being the scorer of the two is leading in goals, but the person always on the other end of the goals is Laflamme assisting his every goal! Both players currently are sitting at 102 points. They have grown such a strong friendship that we could see them purposely trying to end the season tied so they both share the award. Mattias Forsberg (OSL) 46-56-102 Xavier Laflamme (OSL) 37-65-102 Make sure you guys keep an eye on this two amazing prospects. Also make sure you comment underneath who you think will come out on top. Could it be the amazing Laflamme, or the down right savage Forsberg? The season is reaching the end sooner than we think !
  4. Xavier Laflamme Left Wing Assists Points
  5. Fighting hard Xavier Laflamme is still holding down the VHLM in points. There has been a race going on between @Laflamme and @Banackock. Which is remotely funny because Banackock drafted Laflamme in the previous VHL draft. Talk about a steal right. With the season slowly coming to an end Xavier has a high chance of holding down his position. With that being said Xavier Laflamme is looking forward to playing on the Bears roster next season if not super excited! All his VHLM hard work will have paid off and be able to be put to good use. On the ice and off the ice. Thats all from me this week. stayed tuned to next week to see whats going on in Xavier Laflamme's mind, what he has planned and who he finds to be a little "pus pus" cough cough @Banackock. Untill next time Laflamme signing off goodnight and goodbye.
  6. very close game, good work guys!
  7. Getting further and further into the season Laflamme is turning heads! leading the VHLM in points everyone is impressed. People are contacting Xavier's agent asking them to play on his team. General Manager of the Seattle Bears @Banackock has shown some worry in the last few days thinking that Laflamme is going to disappear off his roster. Thankfully both Laflamme and his agent contacted @Banackock and reassured him that Laflamme is a franchise player with no plans to go anywhere. He stated in an interview today " I will bleed maroon my whole career." Those words look pretty promising for the Seattle Bears. Stay tuned for the beginning of next season when Xavier Laflamme breaks the Bears roster and goes HAM. @Banackock and @Laflamme with be like the Malkin and Crosby combo, they already have a killer relationship being on the same team in the VHLM playing for the Oslo Bears! For Life.
  8. looking good boyz lets keep it up!!
  9. Damn im on a cold streak
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