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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. http://www.vhlforum.com/forum/20-bears-roster/
  2. Gg ez
  3. Hello the VHl. I just want you to know that the hottest thread in the league right now is a thread that only 10 people are allowed to see.


    Kay bye 

  4. but that's good tho the ron is doing work
  5. thats no good
  6. I see you dont read the mag euh
  7. Perma ban gaudette
  8. Fuckkk
  9. Me likey
  10. Thats garbage
  11. *waiting for the perma ban protrest
  12. 20 hours ban only
  13. boubabi

    NYA/DAV; S56

    Top 10 player tho
  14. dortch doesn't want to leave
  15. yes, this probably needs a resim
  16. boubabi

    Guntis Petenis

    ^thank you
  17. You might wanna go see a psy for that rage issue Guess what sweetheart, trash talk happens and they are made to disrupt the other person Seems to work quite easy with you, connor mcgregor
  18. It involves dead babies
  19. *t h i c c
  20. Guess what tyler, even if someone says some crazy as shit that I dont agree with, I wont start punching him to death Some people can still have a debate without turning it into an ufc fight
  21. In what violent world you are living in? This isnt 1890 Call of duty might have gotten into your head
  22. I defend freedom of speech and anti censorship and show mercy for extreme punishment and now im a neo nazi Get your head out of your ass Sorry if your feelings are hurt, but I don't care about em
  23. Lmao tylar Nice bait
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