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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. Not big on the text but the render and blending work is great. Coloring works well and overall it's really nice.
  2. The light text on the overly darkened background works great here, blending is really good. Overall very nice work here bud.
  3. You could use some lighting here and if you use a background close in color to the jersey and text it'll help to bring everything together. Overall it's a great start and I look forward to seeing more.
  4. Coloring, text, lighting, this is beautiful once again and one of your best in my opinion.
  5. The lighting is too powerful and I can't read the text, size is also an issue for me, it's too big. That being said the coloring is great, the texture is great and overall it's a nice piece.
  6. Text is nice, the background is pretty good. The render seems to be rally bright like something is overlaying it and bringing the quality down a bit. Overall good work though.
  7. Beautiful, love the subtle blending and lighting here, text is great, no complains here.
  8. Love the blending and the text work. Overall nothing to complain about, it looks great.
  9. Love the render work, the blending, the grunge feel. Not big on the text but overall this is a great piece.
  10. I like the render and the lighting is decent, the blue in the visor is weird however and some overlayed stock work could be great here.
  11. I love the blending and stock work here. The coloring is great, text is decent. Really nice work overall
  12. This is unreal, I love the coloring, lighting and text. I'm not big on the paper stock but that is really nitpicking and as usual this is another beautiful work my friend.
  13. The coloring, lighting and text are absolutely beautiful. Really nothing to pick on here at all.
  14. The lighting and coloring are great, the bees in the swarm edition are great, not anything to complain about here besides Nick Cage, fack Nick Cage.
  15. The coloring and text are great here, render work is great. This is absolutely beautiful.
  16. Really nice render, coloring and text, no complaints from this guy it's a great piece.
  17. I like this, background, render, coloring is all good. I'm not big on the lighting and text is hard to read but not horrible by any means. Overall nice job here.
  18. Render work is awesome, coloring is great, no complaints here it's stellar as usual.
  19. The text and background are good but the render looks a little low quality to me, I'm not sure if it's the blur or what the deal is but overall the graphic is a good.
  20. I think when doing a grouping of text like that it's best to have no dead spaces, It's a little plain for my taste and I don't like the blurry bit but as a whole it's nice.
  21. I've done lines twice this season and you should probably not be talking shit about something you know nothing about.
  22. You didn't gift shit you got players and had to dump some because they were sick of no playing time. you want to fight over bullshit in VHLM I'll be happy to school you. I work at 4 am, goodnight. until tomorrow
  23. You've signed virtually everyone for free and then trade players for extra shit and then went way over the 5 mil rule before anyone else touched it. The rules were scrapped for your teams benefit who should never have been allowed to have 85 picks in a draft. You can say I'm a jelous GM but i'd actually make proper rules, follow current ones and make the VHLM less than a joke which it currently is.
  24. I've signed 2 mil player this season previously but if someone from Vegas wants to call BS on the league I'm game for that. It'll be a complete mockery the other way.
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