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Everything posted by Kendrick

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  5. Our lines are fucked
  6. Yes, I am all for you doing so. In fact I was going to two weeks ago but was never responded to until recently. I don't think we'd have an issue anyways because the location I chose isn't one you listed.
  7. Thats not what I meant. I applied to relocate a VHLM franchise well before you came along and if they let you change, I would assume they let me change the location and become gM of the other franchise.
  8. I'm all for you relocating but if thats the case I got dibs on location first seeing as I pitched it 2 weeks prior to you becoming a GM.
  9. Welcome back! Did you create last time?
  10. Oh
  11. Why are you tagging me?
  12. Oh someone got tickled. I wasn't arguing anything except the thought process for the award, you seem bothered.
  13. But Maximoff also didn't bring anything besides the goals on a team that pretty much had only two star players. Not to mention if he is going to score that many goals you'd expect him to score more game winners. Just saying anything you talk up about Maximoff's goals, I can counter with his lack of two-way game.
  14. Fair enough, but he is still beaten in every category by Unassisted (one being huge)
  15. No I was just pointing out the 3 TPE for the same work haha
  16. Of course not, but to come out and say that goals are what separate them is just strange
  17. 3 TPE? I'll apply for this then instead of VHL NA.
  18. No but in a sense they look at the goals and then vote, which isn't what this award is about.
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