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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. Yup and you started 6 weeks before me and are up by 38 TPE, No worries though you can say I'll retire again and I can laugh in your face as King's career goes up in smoke. The only time you'll be relevant is when Abbott is on your blue line in the World Cups.
  2. Team Canada updated on the spreadsheet, 4 more teams to go.

  3. I'm not a big fan of the lighting, the bottom is dark and the top overly light. Also on the text I feel it would look better as a solid white with a little glow on it. Love that font and the coloring is great.
  4. Apply for this! As a GM, you'll be tasked with: - Selecting a roster of players to represent your country - Helping to generate discussion with your selected team-mates in both your respective team forum and in game threads. - Submitting lines for each game (If you have no prior experience of this, then a teammate or the World Cup Commissioners will be more than happy to assist). Team List: Team Canada Team USA Team Scandinavia (Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland) Team Western Europe (England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Germany) Team World (All other countries) Team Mercenaries (Any players not selected for the above five teams) Things To Consider: - A small TPE payment will be awarded to General Managers, providing an extra incentive for those thinking about applying for the role. - Primarily, we will be looking to have teams represented by General Managers that own players of the same nationality. - If you're someone with no previous management experience in the VHL, then a role as World Cup General Manager is a great way to introduce you to the basic concepts of managing a team. - The World Cup does not have a fixed start date as of yet but I am working on the spreadsheet right now and should have it up this weekend. Team Spreadsheets - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-UPl5GEOfC6hBgO1AT0aGoAeIFilK4Awqv2H0bTjCnU/edit?usp=sharing
  5. Oslo Storm Offer $2,000,000
  6. (A2) Ottawa vs (M2) Pittsburgh Winner: Pittsburgh # of Games: 5 WESTERN CONFERENCE (P1) Anaheim vs (W2) Nashville Winner: Nashville # of Games: 6
  7. where the hell is my Aackckqz Ky
  8. Season reminds me of my VHLM team. Outshoot opponents by double and win by a goal or lose.
  9. Meute Riga Helsinki Wranglers
  10. Because they could only chose one person so they decided on the better option.
  11. Glad to have you back, I'll tyry my best to get your new player back to Oslo as well.
  12. Oh nice, you found it, I was just going to shoot you a link. Thanks for the contribution to Oslo, much appreciated.
  13. If you had carry over TPE you are claimed from my understanding
  14. Yeah I'll put my name in for this job, I have time right now to start on the lists and stuff
  15. Wooooooooooooo, welcome to the team
  16. The Oslo Storm would like to offer you $2,000,000 to play for us for the season and compete for a cup. @YEAH!stlemania
  17. The Oslo Storm would like to offer you $2,000,000 to play for us this season and try to compete for a cup.
  18. Needs to get some lighting going and the stock work seems a bit messy. Text and background choice could be better. Overall you have been improving I feel and everyone stumbles sometimes. If you keep at it you'll keep improving, If you find a Background that really suits your render put it behind and over top and erase around the render softly until you get the right mix. Basic advise I know but if you want more or have questions PM me any time.
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