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Everything posted by evrydayimbyfuglien

  1. I'm torn. I mean I have a good job, married, own my home, have a kid, not necessarily in that order, so I'm pretty content with where I'm at. No need for me to go flaunting it lol
  2. Tell me about it. 10 year high school reunion is coming up next year ? ?
  3. my $80 includes like 5 standard def channels.
  4. Can you please use some form of punctuation in your comments? I am really struggling to understand what you're saying here.
  5. Review: I think you're right, the FA market has been larger recently it seems to me, too. Good article, no grammar/spelling issues. Word count/content checks out. Keep up the good work!
  6. Review: Nice article, even better career...so far. I wouldn't expect Toronto to keep you around this coming season but who knows, all the free agents could flock to Toronto and you guys will be a contender again, stranger things have happened. As usual, no grammar or spelling problems. Content and word count checks out. Keep it up!
  7. Review: Nicely done, man, and thanks for the shoutout. Grammar/spelling/content all checks out so good on you there. I think this season was still a success despite the shortcomings in the playoffs. We'll get there eventually, even if it's after I've dropped off a bit.
  8. Review: Not sure I've ever actually read one of these articles. I may have to go back and read them now. Nice job with this. Should be interesting to see this after the awards are all handed out. I think even if Digital's shooting percentage returns to the mean, he should put up decent points moving forward.
  9. Review: Very nice idea for an article. Very appropriate given the recent post by Jardy I believe it was. Didn't see any grammar or spelling issues. Very nice work. Would be nice to see a campaign come out of this. Preferably one I would be able to read up on since I don't think I'd actually be able to participate
  10. Review: Nice article. I wouldn't call your tenure disappointing but I can see where winning in the beginning then never repeating could be a little bit of a personal letdown. But from the outside, it's still a very good run. Grammar/Word Count/Etc. checks out. Keep it up!
  11. I mean, obviously that was the insinuation but I was wanting more info on the story.
  12. I figured with the money made from mobile gaming surpassing PC/console gaming this past year, it was a sign of things to come, people are spending more on mobile so companies are going to start creating more mobile content and less console-based. I could be totally wrong but the fact that more money was made in mobile where games are a lot cheaper means that a lot more had to be sold to make that money than say a $60 game. Edit: As for the Mario/Sonic thing, I just meant that those games will be a lot of younger people's introduction to those franchises.
  13. Mobile gaming is the gaming of the future, for better or for worse. That Mario Run or whatever it was called is going to be like our MarioKart or Super Mario 64 or whatever Mario you grew up on. Just like they have that Temple Run-esque game dressed up as a Sonic game. It's just the progression of things it seems. I'm more of a purist myself, I still have my family's original NES, our Super Nintendo, N64, Sega, and even Atari. I don't play any of them regularly but I do have an old TV just for that purpose.
  14. Captain Morgan Jim Beam Johnny Walker
  15. Started with a dwarf fighter as my first ever character followed by Bungo Chubbs, the halfling thief.
  16. I apparently wanted to make sure we didn't lose this one.
  17. I mean, I have never even looked into any new editions so I have no idea the learning curve, if there is one. I have only been told by people who still play that first and second edition are better and less complicated.
  18. We wouldn't really need to be local, just available at the same time, right? Edit: I'm interested, it's just not something I can commit to right now. Also, the only advice I can give would be if you're going to do D&D, I'd start with an older edition than 5th, from what I recall, they made things a bit more complicated with later editions than the original 1st or 2nd edition that original D&D'rs prefer, also the only editions I've ever played.
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