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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. @Batman great first game!
  2. This I cannot add him to my roster beacuse he doesn’t exist in the sim yet neither does @Batman The VHLM was healthy the last year or two now it’s going down quickly
  3. Beaviss

    D - Batman

    Sorry he's already accepted my offer
  4. I write media spots myself take some ideas from other media’s you find let me know if you need any ideas! welcome to the Lynx!
  5. How did we lose to the Vegas pesants?
  6. Beaviss

    D - Batman

    The cash buys you things to spend during your career $500,000 buys you some TPE but that’s the only thing that you would be able to afford for the next couple seasons.
  7. Beaviss

    D - Batman

    @Batman Ottawa Lynx offers 1 Million for one year. We can offer you top pairing mins on the best team in the VHLM! Other teams will also offer you contracts so you can wait if you wish to see other offers
  8. Welcome! If there’s anything you need let me know! @Batman I’ll send you a contract offer soon!
  9. Wtf undefeated to two loses in a row?
  10. Noooooooo our first loss!!
  11. Safari on mobile Firefox on pc with Ecosia as my actual browser
  12. The Lynx are very well rested now
  13. Why are the hour and meter mins gone from posts...... this sucks....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kesler


      I agree, this needs to be fixed.

    3. Will


      Hover over the date

    4. Beaviss


      @Will I’m on here 90% of the time on my phone

  14. @Tim Ottawa Lynx the leading team is the VHL offers $1million for one year!
  15. Damn so that means I cannot sign him.... shit
  16. The new General Manager of the Oslo Storm is......... @Boragina and to spice this up @Boragina has announced that he has hired @diamond_ace as his Assistant General Manager Congratulations guys! @Frank could you do the LR permission?
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