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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. Meh, your comments would hurt my last feeling if it didn't reek of jealousy.
  2. Yeah we will be ready today thank god. lol
  3. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 1 TPE) Game 2 - Helsinki Titans vs. Quebec City Meute - Meute Game 3 - Quebec City Meute vs. Helsinki Titans - Titans Game 4 - Quebec City Meute vs. Helsinki Titans - Meute Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 4 - Quebec City Meute vs. Helsinki Titans 3-2 Qebec Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Axelsson Series leader in goals: Axelsson Series leader in assists: Velvet
  4. it is supposed to be 6 F, 4 D, 2, that being said if you are in a bind or have active guys you want to use it will be allowed
  5. Yeah thats been up for more than a week.
  7. 3 point game, needed that. Tied for most assists in the playoffs, second in defenseman points, most shots blocked by a good margin, love it.
  8. Good to hear man, I have had my battles as well with things like this. Glad to see you are a fighter, positive attitude and hard work can overcome all.
  9. C - Unassisted @STZ C - Xander Finn @Jericho W - Tom Lincoln @Pablo W - Pierre Gaudette @Frank W - Vincent Virtanen @Lunaro W - Motherfucker Sharpe @JardyB10 D - Black Velvet @Higgins D - Hudson Abbott @Bushitroll D - Lee King Snatch @Smarch D - Felix Savard @Frank G - Rhett Degratt @STZ G - Markus King @Kendrick
  10. I was wondering that myself, if the world cup is after playoffs I don't see why not. If it is set up during playoffs it will be hard since the VHLMers can't add them for playoffs. I guess that will be up to whoever is doing the file work.
  11. Could @STZ be the first person in league history with two players on the same World Cup team

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. STZ


      Rhett and Unassisted won a gold together

    3. Gudnason


      Holikolov incoming @Beketov

    4. Phil



  12. C - Unassisted @STZ C - Xander Finn @Jericho W - Tom Lincoln @Pablo W - Ted Doughty @Jala W - Vincent Virtanen @Lunaro W - Motherfucker Sharpe @JardyB10 D - Black Velvet @Higgins D - Hudson Abbott @Bushitroll D - Lee King Snatch @Smarch D - Felix Savard @Frank G - Rhett Degratt @STZ G - Markus King @Kendrick
  13. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-UPl5GEOfC6hBgO1AT0aGoAeIFilK4Awqv2H0bTjCnU/edit?usp=sharing
  14. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-UPl5GEOfC6hBgO1AT0aGoAeIFilK4Awqv2H0bTjCnU/edit?usp=sharing
  15. COmputer is fine, I just walked away and it did an update and restart, I should have them up within the hour I hope
  16. Yeah Yeah no problem, I'm trying to get the spread sheet up today, My computer crashed right before I had the last one done and I had to start over but I'm about half done it and saving after each country this time.
  17. Team Canada - @Bushitroll Team USA - @BobertZ Team Scandinavia (Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland) - @boubabi Team Western Europe (England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Germany) - @Kendrick Team World (All other countries) - @punkhippie Team Mercenaries (Any players not selected for the above five teams) @Fire Hakstol https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-UPl5GEOfC6hBgO1AT0aGoAeIFilK4Awqv2H0bTjCnU/edit?usp=sharing
  18. lol, you think this is heated? Jesus you live a sheltered life.
  19. Get your tongue off my balls, it's the only place I'm ticklish
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