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Everything posted by Laflamme

  1. 123 Saskatoon Wild 124 Oslo Storm 125 Las Vegas Aces
  2. @greygoosevodka Welcome to the VHLM! The Yukon Rush would like to offer you a contract for the remainder of the season for $1M. Come join us in Yukon we can offer you top minutes!
  3. Good win Boys ! Good shutout Goalie!!
  4. First win as the GM of Yukon! Many many more to come!
  5. Yukon Rush offer 1M for the season, Come join and feel the Rush!
  6. one of these days we are gonna beat you guys!
  7. Good game guys! we are starting to build chemistry!
  8. Player Name: Xavier Laflamme VHL Team: Oslo Storm Cash you have: 4M Purchase Name: The First Generation - $500 000 Cost of Purchase: - $ 500,000 Cash Left: - $3,500,000
  9. Reward:$1 mil (x3) Eggs Cost : 3 Egg For Player: Xavier Laflamme
  10. yay we won both games today!
  11. Developing as a player After a few weeks in the VHLM Xavier Laflamme is adjusting into the player that he has wanted to become. In the process of working on his skating Xavier has become a stronger and faster skater therefor making him more deadly on the ice. This helps him get open more on offense and pressure the puck more in the offensive zone. It also improves Xavier speed to hustle back on those two versus ones. Laflamme has also been working on his scoring. Although there has not been any pay out yet, Xavier hopes that the training will help soon. He has been working on his accuracy shooting at the net as well as the power of his shots. Currently he only has contributed two goals this season, he does plan to get more. Laflamme is hoping if he starts to score more than he man earn more ice time, he is only on the third line at the moment. They do say hard work pays off.
  12. Very well written article Higgins. The Titans are looking scary! perhaps next season ill be on here! Word count is good, really like the player pictures and the coloured text makes it look
  13. Good article! You might just be watch Quebec was looking for word count is good. kept me interested the whole way through.
  14. Very good read ! I signed with the wrong VHLM team! Vegas is on fire! some pictures and word colouring would make this article prestige!
  15. Thanks for the kind words. Well over the word count. Well written . @Kendrick watch out he might steal your article!
  16. good article. Hope you show us what ya got!! Word count is good. We need to watch out for this guy !
  17. Very good read. Sound like the Dynamo are a very good team. They just need to start getting things going! Good luck this season guys!
  18. Very good man, sounds like the vikings are gonna win it all. keep up the stellar work!
  19. well written. Learned a bit about your player. It was very layed out as well.
  20. as Pmed a few days ago, I would like to apply
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