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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. Ottawa claims Adam Warlock @Green
  2. Review: Great article I love the additions of highest TPE player. I love reading these every time they come out its an original idea and its a great way to do a power rankings esq article. Love it and I look forward to read the next one. Suggestion: maybe add the player on each team that adds the most TPE since last rankings? Largest improvement maybe? @Spade18
  3. Ottawa is better you got @Beaviss and chicks with dicks
  4. Next weeks defencemen ratings are going to be the hardest might do a poll before hand on who should be top 3
  5. What kind of player do you see your new character becoming? Whats your preferred team to be drafted by in the VHLM any ties to them?
  6. exactly Saskatoon builds are great
  7. Just shows you how well they are doing now
  8. @Spade18 When we gonna get a new one of these?
  9. On this Edition of VHLM's Top 3 in each position we have one of the deeper positions in the upcoming draft. There is a lot of Right Wings in this upcoming draft and unfortunately I cannot highlight all of them. So these are my top 3 picks for the position of Right Wing. Birkir Holm Gudnason Las Vegas Aces @punkhippie 1. Easily the best Right Wing in the league by quite the margin. Gudnason's agency had a press release that Gudnason might have a career ending injury leading to an early retirement that hes playing through currently. That kind of drive to play through an Injury might be the reason why hes having a career year. The shoot first Right Wing is leading all Right Wings in points this year a staggering 11 point lead over second place. His Two Way talents should also be highlighted not only can he pot quite a few goals but he is also solid in his own end knocking others off the puck. Having a +14 Plus/Minus is nothing to laugh at either. (Team sits currently in 2nd place) Matt Denning Ottawa Lynx @jvd 2. Number two on our list is Matt Denning. His player agency's first player could be argued as the 3rd or 4th best Right Winger in the league, but this player shoots up to 2nd in my books. Because of the progression and improvement he has shown so far this year. From not even being on the scoring leader boards to now sliding into 3rd in total scoring for Right Wings. His Coach had this to say about him. "His shooting and passing ability have really improved this year. He started this year on the 3rd line and his drive earned him a stint on the 1st line. The first line role didn't really fit him yet though so he slid down into a 2nd line scoring role and that really suited him. Denning is currently sitting at 34 points so far this year and expect that total to climb quickly. (Team sits currently in 1st place) Bradley Marko Yukon Rush @Kmarko 3. Also one of the newer agency's joins Denning on the list. Marko one of the most underrated Right Wings in the league is quietly having a amazing inaugural season. Known for his passing he quietly put up 21 assists while on the weakest team in the league. 21 assists is good enough for 2nd among all right wings quite the accomplishment for the new Right Winger. While he is 5th in points for Right Wingers, he currently has played 4 less games then Denning(2nd on our list). He is only 2 points behind becoming 2nd in scoring for Right Wings. (Team sits currently in 5th place) Honorable Mentions : Sadio Salah @CoachReilly Jules Cedric Labrie @HistFer Kirk Lazarus @RadiatedGold This wraps up the forward positions of my top 3 in each position. While most of these players will be 2nd round or 3rd round picks I believe there will be alot of value with these players. The potential is definitely there expect Denning to be a 1st or 2nd line Right Winger in the VHL and Marko to be a 2nd or 3rd Liner. All in all a very deep draft class with a ton of depth. I also added tags for all the players in the article let me know if you like that I tagged if not ill exclude it from my next Top 3.
  10. David Kiaskov 75 TPE Earned @Exlaxchronicles
  11. @CowboyinAmerica you liked my idea? Could their be a 3rd round in the future?
  12. Can I use @TheMinimum since they saw my post? @Corco?
  13. Ottawa Lynx offers $2 Million @TheMinimum
  14. Welcome! If you saw the link on metroho you prob saw my post! If you need anything just let me know I'll send a contract offer and tag you in it
  15. Ottawa Lynx claims Dragon McDragon @JardyB10
  16. Everytime you write something I read it in the onion knights voice
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