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  1. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Contract negotiations in Moscow   
    The players and staff in Moscow have been enjoying the off-season for some time now. After an exciting season, all attention shifted towards contract negotiations as many of the core players in Moscow had their contracts ending after season 92.  Since the team performed above expectations, many of the players also had solid years which brought extra tension into the contract negotiations as sitting around the negotiation table with nice numbers is usually exactly where you want to be as a player.
    Rumors coming in from Moscow suggest that the management of the team was well aware of the potential trouble in the negotiations, so the management decided to try something different. Before starting the negotiations, the management in Moscow reportedly asked each player and their representatives to submit an offer they would like to sign.  Those who failed to submit a reasonable offer were given two options: make a new offer or not submit a new offer and get drafted by the military to fight in Ukraine.  After so many players submitted offers that were, according to the rumors, described as "harmful to the best intentions of the organization",  the players managed to submit a new offer that was then accepted by the management in Moscow. And so the core was signed and the team is ready for the new season!
  2. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Makes you scream   
  3. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Where are the pancakes?   
    If you ask me one of the worst things about browsing the internet is having to see something you do not want to see. Categories and the search function are standard in most sites. These elements are for those who browse the internet at work, on a bus, or on their way back home from Church. If someone saw your search history or saw you click to whatever category, they would, at worst, think you are weird: "This person, what is that? Here and now?".
    We all know that usually the good stuff can be found by going through what is posted and shared most recently. The content is pure, honest, and real. If someone sees you consuming the content, the good and the bad, they would at best think you are weird. The problem is that by going through what is posted most recently you are forced to see content that makes you feel a bit weary and maybe even scream from being so uncomfortable, but then again the reward of finding something you did not even think was out there makes the whole experience worth it. You also get addicted to the "what could be out there today?" - type of thinking, because there is no way to know for sure what you will see when you look over the most recent content. You could see anything!
    You hope to find the pancakes in the sea of potatoes, and the bad content is a key part of the whole experience by making good and surprising content hit you with more power, but at some point, you need to ask yourself: "Is having to go through this many potatoes worth it?". That is how I am feeling right now when I also browse VHL. I see nothing but potatoes and they are called "Town of Salem #29". I browse and I browse, just waiting to find the good stuff, but the pancakes are between the potatoes, buried under a big pile of potatoes.
    Activity is great, posting is great, but not like this. What used to be a mixed bag with potential for surprises is now a site for 95% of nothing but potatoes. Where are the pancakes?
  4. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from AJW in Where are the pancakes?   
    If you ask me one of the worst things about browsing the internet is having to see something you do not want to see. Categories and the search function are standard in most sites. These elements are for those who browse the internet at work, on a bus, or on their way back home from Church. If someone saw your search history or saw you click to whatever category, they would, at worst, think you are weird: "This person, what is that? Here and now?".
    We all know that usually the good stuff can be found by going through what is posted and shared most recently. The content is pure, honest, and real. If someone sees you consuming the content, the good and the bad, they would at best think you are weird. The problem is that by going through what is posted most recently you are forced to see content that makes you feel a bit weary and maybe even scream from being so uncomfortable, but then again the reward of finding something you did not even think was out there makes the whole experience worth it. You also get addicted to the "what could be out there today?" - type of thinking, because there is no way to know for sure what you will see when you look over the most recent content. You could see anything!
    You hope to find the pancakes in the sea of potatoes, and the bad content is a key part of the whole experience by making good and surprising content hit you with more power, but at some point, you need to ask yourself: "Is having to go through this many potatoes worth it?". That is how I am feeling right now when I also browse VHL. I see nothing but potatoes and they are called "Town of Salem #29". I browse and I browse, just waiting to find the good stuff, but the pancakes are between the potatoes, buried under a big pile of potatoes.
    Activity is great, posting is great, but not like this. What used to be a mixed bag with potential for surprises is now a site for 95% of nothing but potatoes. Where are the pancakes?
  5. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Where are the pancakes?   
    If you ask me one of the worst things about browsing the internet is having to see something you do not want to see. Categories and the search function are standard in most sites. These elements are for those who browse the internet at work, on a bus, or on their way back home from Church. If someone saw your search history or saw you click to whatever category, they would, at worst, think you are weird: "This person, what is that? Here and now?".
    We all know that usually the good stuff can be found by going through what is posted and shared most recently. The content is pure, honest, and real. If someone sees you consuming the content, the good and the bad, they would at best think you are weird. The problem is that by going through what is posted most recently you are forced to see content that makes you feel a bit weary and maybe even scream from being so uncomfortable, but then again the reward of finding something you did not even think was out there makes the whole experience worth it. You also get addicted to the "what could be out there today?" - type of thinking, because there is no way to know for sure what you will see when you look over the most recent content. You could see anything!
    You hope to find the pancakes in the sea of potatoes, and the bad content is a key part of the whole experience by making good and surprising content hit you with more power, but at some point, you need to ask yourself: "Is having to go through this many potatoes worth it?". That is how I am feeling right now when I also browse VHL. I see nothing but potatoes and they are called "Town of Salem #29". I browse and I browse, just waiting to find the good stuff, but the pancakes are between the potatoes, buried under a big pile of potatoes.
    Activity is great, posting is great, but not like this. What used to be a mixed bag with potential for surprises is now a site for 95% of nothing but potatoes. Where are the pancakes?
  6. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from Banackock in Where are the pancakes?   
    If you ask me one of the worst things about browsing the internet is having to see something you do not want to see. Categories and the search function are standard in most sites. These elements are for those who browse the internet at work, on a bus, or on their way back home from Church. If someone saw your search history or saw you click to whatever category, they would, at worst, think you are weird: "This person, what is that? Here and now?".
    We all know that usually the good stuff can be found by going through what is posted and shared most recently. The content is pure, honest, and real. If someone sees you consuming the content, the good and the bad, they would at best think you are weird. The problem is that by going through what is posted most recently you are forced to see content that makes you feel a bit weary and maybe even scream from being so uncomfortable, but then again the reward of finding something you did not even think was out there makes the whole experience worth it. You also get addicted to the "what could be out there today?" - type of thinking, because there is no way to know for sure what you will see when you look over the most recent content. You could see anything!
    You hope to find the pancakes in the sea of potatoes, and the bad content is a key part of the whole experience by making good and surprising content hit you with more power, but at some point, you need to ask yourself: "Is having to go through this many potatoes worth it?". That is how I am feeling right now when I also browse VHL. I see nothing but potatoes and they are called "Town of Salem #29". I browse and I browse, just waiting to find the good stuff, but the pancakes are between the potatoes, buried under a big pile of potatoes.
    Activity is great, posting is great, but not like this. What used to be a mixed bag with potential for surprises is now a site for 95% of nothing but potatoes. Where are the pancakes?
  7. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from Misty in Trivia is the answer   
    An ongoing debate has been going on for a number of years in VHL; how can VHL get as many welfare users away from welfare earning and into doing point tasks? The ultimate goal and wish is that articles, graphics, and podcasts are steadily posted into the forum, creating a fun and active community that encourages people to invest in the league. Equally important is the goal to increase the activity on the forums and on Discord to create a place where people from all over the world come together to compete and have fun. Since VHL has a large population of welfare users, it is these users that can make a big impact on VHL.
    So far, the efforts to encourage welfare users to create point tasks have largely circled around trying to understand the users and giving them the benefit of the doubt by making sure the welfare users are able to reach the very top of VHL without the need to do point tasks. As we have seen, the results have been rather poor. Not that many welfare users have made the jump into doing point tasks and the new point task creators are largely completely new users in VHL.
    I see a lot of similarities between the welfare user problem and the obesity problem around the world. Many countries struggle with the obesity problem. As with welfare users, societies around the world have largely focused on trying to understand the people and giving them the benefit of the doubt by making sure the people can still feel part of the human experience by creating social media filters, spreading the inner beauty propaganda, and creating the "work from home" jobs. As we have seen, the results have been poor, the obesity problem is almost a crisis now as people do not have to do much in order to fill their every need.
    I think it is time we start asking for more. It is time for a new set of expectations in order for growth and improvement to happen. I suggest that in VHL welfare users are forced to answer 4 to 5 trivia questions in order to maybe claim the full welfare. Based on the research I have done, it should not take more than a few weeks before, at the very least, 50% of the welfare users just give up and start doing point tasks because it is easier to do a point task than trying to understand and research how a user that does not exist can have over 20 awards.
    Some welfare users might feel the need to do any research on trivia is simply too much and they quit right away, so I am willing to extend an olive branch by suggesting that the trivia questions will be "yes or no" questions, so you can simply guess the answer. If you did not get any of the answers right, I guess it was not your week. Based on the research I have done, it should not take more than a few weeks before the remaining 50% start to feel like research is necessary in order to maybe claim full welfare. And when a few more weeks go by they realize it is just easier to do point tasks, so they start doing point tasks.
    It really is that simple.
  8. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from Triller in Trivia is the answer   
    An ongoing debate has been going on for a number of years in VHL; how can VHL get as many welfare users away from welfare earning and into doing point tasks? The ultimate goal and wish is that articles, graphics, and podcasts are steadily posted into the forum, creating a fun and active community that encourages people to invest in the league. Equally important is the goal to increase the activity on the forums and on Discord to create a place where people from all over the world come together to compete and have fun. Since VHL has a large population of welfare users, it is these users that can make a big impact on VHL.
    So far, the efforts to encourage welfare users to create point tasks have largely circled around trying to understand the users and giving them the benefit of the doubt by making sure the welfare users are able to reach the very top of VHL without the need to do point tasks. As we have seen, the results have been rather poor. Not that many welfare users have made the jump into doing point tasks and the new point task creators are largely completely new users in VHL.
    I see a lot of similarities between the welfare user problem and the obesity problem around the world. Many countries struggle with the obesity problem. As with welfare users, societies around the world have largely focused on trying to understand the people and giving them the benefit of the doubt by making sure the people can still feel part of the human experience by creating social media filters, spreading the inner beauty propaganda, and creating the "work from home" jobs. As we have seen, the results have been poor, the obesity problem is almost a crisis now as people do not have to do much in order to fill their every need.
    I think it is time we start asking for more. It is time for a new set of expectations in order for growth and improvement to happen. I suggest that in VHL welfare users are forced to answer 4 to 5 trivia questions in order to maybe claim the full welfare. Based on the research I have done, it should not take more than a few weeks before, at the very least, 50% of the welfare users just give up and start doing point tasks because it is easier to do a point task than trying to understand and research how a user that does not exist can have over 20 awards.
    Some welfare users might feel the need to do any research on trivia is simply too much and they quit right away, so I am willing to extend an olive branch by suggesting that the trivia questions will be "yes or no" questions, so you can simply guess the answer. If you did not get any of the answers right, I guess it was not your week. Based on the research I have done, it should not take more than a few weeks before the remaining 50% start to feel like research is necessary in order to maybe claim full welfare. And when a few more weeks go by they realize it is just easier to do point tasks, so they start doing point tasks.
    It really is that simple.
  9. Cheers
    jRuutu got a reaction from Steve in Moscow Menace Press Conference   
    1. Looking back at the playoffs, what positives can we take away from that series?
    We made it a series, came from behind and won a big game, we showed can play at a high level when it matters the most.

    2. Raise your hand if you are hyped for next season and playoffs.
    Hand raised!

    3. It's my birthday on the 3rd, how old will I be?
    74, but that is because the assistant GM role has aged you beyond your years OR made you younger.

    4. Would it be fair to say that we put Moscow on the map during the season?
    I think so, Moscow won like 15 games in a row at one point, and made the playoffs, Moscow one of the best teams in the league!

    5. My player has a plan to really push defense up. Do you have a plan for your player?
    Same plan here, and some faceoffs too to get that puck posession as often as possible

    6. I am going to kick back and relax during this offseason. What are your plans?
    I will travel around the world and turn up to the training camp wildly out of shape. But that extra motivation will only help me push harder.
  10. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Moscow Menace Press Conference   
    1. Looking back at the playoffs, what positives can we take away from that series?
    We made it a series, came from behind and won a big game, we showed can play at a high level when it matters the most.

    2. Raise your hand if you are hyped for next season and playoffs.
    Hand raised!

    3. It's my birthday on the 3rd, how old will I be?
    74, but that is because the assistant GM role has aged you beyond your years OR made you younger.

    4. Would it be fair to say that we put Moscow on the map during the season?
    I think so, Moscow won like 15 games in a row at one point, and made the playoffs, Moscow one of the best teams in the league!

    5. My player has a plan to really push defense up. Do you have a plan for your player?
    Same plan here, and some faceoffs too to get that puck posession as often as possible

    6. I am going to kick back and relax during this offseason. What are your plans?
    I will travel around the world and turn up to the training camp wildly out of shape. But that extra motivation will only help me push harder.
  11. Like
    jRuutu reacted to N0HBDY in Trivia is the answer   
    I like this idea, having a separate pool specific to new members, however we do not have the capability to do so with the current system. Would be a Josh or Will thing but that’s just another thing to add to the long list of improvements they’re working on.
    My only concern with it is still the answer sharing because if we had just a specific pool running 24/7/365 for new member lbs it would be very easy to compile a database over time. I would honestly like BOG to discuss it because it’s just me myself and I making a large amount of the decisions for trivia and some more thought out input on where we draw the line of is answering sharing less important than retention to therefore justify answer sharing for new memebers?
    not a plug to put me on bog but more input would be helpful if we did decide to more forward on this
  12. Like
    jRuutu reacted to Gustav in Trivia is the answer   
    I do think trivia has a major accessibility issue these days. A lot of questions are either a.) pointless; b.) worded in confusing/misleading ways, or c.) intentionally made obscure enough that you need to know the forum inside and out to even get a hint at the answer. I’ve seen people get laughed at on Discord for having an issue with all of those things and I don’t think that’s right. 
    I can see where the idea that you should be putting in work for your answers comes in to justify those questions for people like me who have been here for years and DO know how to find just about anything. But I don’t think “lol, just try harder, idiot” applies for a new member or a casual one who might not have any idea how to navigate. 
    Now that the portal labels first-gen players, we should be able to have questions marked as appropriate for new members (reasonably easily found on the portal or the forum’s HoF section) or otherwise and have the weird ones excluded from those players. I think that would keep trivia expectations more fair across the board. 
  13. Woah
    jRuutu reacted to N0HBDY in Trivia is the answer   
    Currently Trivia cannot support yes or no questions 😅
  14. Woah
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Trivia is the answer   
    An ongoing debate has been going on for a number of years in VHL; how can VHL get as many welfare users away from welfare earning and into doing point tasks? The ultimate goal and wish is that articles, graphics, and podcasts are steadily posted into the forum, creating a fun and active community that encourages people to invest in the league. Equally important is the goal to increase the activity on the forums and on Discord to create a place where people from all over the world come together to compete and have fun. Since VHL has a large population of welfare users, it is these users that can make a big impact on VHL.
    So far, the efforts to encourage welfare users to create point tasks have largely circled around trying to understand the users and giving them the benefit of the doubt by making sure the welfare users are able to reach the very top of VHL without the need to do point tasks. As we have seen, the results have been rather poor. Not that many welfare users have made the jump into doing point tasks and the new point task creators are largely completely new users in VHL.
    I see a lot of similarities between the welfare user problem and the obesity problem around the world. Many countries struggle with the obesity problem. As with welfare users, societies around the world have largely focused on trying to understand the people and giving them the benefit of the doubt by making sure the people can still feel part of the human experience by creating social media filters, spreading the inner beauty propaganda, and creating the "work from home" jobs. As we have seen, the results have been poor, the obesity problem is almost a crisis now as people do not have to do much in order to fill their every need.
    I think it is time we start asking for more. It is time for a new set of expectations in order for growth and improvement to happen. I suggest that in VHL welfare users are forced to answer 4 to 5 trivia questions in order to maybe claim the full welfare. Based on the research I have done, it should not take more than a few weeks before, at the very least, 50% of the welfare users just give up and start doing point tasks because it is easier to do a point task than trying to understand and research how a user that does not exist can have over 20 awards.
    Some welfare users might feel the need to do any research on trivia is simply too much and they quit right away, so I am willing to extend an olive branch by suggesting that the trivia questions will be "yes or no" questions, so you can simply guess the answer. If you did not get any of the answers right, I guess it was not your week. Based on the research I have done, it should not take more than a few weeks before the remaining 50% start to feel like research is necessary in order to maybe claim full welfare. And when a few more weeks go by they realize it is just easier to do point tasks, so they start doing point tasks.
    It really is that simple.
  15. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from rory in Finals: Game 4   
    Cologne vs Bratislava
    Talk about a hot start to the game, when under one minute was played multiple fights were started! Despite the fights mostly even, the chaos appeared to energize Bratislava, they had 19 shots in the first period and they scored twice as Raikkonen and Sanzone made it 2-0 within one minute. Bungle got Cologne back into the game early in the second period, which was a tight battle, neither team had over 6 shots. Velvson scored a huge goal at the end of the third to make it 3-1, but Allard scored an even bigger one for Cologne as they managed to score a shorthanded goal. The game was 3-2 before the third period started. In the third period, the chances to score were once again limited, both teams had 10 shots, but Cologne never managed to get much of a comeback going on - Bratislava won the game 3-2 and they celebrated the championship!
  16. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from FrostBeard in Conference Finals: Games 3 & 4   
    D.C vs Toronto
    The Frenchman turned out to be too much to handle for Toronto in game three, The Frenchman scored two goals within 10 seconds during the first period, a shocking moment for Toronto, but Callahan managed to get one back, 2-1 was the score after the first period. In the second period, Callaway scored for D.C, shortly after Lattimer once again got Toronto within one goal, but then it was time for The Frenchman to score again to complete their hat-trick, 4-2 after the second period. In the third period, we did not see that much action, Toronto had two powerplay opportunities, but D.C. defended well and kept Toronto's chances low. Big win for D.C, the game ended 4-2.
  17. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from v.2 in "If the computer says it is x - it must be x" - TikTok staff of VHL   
    The cold and strong squeeze of injustice is slowly easing up from the necks of the people of VHL, the people can breathe again, but the scars and memories have not healed yet. A shocking misuse of power took place recently, a  written report submitted by a VHL member was analyzed and seen as "AI-made". The VHL member was denied TPE and ridiculed publicly by the league officials.
    Those who have not cooked their brains with TikTok and are able to read the article without relying on the help of AI can see the article reads like it has been made by AI as the article features big words and short sentences, which are both something that the Pro-TikTok staff of VHL are not able to understand and analyze without the use of AI. The lack of grammar errors in the article also shows the article must have been written by AI since nobody is able to write clean text anymore. Or that is at least if we believe the TikTok staff of VHL. 
    Where did the VHL staff go wrong? The staff assumed the majority of VHL are like they are; not able to read and write without AI, browsing TikTok every chance they get, and assuming nobody would put effort into trying different styles in their work. 
    With time our wounds and scars will heal. But we will never forget. I hereby suggest that one week before playoffs start, each year, every member in VHL gets 5 uncapped TPE as a "Tate Memorial Award", they were ridiculed and pushed out of the league by forces of evil. They made the ultimate sacrifice by exposing the laziness and sheer nastiness of the VHL staff. 
    I urge everybody who reads this article to play the song at the end of the article as they submit a 5 TPE uncapped claim to get the "Tate Memorial Award" and to show support to a member not with us anymore.
  18. Woah
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in "If the computer says it is x - it must be x" - TikTok staff of VHL   
    The cold and strong squeeze of injustice is slowly easing up from the necks of the people of VHL, the people can breathe again, but the scars and memories have not healed yet. A shocking misuse of power took place recently, a  written report submitted by a VHL member was analyzed and seen as "AI-made". The VHL member was denied TPE and ridiculed publicly by the league officials.
    Those who have not cooked their brains with TikTok and are able to read the article without relying on the help of AI can see the article reads like it has been made by AI as the article features big words and short sentences, which are both something that the Pro-TikTok staff of VHL are not able to understand and analyze without the use of AI. The lack of grammar errors in the article also shows the article must have been written by AI since nobody is able to write clean text anymore. Or that is at least if we believe the TikTok staff of VHL. 
    Where did the VHL staff go wrong? The staff assumed the majority of VHL are like they are; not able to read and write without AI, browsing TikTok every chance they get, and assuming nobody would put effort into trying different styles in their work. 
    With time our wounds and scars will heal. But we will never forget. I hereby suggest that one week before playoffs start, each year, every member in VHL gets 5 uncapped TPE as a "Tate Memorial Award", they were ridiculed and pushed out of the league by forces of evil. They made the ultimate sacrifice by exposing the laziness and sheer nastiness of the VHL staff. 
    I urge everybody who reads this article to play the song at the end of the article as they submit a 5 TPE uncapped claim to get the "Tate Memorial Award" and to show support to a member not with us anymore.
  19. Fire
  20. Woah
  21. Fire
    jRuutu reacted to Spartan in After 7 points in two games, Ruutu tossed around the lineup and chained to unfamiliar position   
    If we win game 6 and 7, I'll have next season's simmer rename our arena to Jarmo Ruutu Arena
  22. Like
    jRuutu got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in After 7 points in two games, Ruutu tossed around the lineup and chained to unfamiliar position   
    Moscow Menace, one of the teams in VHL, made the playoffs this season! In the conference semi-finals, Moscow Menace is playing against Helsinki Titans.  Before the series started, many were expecting a tight battle, and that is exactly what we have seen so far as Helsinki is leading the series 3-2.
    One of the more interesting stories in the series is the performance of Finnish center Jarmo Ruutu who collected 7 points in the first two games,  2+3 in the first game, and a few assists in the second game. Despite a strong start from Jarmo and from the team, the series being tied 1-1, the management of Moscow Menace made a shocking decision to move Jarmo Ruutu from the center position to the winger position, the decision can seen as questionable as Jarmo Ruutu is not known as a winger, Ruutu has played large portion of his career in VHL and other leagues in the center position.
    It must be said that the lines were changed with a few players moving around the Moscow lineup, but it is believed one of the main motivators behind the decision to change the lines was to "chain" Jarmo Ruutu. After scoring 5 points in game one against Helsinki, rumors state Jarmo had a meeting with the owners of the organization at the Moscow home arena. Jarmo, according to the rumors, demanded the home arena of Moscow to be re-named "Jarmo Ruutu Arena" as  "It is me who they are coming to watch"  was heard echoing in the hallways of Moscow Menace arena.  
    After the lines were changed, Moscow won one game and lost two, so in terms of results the change of lines has not brought the desirable results - yet at least. When we consider the real goal behind the change of lines - chaining Jarmo Ruutu, the results can be considered successful as Ruutu has one assist in the three games. The Finnish center has his contract ending after the ongoing season, which has further added fuel to the fire as a strong playoff performance from Ruutu could mean difficult contract negotiations. Despite chaining Ruutu to an odd position, the seven points in two games suggest the Finnish center could have the potential to be a clutch player in VHL.
    Despite the series being far from over, many followers online have also started to question the decision to change lines after a strong win and a tight loss with the last goal being scored into the empty net. Changing the name of the arena to "Jarmo Ruutu Arena" seems a relatively cheap price to pay for playoff success, especially as nowadays different sponsors have their brands play a part in the names of buildings and competitions.
    As the series is currently 3-2 for Helsinki, Moscow Menace has their backs against the wall. As we have seen in the playoffs, anything can happen. Can Moscow force the series to game seven? Is Ruutu going to show up to game six and carry the organization on his humble shoulders? Is the Moscow Menace home arena going to be renamed? Soon we will have the answers.
  23. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from rory in After 7 points in two games, Ruutu tossed around the lineup and chained to unfamiliar position   
    Moscow Menace, one of the teams in VHL, made the playoffs this season! In the conference semi-finals, Moscow Menace is playing against Helsinki Titans.  Before the series started, many were expecting a tight battle, and that is exactly what we have seen so far as Helsinki is leading the series 3-2.
    One of the more interesting stories in the series is the performance of Finnish center Jarmo Ruutu who collected 7 points in the first two games,  2+3 in the first game, and a few assists in the second game. Despite a strong start from Jarmo and from the team, the series being tied 1-1, the management of Moscow Menace made a shocking decision to move Jarmo Ruutu from the center position to the winger position, the decision can seen as questionable as Jarmo Ruutu is not known as a winger, Ruutu has played large portion of his career in VHL and other leagues in the center position.
    It must be said that the lines were changed with a few players moving around the Moscow lineup, but it is believed one of the main motivators behind the decision to change the lines was to "chain" Jarmo Ruutu. After scoring 5 points in game one against Helsinki, rumors state Jarmo had a meeting with the owners of the organization at the Moscow home arena. Jarmo, according to the rumors, demanded the home arena of Moscow to be re-named "Jarmo Ruutu Arena" as  "It is me who they are coming to watch"  was heard echoing in the hallways of Moscow Menace arena.  
    After the lines were changed, Moscow won one game and lost two, so in terms of results the change of lines has not brought the desirable results - yet at least. When we consider the real goal behind the change of lines - chaining Jarmo Ruutu, the results can be considered successful as Ruutu has one assist in the three games. The Finnish center has his contract ending after the ongoing season, which has further added fuel to the fire as a strong playoff performance from Ruutu could mean difficult contract negotiations. Despite chaining Ruutu to an odd position, the seven points in two games suggest the Finnish center could have the potential to be a clutch player in VHL.
    Despite the series being far from over, many followers online have also started to question the decision to change lines after a strong win and a tight loss with the last goal being scored into the empty net. Changing the name of the arena to "Jarmo Ruutu Arena" seems a relatively cheap price to pay for playoff success, especially as nowadays different sponsors have their brands play a part in the names of buildings and competitions.
    As the series is currently 3-2 for Helsinki, Moscow Menace has their backs against the wall. As we have seen in the playoffs, anything can happen. Can Moscow force the series to game seven? Is Ruutu going to show up to game six and carry the organization on his humble shoulders? Is the Moscow Menace home arena going to be renamed? Soon we will have the answers.
  24. Fire
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in Moscow Menace Press Conference   
    1. Did we kick some ass or what. How do you feel  going into the playoffs?
    Hopes were and are high, one game at a time - should be an exciting run!

    2. Do you think the coach will give us a pep talk before  we hit the ice?
    Yes, but maybe we should put a mic on the coach, so they wont swear as much?

    3. Do you have any superstitions or have any special routine you do before a game?
    I find the nicest car on the parking lot and shoot a puck to the side of it. Often time the car is my own. I drive nice cars.

    4. How do you feel about our chances in the playoffs? Will we go deep?
    We will push game 7 and ride through HSK , then off to loooooooooooong run.

    5. What does our coach like when it comes to music?
    Gregorian chants

    6. Do you feel good about your player? 
    Yes, working on the fundamentals is starting to pay off! Next season should be a career best year so far!
  25. Woah
    jRuutu got a reaction from Spartan in After 7 points in two games, Ruutu tossed around the lineup and chained to unfamiliar position   
    Moscow Menace, one of the teams in VHL, made the playoffs this season! In the conference semi-finals, Moscow Menace is playing against Helsinki Titans.  Before the series started, many were expecting a tight battle, and that is exactly what we have seen so far as Helsinki is leading the series 3-2.
    One of the more interesting stories in the series is the performance of Finnish center Jarmo Ruutu who collected 7 points in the first two games,  2+3 in the first game, and a few assists in the second game. Despite a strong start from Jarmo and from the team, the series being tied 1-1, the management of Moscow Menace made a shocking decision to move Jarmo Ruutu from the center position to the winger position, the decision can seen as questionable as Jarmo Ruutu is not known as a winger, Ruutu has played large portion of his career in VHL and other leagues in the center position.
    It must be said that the lines were changed with a few players moving around the Moscow lineup, but it is believed one of the main motivators behind the decision to change the lines was to "chain" Jarmo Ruutu. After scoring 5 points in game one against Helsinki, rumors state Jarmo had a meeting with the owners of the organization at the Moscow home arena. Jarmo, according to the rumors, demanded the home arena of Moscow to be re-named "Jarmo Ruutu Arena" as  "It is me who they are coming to watch"  was heard echoing in the hallways of Moscow Menace arena.  
    After the lines were changed, Moscow won one game and lost two, so in terms of results the change of lines has not brought the desirable results - yet at least. When we consider the real goal behind the change of lines - chaining Jarmo Ruutu, the results can be considered successful as Ruutu has one assist in the three games. The Finnish center has his contract ending after the ongoing season, which has further added fuel to the fire as a strong playoff performance from Ruutu could mean difficult contract negotiations. Despite chaining Ruutu to an odd position, the seven points in two games suggest the Finnish center could have the potential to be a clutch player in VHL.
    Despite the series being far from over, many followers online have also started to question the decision to change lines after a strong win and a tight loss with the last goal being scored into the empty net. Changing the name of the arena to "Jarmo Ruutu Arena" seems a relatively cheap price to pay for playoff success, especially as nowadays different sponsors have their brands play a part in the names of buildings and competitions.
    As the series is currently 3-2 for Helsinki, Moscow Menace has their backs against the wall. As we have seen in the playoffs, anything can happen. Can Moscow force the series to game seven? Is Ruutu going to show up to game six and carry the organization on his humble shoulders? Is the Moscow Menace home arena going to be renamed? Soon we will have the answers.
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