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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. What I do is I delete the @ and then retype the name usually works
  2. Welcome if you need anything don't hesitate to ask
  3. Thats definatly a deterrent with the recent EA hate every one is hating pay to win.
  4. Project two's elimination will impact the draft for a little while but after the changes take then we will see a rebound of old members most likely. We should have a user base wide email sent out highlighting the new changes.
  5. Suggestions/ Ideas. 1. Raise the Starting TPE: I think we need to increase the starting TPE from 30 to 50-100. The increase would make players have more variance at the beginning of their characters it could increase attachment to there player. Because of this raise it would make the VHLM pretty useless so that's where my second idea comes into play. 2. Eliminate the VHLM: The VHLM is a lovely place it has different teams contending every year because of how the league currently works. The bad thing about it though is that it feels to far away from the big leagues. To some people like me that was a driving factor but for new people they are impatient for the long grind to get there. After your drafted as well it can be depressing because alot of the time your going to be one of the lesser players in the league. For example my player (Keaton Louth) was drafted 4th overall and was leading the VHLM in points for the majority of the season in my draft year. When I finally made it it was a big ego check since I didn't even make top 50 in points while being on the 2nd best team in the league. Just an Idea that will get torn apart as soon as this is posted but as a commissioner I believe just having the VHL would be best for the league. 3. Enhanced Website: Having a better more interactive website would do alot for attracting new members and or younger members. This site seems like just a forum where to most people that want to play a sim league they want it to be more interactive. The forum feel of the website should be the internals of the website not the front page. Their used to be a portal to something similar to this but it should be inputted into the face of the VHL not just a back page. 4. Better Player Creation: Player Creation could be improved a ton having a text part to fill out is kind of amateur looking it should be a page where you can adjust your stats with a plus and minus button to the sides of the stat line with a header and maybe ever a facial creator to go along with it. With just these creation changes I could see people sticking around alot longer. Another thing ill mention with this is an email reminder a couple days after character creation to remind them to come back to the site. When I first joined I lost the website and had to go looking for it again got bored and then found it again a couple months later. 5. Random TPE Event's: Doing weekly(now monthly) gets stale pretty quickly especially when you have to figure out something original every week. Their needs to be monthly subject bonus TPE events. The event now about the Dispersal draft is kind of what im talking about have something like that regularly and not randomly. Would make activity spike more aswell as have more things to read and or write about weekly. Hope people like these ideas if theirs anything wrong please let me know and please give your thoughts on them.
  6. With a new cup to shine after ever season
  7. Been playing a ton of Fortnite on PS4 if you wanna play add me Beevlss 

    1. rory


      sure, adding u now

  8. Skye should win for sure carried the team on their shoulders and got us to the finals aswell as put stellar numbers up all year
  9. All my teammates are gone...
  10. It won't be a fight it will be a slaughter
  11. Nooooooo not @jRuutu!!!!
  12. This is truth I'm pretty much as far west coast as you can get
  13. I can confirm the city's matter for recruitment reasons I was about to leave when I first started cuz there was no west coast team to strive for. I stayed beacuse I wanted to change that lol
  14. @Arthur When is sir Lancelot coming?
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