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Everything posted by Laflamme

  1. LaFlamme Biography When you here the name LaFlamme, I think most people who automatically think that he had some sort of French in his blood. If you guessed this, you would be correct. Now, he is not France and he is not from Quebec, though his had lived in Quebec for many years prior to him being born up until Xavier's mother was about 3 months pregnant. Following her pregnancy announcement to the family, his father got a job in Peterborough as a cars salesman at a luxury dealership and decided that it may be best for the new, growing family to move from their home and hopefully onto bigger and better things. Alas, Xavier LaFlamme was born at 4 O'clock in the morning, to Maurice and Renee' LaFlamme, in one of their local hospitals in Peterborough, Ontario (That's Canada for you Latvian's). When being born, Xavier was slightly premature and a little underweight so the doctors advised little LaFlamme stay at the hospital for a week or two, to be monitored and make sure the little one was healthy and ready to go meet the world. While there was a few minor set backs and struggles, after the two week monitored period, his parents took him home and introduced him to those who were waiting to meet him. As he began to grow up, he did so like any other little boy. His first words were "Momma" and "Dadda" and he could count to 10 before the age of 2. His was crawling, walking and sprinting all on time and lived a very energetic childhood. At the age of 4, his father bought Xavier and dirt bike in the summer (which he started doing trial and youth races with) and hockey skates in the Winter. Needless to say, he excelled at one much greater than the other - though, he did continue dirt biking until the age of 11 where he decided to go "full" hockey. When he was 6 years old, Xavier was placed into the Canadian schooling system and was officially starting out as a little seedling in the economical empire known as "planet earth". Alike any child at school, he got a long with everyone and for the most part behaved himself in classroom. He treated the children and faculty staff with respect the majority of the time, however, did enjoy being the class-clown from time to time and getting his classmates to join in uproars. Though, you could agree, if he hadn't done this would he have truly been a normal, little boy? As the years grew on, he began to get smarter and smarter. He became an honour student in his class and constantly told everyone that school was easy for him. Between schooling and hockey, it seemed as though Xavier had a bright future ahead of him. For the hockey side of thing, he started playing fairly competitive youthful hockey at the age of 12 and the more he played, the better he got. Eventually he was picked up by the Peterborough Petes JR team the age of 15, where he managed to get noticed by a lot of schools which offered him scholarships if he were to attend their schools. Eventually graduation came and the decision was his to make. After some thought and consultations from friends, family and others, he decided to joint he University of Ottawa's hockey team and schooling programs. Here he would spend the next 2 seasons (16 years old, to 18 years old), playing hockey and showing off his amazing, talented skills. Though, despite the greatness, not all was good. While Xavier was in school, he managed to find himself in a little bit of trouble. Despite his strong talents, skills and determination to play the game of hockey - he, like any other young adolescent, liked to enjoy themselves in University and party. After all, as they said, it at University unless you experience it all, am I right? (I don't know, and furthermore, don't give a shit really). It seemed as though every single night, he would find himself at some bar or friends house (or some strangers place), guzzling the booze, smoking the joints or ripping the fattest of fucking rails of a nice pair or perky tits. To anyone at the party, he was a fucking hero. To anyone who missed the thing, they wished they hadn't and he had become a legend. The problem with being a legend though is that people talk and at times, the wrong people can admire you for the wrong reasons. Unfortunately for LaFlamme, while he was having fun, his manager and hockey director for the Ottawa University managed to catch wind of his behaviour and called him into his office one morning before practice. Essentially the tale tells that it went something like this. Xavier was praised for his high ability and work ethic and while the director acknowledged that he was a kid and it was normal to party, the overnight thing and poor reputation for being mature was starting to affect word throughout the Canadian University leagues. This was not a reputation that Ottawa wanted in their locker room, on their roster or under their control. Simply put, if he did not change his attitude and ways, he would be off the team. As you'd imagine, things had changed for Xavier LaFlamme. He started to turn around and stop partying so much. We won't lie and tell you that he never went to another party again, because he did and he was still a fucking legend, but he calmed down and wasn't doing so heavily. There weren't anymore stories of him ripping the rails of hooters or jumping over cars in moving traffic downtown while holding a mickey of whiskey in his left arm and a sparkler in the right. It was safe to say that the act had been cleaned up and it hadn't gone without being noticed. At the end of the year, he was awarded with the most improved player award and had finished with 23 goals and 32 assists in 36 games. That following season, he left the University of Ottawa and was drafted into the Victory Hockey League's junior system and eventually was drafted by the Seattle Bears organization. While not confirmed, rumour has it that he's back on the rail and tit train as progression and development have come to a strong slowdown for the young player.
  2. Player Name: Xavier LaFlamme VHL Team: Seattle Bears Cash you have: $6,500,000 Purchase Name: Free Week Cost of Purchase: $3,000,000 Cash Left: $3,500,000
  3. Player Name: Xavier LaFlamme VHL Team: Seattle Bears Cash you have: $9,500,000 (6.5 + S56 contract) Purchase Name: Free Week Cost of Purchase: $3,000,000 Cash Left: $6,500,000
  4. Xavier Laflamme and the Seattle Bears are looking to be like a pretty strong playoff team when the time comes. GM @Banackock has been making some remarkable moves to make the team a threat. Other teams are shaking in fear when they see the big scary Bears storming onto the ice. They are bigger and stronger and more hungry for the cup then any other team in the league. Will the thrive end or will they seem to amaze ? Playoff time will only tell the weak from the strong, the brave from the cowards. Xavier Laflamme has been seen in the Bears private gym working harder then ever trying to get back into shape after the last 10 days of partying in the Caribbean for a teammates wedding. The trainer said too much wine and cake may be the case. Until next week, have a great week you VHLers.
  5. yeah you guys need to chill. Its summer time and the hype of the kids going back to school and stuff. Kendrick you have me on facebook and discord. a simple facebook message goes a long way. If you guys wanna fire me, then fire me but you need to understand that for 10 days maybe 15 days people have lives and responsibilities.
  6. Can we get chat back please??
  7. Yukon claims (S57) LW - Phil Bennington
  8. You have to play a certain amount of regular season games to be eligible for the playoffs.
  9. Tough loss Rush ! Good game Wild!
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