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Everything posted by HawksFan19

  1. I edited it, so Pros are 200 words and cons are 200 words
  2. Each pro and con? Or just pros all together and cons all toghert
  3. JAROME IGINLA BIOGRAPHY Childhood Jarome was born and brought up in Red Deer, Alberta. His parents were the then famous Craig Iginla and Martha Monrew. Jarome was not the brightest kid in school. In preschool, we would usually be the kid at the back of the class eating his lunch in the morning, or he would just eat the crayons the teachers gave the kids to color with. At the age of 5, Jarome was almost marked ineligible to go to kindergarten. After his antics in preschool, the school board felt that he did not have a place in their school. Jarome's mother Martha, took care of her son while her husband was overseas playing for HC Davos. Martha ended up teaching Jarome how to read and write, as well, draw. One day when Martha was cooking dinner, Jarome found the television remote, without knowing what this gadget did, Jarome pressed the big red button at the top and the monitor in front of him flashed on. Jarome was astounded by what he had seen on that screen, it was his dad playing overseas at HC Davos. Jarome did not know his dad played hockey, let alone, he didn't even know what hockey was. Jarome was immediately attached to this game and his eyes were glued to the T.V until his bedtime. After constantly watching his Dad's games Jarome asked his mom if she could teach him how to play hockey. Martha was against it as she told Jarome that hockey was a very dangerous sport, and she didnt' want her only son to die playing a game. Jarome was upset about this, but he thought to himself "maybe she is right." At the Age of 6 Jarome was finally accepted into the top school in Red Deer, he ended up going to kindergarten for a total of two months at the school until one day the faculty members had called upon a meeting with Jarome and his mother. The faculty members said they wanted to bump Jarome up to Grade 1, as he was excelling in the kindergarten work AKA nap time and reading. Martha was amazed at this as she had been the one teaching Jarome everything. Jarome ended up getting bumped up to Grade two in that same year, so now he was studying a year ahead of his age. Math and Science were his subjects that he was the best at, while Social was something that always managed to put him to sleep. High School By the Age of 16 Jarome already had offers from top school such as Harvard, MIT and Stanford. On his first day of high school Jarome made many friends, most of which liked him for his intelligence, but also for his wide knowledge of many sports, hockey being the main sport. After a few months of hanging out with the jocks at his high school, one of them asked him "Hey Jarome, the hockey team tryouts are next week, why don't you try out?" Jarome told his jock friends that he never learned how to skate, his Mom forbid him from ever playing hockey in his life. His friends decided to teach Jarome how to skate, and in no time Jarome was probably one of the fastest skaters any member of the high school had ever seen, scouts reported him as "Speedy" and "Hunter" Jarome ended up trying out for the high school varsity team, and he made the squad in his freshman year. Jarome played top line minutes with fellow friend Rick Ross. The two combined for a total of 151 points through 60 games that season. Both led the league in scoring as the top 1-2 punch in the league. Ross and Iginla went on to lead the Maroons to the State final, but before the game Ross was out with his friends and got into an altercation which led to him being sent downtown. Ross was eventually expelled from the school, which left Iginla as the last hope for the team to win this state game. Iginla tried his hardest in the game, but without the chemistry of Ross he couldn't get anything going. The team ended up losing 6-0 and they were devastated. Jarome ended up transferring out of that school to join another high school in Calgary. Jarome came to this school with high grades, and great athleticism but that soon declined as after focusing so much time on hockey, he missed due dates and deadlines for numerous school related items. He had put up strong numbers with this new team, as in 48 games he had 14 goals and 41 assists, but this school had a policy, if your grades are good, you stay in the school, but as soon as the grades dip, you are out. Jarome ended up being kicked out of that school and he went on back to the Red Deer school where his high school career began. Jarome finished Grade 12 with decent grades, but due to this drop colleges like Harvard and MIT dropped their invitations. Jarome played for the Maroons again only amassing 14 points in 60 games. This was the lowest point of his high school life. Jarome even contemplated taking his life due to this depression he was put in. Jarome ended up getting a letter from Boston College on a hockey scholarship and ended up going to Boston to resume his hockey career. Career Stats in High School: College Jarome went on to play for Boston College in his year at the school, however, his grades had just been dipping so much that he was kicked off of the team just 5 games in. Jarome took the rest of that first year off and went back home to Red Deer to relax and take all this in. His mother Martha was not on talking terms with Jarome as she was against him playing hockey this whole time "See what this has done to you? You could have become a doctor or a lawyer, you could have gone to an Ivy League school. Now look at you, you are just like your father" Jarome never really spent time with his father, whenever he came home Jarome was always travelling with his team and whenever Jarome was at home, his father was in Europe playing. Jarome came back to Boston College in his second year at the school and he excelled both academically and athletically. Jarome put up big numbers for the Boston team, amassing 68 points in 75 games. Boston went on to play in the Frozen Four tournament where they were ousted by Michigan State in the semi finals. Jarome came back to play his third year at Boston College, this was a big year for him as he could enter the draft at any time. He put up 45 points in 75 games this season, and his draft stock fell quite a bit. Jarome ended up not going drafted and he remains a free agent right now. Pros Skating - Jarome is a phenomenal skater, he clocked in as one of the faster skaters in the NCAA, as well, he uses that speed to his advantage whether it be for offensive or defensive purposes. In order for him to be a more effective player, he needs to use this to help his teammates as well, whether it be for chasing down a two on one, or catching up to a three on zero. Goal Scoring/Shot - Jarome knows how to light the lamp, after many high scoring season throughout college and high school, he has a knack for scoring. His shot and power are both excellent and they clock in at the top of the charts as well. Jarome needs to use this to his advantage to scare goalies with his shot, as well, draw away defenders towards him to open up his teammates. Passing/Puck skills - Jarome's passing ability is one that no other player in the world has. His hands are so soft and smooth that you get dazed just looking at him stick handle through pylons for practice. This comes to his advantage during tight spaces in games as he always looks for the smallest gap to dangle through, even if there is 100 feet across for him to do it. Cons Weak - He doesn't have very good balance and can be knocked off the puck very, very easily. If he is paired up against big strong defense man, he will not get anywhere. He also needs to play alongside bigger players to defend himself, while doing this, the line lacks the scoring ability other than Jarome so he can't dish the puck off to these grinders. Jarome needs to start to bulk up his frigid little body, or he will spent more time in the stands than on the ice. Inaccurate Shot - Even with such a great shot, Jarome still does not know how to shot it accurately. Through the NCAA he had one of the worst shooting percentages in the league. Jarome really needs to get this up, as his future team may rely on him as a clutch player. In order for him to execute, he needs to start hitting the net. Undisciplined - Jarome Iginla is very undisciplined. If any member of another team aggravates him in anyway Jarome will take it a step further which leads him to time in the box. Jarome needs to learn how to control his temper and take it out on the scoreboard. If he takes stupid penalties he will cost his team goals, games and maybe even series.
  4. I have a job similar to this on SHL, and I feel I know what to do on VHL now.. so I guess I apply.
  5. Game 220: Lynx vs Wild - Wild Game 221: Gladiators vs Red Wolves - Wolves Game 222: Red Wolves vs Storm - Storm Game 223: Wild vs Rush - Wild
  6. Hello, my name is Kathryn Tappen and tonight we have a brand new segment on VHL Tonight, due to recent demand by our viewers, we are now introducing a new program called "WILD NIGHT" Wild night will showcase all of the VHLM leading Saskatoon WIld's games, as well, all transactions, and news regarding the team. The show is just about to start, so stay tuned for our first airing of WILD NIGHT! *NHL Network Music Plays* KT: Welcome to Wild Night, I am with my host Dean Liken, and tonight we bring to you, our viewers, our first ever airing of "Wild Night" Each night, we will go through all the games the Saskatoon Wild had played, give you a recap of the game, as well, talk about key contributors in those games. At the end of it all, we will give the Wild a grade based on their performance in those games. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! DL: Alright, so our first game tonight is the Saskatoon Wild taking on the Red Wolves. The Red Wolves are currently 1st place in Conference 2, with a 15-14-5 record. First period we go, just nine seconds into the game Gunzerker Salvador takes a bad hooking penalty to send the Wolves to their first powerplay of the game. The Wolves held tremendous pressure in the Wild zone, and they ended up putting the puck in the back of the net, as, MF Percy Miller executes on a beautiful cross crease pass from Tyler Cote to give the Wolves a one goal lead early! That was Miller's 24th goal of the season. KT: We go to the 5 minute mark of the 1st period now, the Red Wolves have all the momentum after that early goal and they would add to that lead courtesy of Marcus Eisenhower scoring his 1st goal of the season. Red Wolves lead 2-0 just 5 minutes into the game! DL: Just two seconds after the ensuing faceoff, Roland Brice knocks down Jarome Iginla, and the Wild go to their first powerplay of the game, ensuing draw, the puck comes back to the point, and Rubin fires a shot into traffic, it gets deflected by Rami Jakobssen and the Wild have life as they cut the Wolves lead to just one goal! That goal was Jakobssen's 11th of the season. KT: Great goal for the Wild, stopped the bleeding and got them back into this game early. DL: Just 20 seconds after the goal, Tyler Cote takes a bad penalty for the Wolves and he sends the Wild to their second powerplay of the game. Ensuing draw, Svensson passes the puck over to Mason Richardson and he nets his 24th of the season. Tie game now. KT: We skip to the thirteen minute mark of the first period now, the Wild turned this game around quick, and they now look like the league leading team we are used to seeing. Mason Richardson passes the puck up to a streaking Gunzerker Salvador and he beats Jose Canseco five hole to give the Wild a one goal lead. DL: Great on Richardson for the heads up play, also good for Salvador making up for that early penalty he took. KT: Salvadors 20th goal of the season gives the Wild a one goal lead heading into the second period ** SECOND PERIOD ** DL: Second period begins with the Wild up one goal. Just five minutes into the frame, Mason Richardson comes down the ice and shoots on Canseco but he snags it with a beautiful glove save. After making the save Canseco takes off his glove and gives Richardson the good old finger. That got the attention of the officials and Canseco was handed a major penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct. That ends Canseco's horrible night, in comes Alfie Forever to take his spot. KT: Really obscure gesture made by Canseco, expect the league to look into this. DL: Back to the action, on the five minute powerplay the Wild took a record 12 shots, with the clock dying away Oskars Harumpf takes a slapshot from the point and he beats Forever to give the Wild a two goal lead! KT: Alfie Forever NEEDS to stop that shot. No way a player of this caliber should be letting in softies like that. DL: Oskars Harumpf's 1st of the season looks to be the goal to seal the deal for the Saskatoon Wild. The game continues on, and nearing the final minute of play, the Wild add yet another goal, as, Mikael Svensson scores his 15th of the season to give the Wild a 5-2 lead going into the third period of play. ** THIRD PERIOD ** KT: In the third now, this game was all Wild, it seems as though during the intermission the Wolves just fell asleep and they just wanted to go home. The Wild outshot the Wolves 17-3 in the final frame and they end up taking this game by a final of 5-2. DL: Great game for the Wild all around, the first five minutes were the only part of the game were they were behind in every category. Kudos to them for the quick turnaround. KT: You are right Dean, 5 unanswered goals for the Wild after the Wolves netted two goals in five minutes. Big players tonight were Mason Richardson and Gunzerker Salvador as both played huge parts in this teams victory tonight. DL: Yes, for sure, Richardson had 1 goal and 2 assists for three points tonight, while Salvador had 1 goal and 1 assist for two points. Salvador really made up for taking that early penalty that led to a Wolves goal. KT: Overall for this game, we give the Wild an A-. Had they played a complete game, they would have gotten the A+. Nonetheless, a great game overall for the Wild. DL: That looks like it is all the time we have tonight! I'm Dean Liken. KT: And I am Katheryn Tappen. Both: AND THIS HAS BEEN WILD NIGHT!
  7. Also, since I posted this last night, would it count towards last weeks MS, or this weeks?
  8. Player Name: Jarome Iginla VHL Team: Helsinki Titans Cash you have: $3M Purchase Name: Experience Point Cost of Purchase: $2M Cash Left: $1M
  9. ​181 Americans 182 Titans 183 Reign 184 Iron Eagles
  10. It was a warm morning on August 11th, Jarome Iginla finally was making his return to the VHLM. The highly touted prospect is a native of Red Deer, Alberta, and he was finally coming back to make a name for himself. Before the game, he was greeted by many members of the Saskatoon Wild team, as well, the head GM Svodoba. Jarome was also greeted by many fans wanting autographs of the 19 year old, he said "this was such a surreal situation, I never expected this to happen again. I felt once my parents had deceased my whole life would be over" With just 4 hours to gametime, Jarome ended up making a trip downtown to meet with the GMs of the Helsinki Titans. The Titans had serious interest in Jarome until he left, but they still managed to take him early, as he was drafted 15th overall in the S39 VHL Entry Draft. Jarome met with their GMs and they told him they were happy he came back, and they expect to see him in a Titans uniform in the near future. Jarome ended up saying "I don't know if I will ever be that good again, but thanks for taking the risk on me, and I will try my hardest to make it payoff" Iginla played a total of 9 minutes that night, with no shots on goal, or hits recorded. He went 2/7 on the draws and really he felt was a shitty game. "This was expected, I haven't played a real game in 5 months. I need to start training hard again and get back into shape"
  11. Once a highly touted prospect with the Brampton Blades in the VHLM, Jarome Iginla went on an extended leave of absence and ultimately skewed his chances for success with the Blades. Jarome had his chances with the Brampton Blades, and he made the most of them while he was with the team. In 21 games with the Blades in Season 38, he amassed 18 points, 5 goals, and 13 assists. This was astonishing to most, as Jarome had been playing with a base build for most of the season. However, around the 25 game mark, Jarome decided to take a leave of absence. He left the Brampton Blades in a bad position as they had been fighting to make it into the playoffs, and the scoring touch of Iginla just left them that short of a playoff berth. With the remaining 38 games to be played, the Brampton Blade once superstar went on the biggest slump of his career. Not knowing how he came to the rink and played those games, Jarome Iginla scored a total of 0 points in his final 38 games, enough to have him become the biggest nobody in the VHLM. Everyone wondered, what did really happen to Jarome? What happened to this superstar we once heard of and watched play? Well, the answer is simple. Jarome had a horrible past, his father was a drug addict, and his mother was an alcoholic. He encountered many types of abuse in his household growing up, and well, he needed to run away from it. Jarome found himself a home at the Edmonton Childrens Home for Males when he was just 14 years old. His parents not knowing he wanted to run away from home wanted to find out what happened to their young son. They filed police reports days on end, hoping to bring home their lost son. The couple from Red Deer, Alberta hoped that their young boy had still been alive. Jarome asked his caretakers at the children's home to never reveal his name to any faculty member here. Jarome was soon living under the alias of Jordin FourFour for the rest of his teen years. It had been six months since Jarome came here, he met a few friends who enjoyed watching the Edmonton Oilers play and Jarome ended up gaining a strong passion for the sport of hockey. After the cinderella cup run the Oilers had, Jarome suddenly had the idea that he wanted to be a hockey player when he grew up. He got a couple of his buddies and they went to the local pond and strapped on some loaner skates. After 3 years of practicing night and day on that pond, Jarome ended up going back to Edmonton to reunite with his parents. Upon arrival, he was surprised by what his disappearance had done to them. His parents now lived in a two story house, which was beautiful, in the posch part of Red Deer. Both of his parents had stopped their substance abuse, and now were successful people. Jarome was very happy for his parents for turning their lives around, then it came into his mind "what if they don't need me anymore?" "What if they are better off without me?" Jarome contemplated leaving again to go back to that children's home. Before he could see his parents, he left. Jarome continued onto his life, and played for Brampton and that leads us to where we started, where did Jarome go? Simple, Jarome felt so sad about what he did to his parents that he decided to go back and visit them. When he arrived at his household nobody was there, the house was abandoned. He went around asking questions and he finally found out the truth about his parents. They had been murdered by one of his old friends at the Children's center. Jarome was devastated and ultimately felt he would never be fit to play the sport he had once loved. It has taken Jarome 4 months of healing and he is still not even the same man he used to be. He missed half a season with the Brampton Blades, and another half with the Saskatoon Wild. Jarome is now not looking to be the player he used to be, he wants to create another legacy for himself, one that honors the Edmonton Children's home, one that honors his dedication to the game, and one, that honors his parents. (743 words)
  12. Jarome Iginla, the once highly touted prospect in the VHLM has finally made his return back to the Saskatoon Wild locker room. Iginla, who has been on an extended leave of absence in Texas for the last two months had some choice words for GM Svodoba when he arrived in his office, he stated he wanted more minutes played, and he felt he was being underused. Retirement also came up as a question in Iginla's mind, but GM Svodoba quickly swept those aside and began to settle down Jarome. Svodoba said the Iginla would be repayed with minutes on the ice, if he was an active part of the community, as well, the team itself. He didn't want anymore of his shenanigans to happen again. Iginla happily accepted the offer placed by his GM and he was ready to make a Impact on the league. Currently through the halfway mark of the period, the Saskatoon Wild sit atop the standings with a remarkable record of 29-3-0. Jarome Iginla has played in all 32 of those games, only amassing 4 points somehow. Really, I have no clue how he played those games when he wasn't even there.
  13. Player Name: Jarome Iginla VHL Team: Helsinki Titans Cash you have: $3M Purchase Name: Free Week Cost of Purchase: $3M Cash Left: $0
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