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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. It's the exact same at the sig you made for Gretzgy tbh. It's a good style and looks nice, jersey change is great. I'm not big on the distorted background or the text but that's more personal preferences.
  2. It's the exact same at the sig you're wearing tbh. It's a good style and looks nice, jersey change is great. I'm not big on the distorted background or the text but that's more personal preferences.
  3. Size is better in this one but still could be smaller and I think the stock that is overlayed could be better but the text is improved and the overall feel of this is strides made very quickly, nice work.
  4. I like the blending and all but the size is far to big to use as a sig and the text could use some help. Overall it's pretty impressive for a phone job.
  5. This is one of those sigs that looks dirty good with out adding a bunch of bullshit. A little stock work and some nice coloring and lighting and it looks fantastic.
  6. Text, coloring and lighting are all great here, it's a great piece of work my man.
  7. I think it could be smaller and still look great, I like the coloring but the blue dots are too plentiful I feel. Overall it looks great though and the texture has a good feel to it.
  8. Coloring, Lighting, jersey change are all spot on. Very nice work my friend. The lighting on the text is a little strong but that is a pretty minor complaint.
  9. Reward: 1 Million Player Store Cash Eggs Cost: 1 Easter Egg For Player: Hudson Abbott Reward: 1 Million Player Store Cash Eggs Cost: 1 Easter Egg For Player: Hudson Abbott Reward: 1 Million Player Store Cash Eggs Cost: 1 Easter Egg For Player: Hudson Abbott
  10. Come play for a team you can actually get ice time on, Oslo Storm offer $1,000,000, we have the second best goalie and a good group of players
  11. Bushito

    Jake Scheel

    Come play for a team you can actually get ice time on, Oslo Storm offer $1,000,000
  12. Come play for a team you can actually get ice time on, Oslo Storm offer $1,000,000
  13. This is clean and I like it. One thing I noticed is it looks like a white line running through his lips
  14. Bushito

    Carryl Took

    Oslo Storm offer 1,000,000 for the season
  15. Bushito

    Darryl Took

    Oslo Storm offers $1,000,000 for the season
  16. Oslo Storm offer $1,000,000 for the year, come join us
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