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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. Beaviss

    (S60) YUK/SSK

    @Gooningitup when you accept the trade you will be at the max contracts allowed
  2. Beaviss

    (S60) YUK/SSK

    Your going to do amazing in sask.
  3. You keep the noise down upstairs boy or I’m coming up there with the belt.
  4. Not likely they got he Louth curse now
  5. @Velevra your play is really starting to pick up!
  6. Good thing I picked Jacob in fantasy...
  7. Yeah I know I just noticed that yesterday I’ll be sending in the lines soon.
  8. Im starting to think my players are cursed..... Beau joins sask they suck ass unexpectedly.... Keaton joins Que they rebuild... then gets moved to CGY and then they all of a sudden start sucking more than expected....
  9. Is it me or is it weird and slightly unfair that half the VHL gets weekly updates and the other half gets them every two-three?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spade18


      lol wanna talk about the VHLM's like once a month?

    3. Will


      We're working on that this season, VHLM just got an update the other day too and they should be getting another early next week. 

    4. scoop


      Velevra is the VHL's unsung hero

  10. The VHLM Commissioners @Beaviss and @Smarch are pleased to announce the new management team for the Oslo Storm. is....... @Laflamme We found his VHLM GMing background was a great asset to the job and thought he was the best for the job. Congrats
  11. He takes shitty penalties and ain’t scoring....
  12. @YoungBlood welcome! How did you find us!?
  13. Please post in this thread old and new members. If you would like to apply privately please message myself or @Smarch. Pay is 2 TPE a week. We need a new General Manager as soon as possible so don’t wait!
  14. Round Two of the VHLM management hunt begins. Any interest in the position please messsge myself and or @Smarch

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Banackock
    3. diamond_ace


      You're already GM of Seattle, but theoretically if you got someone for Seattle you could do Oslo if you'd prefer, or so I would think

    4. BluObieZ
  15. The Oslo Storm Mangement team has been let go by the league as they have gone missing in action. Effective immediately @eaglesfan036will no longer be the General Manager of the Oslo Storm. Also with these new changes the hunt for a new General Manager will begin any interest in the position can be directed at @Beaviss and or @Smarch.
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