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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. #AnyonethathasntbeenonStockholm
  2. Doneskies! @Molholt @STZ @fatstacksofmacks @Toast @Advantage @DollarAndADream I have sent you messages in your emails as well in case you are interested
  3. Not a bad way to kick it off!
  4. You clearly only read the OP hahaha
  5. Does mine count?
  6. Added! No problem With you we have 6 members confirmed
  7. RIP Gene!!
  8. Yeah you never know. I've been going big on Facebook promoting it with NHL 17/NHL16 Groups and pages.
  9. What font is that man?
  10. Ive sent it to you guys @Phil @fatstacksofmacks
  11. DON'T STOP NOW! Keep pushing for the #1 spot! #Luda
  12. I have created the league: VHL2016 If you would like to join I will need your email address to do so! PM me or put it in here
  13. So you go months without updating and then you want shit down within 5 minutes? Gosh you are the pushiest lady in the grocery lineup Denise.
  14. Um... the opposite GM has had worse luck.
  15. We are the ones uprooting it, but people looking for fantasy leagues are down voting it. Maybe some SHL noobs have issues with it being far superior as well?
  16. Perfect plan, because usually there are guys ticked off that they didn't join the first one in time.
  17. I can run one if you want?
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