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Everything posted by Polygeekism

  1. @Bushito can we get an update to the first post so the picks are a little easier to read when you get a chance? TIA!
  2. @Beaviss running around trying to pump up all of us newbies
  3. Trucking awesome. Thanks!
  4. @MadMax The Aussie and the Irish lad forming up for some bash brothers action!
  5. F - Bo Boeser @CowboyinAmerica
  6. @Gooningitup Back to you
  7. F - Fredinamijs Krīgars @Gooningitup
  8. No but with snake you will pick twice at the back end of the 2nd going into the 3rd.
  9. Johnny McRadioMan: Thanks for joining us this afternoon Bastion. I know you are waiting for the VHLM draft tomorrow night. What are you going to be doing tomorrow? Bastion: Thanks for having me on Johnny. I am definitely excited for the draft tomorrow, and though it will be late, my family and I convinced a pub here in Dublin to stream the event. It is going to be a late one, but we are excited to watch the draft and see where I might end up starting my VHL career. J: You are such an interesting prospect being from Ireland. The Charm is also from the Emerald Isle, do you know him? B: No I do not know him very well. Our paths have crossed a couple times, back in youth league here in Ireland and than briefly in European juniors, but for the most part I do not know him. Hopefully I can catch up with him over a pint sometime in Dublin, since you know, we can get served at 18 here. J: He was also a defenseman. What about Ireland do you think fosters that kind of player? B: They do not call us the fighting Irish for nothing, haha. Really though, Irish people have a lot of times had success in sports and otherwise not because they naturally outclassed everyone in talent, but through toughness and persistence that allows them to outlast their opponents. I know I got that from my otherwise American parents, but growing up player Hurling and field hockey I believe those same things were fostered in my sports journey. J: I tried watching some of that hurling and Gaelic Football, I have no idea what is going on there. I will stick to Football and Ice Hockey, much more straightforward to me. Speaking of football, or American Football specifically, you're brother just signed with the Michigan Wolverines as a running back. Impressive that two Irish brothers find success in American sports leagues. B: I am super proud of my older brother Liam. He was a standout here in Ireland as a rugby player, and apparently football teams are scouting rugby players somewhat heavily now and he got a couple calls. It will be a harder transition for him since playing in pads is much different than without, and all the rules in that sport. I prefer hockey, just let us play you know? J: Very true. How are your parents dealing with you both possibly being stateside? Are they going to stay in Dublin? B: Honestly I do not think they have decided yet. I know that I want to spend my offseason back in Ireland, so I imagine we will keep a house there, but my dad especially wants to watch us play. They will definitely follow us around when they can. It has been a couple years since they have visited the States anyhow, so they can visit all their family and friends that still live here. J: Do you think you will make it into the VHL? What might you do if hockey doesn't pan out? B: Quite direct there Mr. McRadioMan. J: I ask the tough questions around here. It is not always a softball. B: Truthfully, right now I do not have one. I went to a hockey academy for high school and have no other education right now. Maybe I will end up going to college or something but really I am all in on hockey. Keeping my strength up is tough, the only time my dad ever weighed this much was when he was fat, so I have to stay 100% on my exercise and diet routine. I don't take plays off and I know that helps my value even if I am not the most talented player on the ice. J: Thanks a lot for joining me this afternoon Bastion. It was a pleasure talking to you. Good luck in the draft, and good luck with your career. B: Thanks Johnny. I look forward to playing in the VHL. 683 words, using for PT Feb 12-18
  10. Is Bastion Mac Finscèal eligible? If so Bastion Mac Finscèal Defenseman Fights Hits
  11. Do we know when the VHLM draft will be? I would assume tomorrow since many are probable doing V-day stuff tonight.
  12. What might I need to know?
  13. I could attempt to make a sig, but it would take me hours, and I would probably just use the plastic wrap filter. If anyone wants to make one for Bastion Logan Mac Finscèal that would be great. No real idea for the player, but the more Irish the sig the better imo. TIA to anyone who can help!
  14. Jimmy G is going to be the 5th highest QB going into the season. Cousins, and Brees should get new contracts worth more per season, and restructures to Rodgers and Ryan would put them both over too. I am excited to see what Grap can do in a full season, though as a lifelong Niner fan, who learned to be a cynic during the Alex Smith years, I reserve all actual judgement for when the games count. Plus if Foster starts missing significant play time, our defense is royally screwed. We don't have another defensive player with half the raw talent foster does. Well Buckner might but his impact is a lot less than a top flight MLB.
  15. Bastion Logan Mac Finscèal Defenseman 6' 230lbs Birthdplace: Minnesota Home: Dublin, Ireland Bastion has an very non-traditional path to the VHL. Growing up in Ireland his exposure to hockey at an early age was limited, but once he found it he took to the physical nature of the sport quickly. He went to a hockey academy and played some European junior league before getting an invite to the VHLM draft. A dominating defensive mindset is what he has brought to the rink for every team he has played for. PROS Physical Presence: From his first time on skates Bastion has been a force. Always looking to make a statement hit, wandering into his zone without knowing where he is is a dangerous proposition. He is not the tallest of defenders, but he is as stout as they come, and his focus on strength training shows whenever he goes toe to toe with opponents. Enforcer: Along with his obvious physical play, Bastion will drop the gloves when needed. If you take a cheap shot at his captain center, you better be ready to throw down with the son of a legend. Rarely does Bastion leave the rink bloody, and he still has a full set of teeth, something many of his opponents cannot claim. He will still help the man up afterwards, but messages need to be sent, and Bastion is the hound to do it. Calm: Though he plays with a physical presence and he is likely to defend his teammates, he is not a hot head. His hits are calculated, not reactive, and it helps his discipline on the ice. Constantly facing higher level's of talent he knows he has to think more on the ice and a temper will only distract him. What he lacks in talent, he makes up with a focus and calm demeanor that let's him see the defensive zone in slow motion. CONS Shooting: Bastion has a lot of room for growth in the offensive zone. He is not often a threat to score on his own, and his focus on defense often distracts from his responsibilities on the other side of the blue line. Like any high level hockey player, he can handle the puck, but drilling the back of the net is something he has not shown a high penchant for doing. Finesse: Square pegs round holes. Bastions tool belt is quite sparse, and finesse is a tool he does not possess currently. It hurts his skating and passing some, and makes it seem like he is out of place at times. This is part of his needed development and time in a system will certainly help him with getting comfortable with his role on a team. Until then, it is all physical all the time. Leadership: Some see his calm and collected demeanor as a lack of fire, and definitely he has had teammates in the past complain that Bastion doesn't seem dedicated. It could not be farther from the truth, but he lacks the outward charisma that most people look for in a leader. Maybe when he feels more comfortable in the VHL he will develop that like he did playing for the Irish National team, but until then he is going not going to be the captain of many squads. We at Polygeekism Sports Agency(PSA) are confident that Bastion will grow to be a key piece on championship caliber teams, and his prowess as a defenseman is going to make any goalie more comfortable when the opposing team is attacking. Keep an eye out on the upcoming draft and don't miss out on your chance to bring this quality player and quality young man into your organization! -PSA
  16. Gotchya.
  17. What island are you talking about?
  18. Just so I am sure, I essentially just have 3 points to add to my sheet? That is my main concern with this update?
  19. I am way off the deep end right now listening to an album by a Celtic Metal band named Eluveitie. The first song I heard by them is still my favorite though, King. Sorry no youtube access at work so the best I can do is a google music link. https://play.google.com/music/m/Ta2egbrtbhtqgogbhiz3ko3gxbe?t=King_-_Eluveitie
  20. Hey, I am here I am trying ;-) I have not looked too deeply, but has anyone created a female player? I imagine there is not anything explicitly against that right?
  21. Rumors of the VHL's demise have been proven to be vastly overblown, as the Season 60 Draft class is already filling with many standout candidates. Players from around the globe are coming to the VHL with aspirations of not only playing professional hockey, but to leave a mark on the game for generations to come. The brightest spot might turn out to be the defenseman, as the class is already 4 players strong and still has time to grow. One character is Billy Pilgrim. A hard forged New Yorker who eats, sleeps, lifts, drinks, breaths hockey. He recently incorporated boxing and yoga into his workout routines to hopefully round out his body control. His work ethic is intense, though maybe too focused as he was several hours late to his media day interview, hopefully that intense focus does not distract from time needed to be spent in the film room which is equally important to the weight room at the next level. We have one player who is still a little bit of a mystery in Moholt. He would seem to have some intense pedigree however, as Max Mølholt was one of the finer players to ever have played in the VHL. Max only had one season where he posted a negative plus minus, and in his eight seasons in the VHL he scored one hundred points or more six times, with a high of 145, and posting one season with 63 goals scored. Max was a forward, typically playing right wing, and Moholt is a defenseman, but surely that pedigree will pass along some success for this incoming player. Noel Roux is another incoming player from Canada that definitely has some pedigree, and might be the most well polished defenseman the draft has seen in some time. The scouting report has him well above average on the patrolling the ice in front of the goalie, and he has showed some flashes when given opportunities to put the puck into the opponents net. He may have a less balanced skillset at the time of the draft, but given time to develop, he is only 17 after all, he has the ability to show up in the evening highlights right away for whatever team he finds ice time with. Lastly is another unlikely hockey standout from Ireland, Bastion Mac Finscèal. His parents must have known he would be a defensive standout in some sport as they named him after the fortification rather then the typical shortening of Sebastian, but he has fully lived up to that name. By no means is he ready to compete with the best the VHL has to offer, he probably has the most room for growth of any of the Season 60 draft class, not just defenseman. That being said he has proven his ability to set a presence in his teams defensive zone that is disruptive and tactic altering for opponents. He joins The Charm as another standout from the Emerald Isle that lacks many of the development opportunities for ice hockey that many other countries have, but where there is the will, there is a way. The Charm is currently with the Yukon Rush putting the work in and carving his own path through the league. Edit: My apologies hockey fans, as I somehow overlooked another quality defenseman in the upcoming class, "Mad Max" Rockatanksy. Be sure to check out his media spot but in short, another unlikely country to develop a top hockey prospect, he is an Aussie. Having dominated the Perth Hockey League and drawn attention from American scouts, Max brings another voice, another unique history to the table for whatever team lands this prospect going forward. His experience leading a professional team at such a young age is sure to pay dividends, as he should be able to keep his wits about him when things are not going smoothly. Like the title states, this class is HEAVY with the beef. As with previous classes this crop of draftees is hungry to play and prove that they are capable and belong in the highest levels of hockey in the world. I like forward to seeing where these players are drafted and how their careers pan out. Until next time readers, Have a Blast! -Polygeekism 595(723 after edit) words, using for PT week Feb 5 - Feb 11
  22. Bastion Mac Finscèal Defenseman Dublin, Ireland 18 Bastion has had a long winding path towards a career in professional hockey. Born in Minnesota, but raised in Ireland, by way of his parents being expats who wanted to see more of the world than just the midwest. His mom, a project manager turned author, had a love for skating and the ice that she would eventually expose Bastion to, though his father couldn’t skate to save his life. His father broke into the internet influencer scene near 40, and now vlogs about things that no middle aged man should be interested in, mainly eSports and the latest meme crazes. During his primary school years Bastion gravitated towards stick sports, mainly hurling and hockey. Well, field hockey, because Ireland. Even on vacations he would take his stick with him, always juggling a ball or absently knocking it back and forth. His family traveled often given the luxury of living in Europe so close to such a variety of long interesting histories. Every winter they would visit different European landmarks and cities to see their holiday events. Everything came together on a winter holiday to Vienna Austria. Every winter they setup a rink outside of their imposing City Hall and have music and vendors to entertain the influx of tourists. Watching their son take to the skates while still holding that hockey stick there was really no other way to go. Being the younger of two brothers meant Bastion was constantly at arms. Learning to stand his ground quickly, he developed a talent for not giving ground and despite his smaller frame making it difficult for his older brother Liam to move him. Liam may still have been faster, but Bastion had a knack for being gritty and tough, and the spontaneous wrestling matches between them rarely ended in a loss for Bastion. Most often they were ties, but he wouldn’t be pinned easily. Liam stuck to rugby, while pads, skates and sticks quickly became a staple of Bastion's closet. The Irish still fancy themselves as tough individuals. Their sports of choice, rugby, hurling, Gaelic football, punching each other in the streets, all exemplify this quality. That being said those sports also usually end with both sides laughing over a pint of Guinness. Tough yet still friendly. Ireland is not a hockey hotbed, but he did find the Irish Youth Hockey league after getting that rush of skating on the ice and was hooked. It was not very large, but Bastion stood out for his tough defense, and would play with some traveling teams in Europe from time to time. He played one year of rugby too, but preferred the smell of the hockey rink to the smell of fresh grass. During his teenage years the Irish national team was finding some success in the IIHF, bouncing between the 2nd and 3rd divisions before leaving international competition in 2013. He was just 13 at the time and he was devastated by the evaporation of the team he hoped to play for one day. His parents agreed to let him attend Okanagan Hockey Academy back in Austria where his first donned skates. He developed quickly with the high level of competition and talent drawing attention from leagues in Europe as well as the United States. He spent time with some European teams and once again showed how he could stand up to larger stronger opponents. He continued to reinforce his presence as a defender, and dedicated himself to the weight room to make sure he would always have a strength advantage on his opponents. Despite lacking true height, his low center of gravity made him adept at challenging players for the puck and after he hit an opponent once, their head would be on a swivel any time they returned to the attacking zone. Bastion's presence allows his teammates space to operate and worry about executing on offense. He also is quick to help his goaltender and has a knack for knocking down pucks before they can get to and challenge his goaltender. After the national team left international competition in 2013 Bastion was a leader in the Irish hockey scene, and constantly pushed to get back into international competition. He had almost lost hope when he got a phone call from the President of The Irish Hockey association while playing abroad in Europe. In late 2017 Ireland was to participate in the IIHF Development Cup and Bastion quickly accepted the invitation to play for the team.There were only 4 teams, Morocco Andorra Portugal and Ireland, with the Irish falling to Morocco twice but earning second place. He was proud to have played for his home country, and was recognized as the defenseman of the tournament. He averaged over 6 hits per game, with a TA/GA of over 2. His goal scoring and assists stayed low, but the way he imposed his will on the competition was enough to garner an invitation to the draft class for the upcoming VHLM season and Bastion celebrated with a Guinness or twelve in the pubs of Dublin with his family and friends. Bastion understands that he needs to keep working hard and just making a roster is not the goal. The VHLM is just the first step towards his ultimate goal of playing in the VHL, and being on a championship winning team. He wants to leave a mark on the game that others will remember. Being remembered for check a league star through the glass would be a start, followed by winning the ensuing fight. His parents are considering a move back to the states as his brother Liam is talking to both the NSFL and the EFL after competing on the Irish National Rugby team, apparently American football teams are willing to take another shot on high level rugby talent. Bastion is also excited to see a fellow Irishman, The Charm, trying to make his path in the VHL. They saw very little of each other outside of some very early youth games, but Bastion has kept tabs on Charm over the years.
  23. Upvoted
  24. I was indeed recruited by @Spade18
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