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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. But see the mere fact that if we didn't have any of those extras, that a welfare person could make 1 TPE less than someone doing a PT is a bit of a problem. The max anyone should earn from welfare per week is 4 TPE and thats a fact, because anything more is just rewarding laziness.
  2. He has almost been at a point per game on a team with no legit other scorer besides Voracek. Maybe he isn't as good as you once thought and he was just overreaching in those years?
  3. Fong listen to yourself right now. You are saying that with a bonus a Welfare claimer should be able to type "claim" and earn 1 less TPE than myself who puts in a ton of effort for a graphic and/or media spot. Do you know how selfish and stupid that sounds? You always rant and rave about how we should be standing up for Welfare claimers and always state you'll only ever be a welfare player and then you go grab 800 TPE or what not with your players. So what gives? It isn't a give or take in your eyes though. It's a reward guys who only have 5 minutes who could create a solid player and make sure the super active guys do more work for almost equal TPE payout. "How often does it occur that a pure welfare player can outdo an active player", well considering some welfare players in the league right now are killing it, I'd say its a bit of an issue. See your discussion notes and suggestions could be a MS, thats just a lazy excuse on your part.
  4. Post this in VHL Fan and you got 1 TPE. See how easy this is @tfong?
  5. By saying that though you are basically telling us to reward welfare claimers? Basically a slap in the face to everyone else who is extremely active. Also in the amount of time you spend discussing things, you could write a VHL Fan article.
  6. You are basically saying, "let's make it easier for welfare claimers" when in reality they could easily just write a 2 minute article.
  7. Bratislava 3-2
  8. Bratislava Ottawa Yukon
  9. Haha okay
  10. Broke the shutout streak, but caught up to Ironside anyways
  11. 7th straight
  12. Yes, a time a few weeks back in which we did nothing...
  13. Because adult men pretend to be women?
  14. Plus with their maturity coming earlier than males, their regression should start kicking in 3 years into their careers.
  15. I was thinking that discipline might go down based on period cravings as well.
  16. Please someone else apply haha
  17. Boner jams 2k17!
  18. No shit.
  19. Okay Rhett thanks for the stopping of said joking around.
  20. Okay Rhett stop joking around
  21. Yeah I checked it out right after this. Looking clean!
  22. 6 straight!
  23. 5 straight!
  24. I don't expect an apology from someone who is a sheep following someone elses opinion. Weak minded individuals are allowed to be on sim leagues as well, don't worry. In the BOG as we speak they are discussing a few of the items you listed above, but of course they are just in discussion right now (some being brought forward a little bit more heavily than others). Us old boys? Umm it appears you haven't been paying attention but as someone who has been here since day 1, I don't go with the normal routine more than anyone. In fact, my price was pushed aside awhile back in the name of recruitment and retainment. If you think that's false, you really have been away for awhile. "I don't want it to be like the SHL" has literally not been a reason for anything in the past 15 seasons actually. That just shows how out of touch you are. If you still believe thats the mindset we have, than yes you do need a league update fairly quickly. But maybe your thoughts on that stem from always being Pro-SHL and never been truly "here" to provide a realistic opinion on it. The SHL has some great qualities and some I have even pitched in discussions, but they also have a ton of problems with how they work as well. I mean I could say the same about our league, SBA and any other league out there. You can't sit and complain while comparing leagues, because each league is independent and the only thing connecting them is that they are sim leagues and share some of the same overlapping members. I said lazy because how long have you been coasting with welfare and such and complaining at the same time. You recently said that a post in a LR hadn't been made for 5 days. I agree that is alarming, but nothing is stopping you from posting a small post to boost it's activity. Everyone looks at the "everyone but me" mindset when they are deciding to post and they are on the fence about the league. I also spoke up because (bless her heart) Jaime and you seem to speak out more than actually invest any time. If it's bugging you more to post and be active but keep coming back just to gripe, that's not a positive discussion.
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